• Connecticut Is Latest State To Join The Bridge Project's "Unconditional Cash Programs For Babies"

    September 30, 2024

    A portion of the program is actually a randomized control trial done in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Guaranteed Income Research... which has partnered with a group funded by The Rockefeller Foundation and other globalists to promote Universal Basic Income.

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    A recent article in the CT Examiner caught our eye, firstly because it used the very woke term "pregnant people" in the headline when only women can get pregnant.

    And also because the article described a new program launching on October 2nd in Connecticut to provide "unconditional cash" for pregnant women for three years, including an up-front payment of $1,125 along with $750 per month for the first 15 months, then $275 per month for the last 21 months of the program.

    Yes, that sounds a whole lot like a "universal basic income" or "UBI" program, the kind of program that discourages real work and fosters government dependency at the expense of individual responsibility. This wasn't the angle the CT Examiner took, but that shouldn't be a surprise considering the state of the mainstream media in Connecticut.

    The Connecticut UBI program is being offered through a New York-based nonprofit called The Bridge Project, and aims to enroll 500 expectant women. Applications will be taken starting October 2nd, and you do not need a US-issued ID in order to apply.

    Screenshot, The Bridge Project

    The Bridge Project was originally launched by The Monarch Foundation, a left leaning NYC-based group that aims to "disrupt cycles of poverty" and "advance climate change solutions."

    It has taken in nearly $5.4 million in contributions and grants.

    The Bridge Project admits on its financial statements that a portion of the program is actually a "randomized control trial conducted in partnership with the University of Pennsylvania's Center for Guaranteed Income Research."

    Screenshot, The Bridge Project

    The UPenn Center for Guaranteed Income Research was created by a group known as the Mayors for a Guaranteed Income ("MGI") in conjunction with the University of Pennsylvania's School of Social Policy & Practice, a school that is fully committed to seeking social justice and educating students to "take an active role in the struggle against oppression."

    MGI advocates for guaranteed income at the mayoral level.

    “The COVID-19 pandemic has exposed what we as Mayors have seen for a long time in our cities across the country – that people are working, but the economy isn’t,” said Mayor Michael Tubbs, founder of MGI, on October 23, 2020.

    MGI argued that COVID "disproportionately impacted Black and Brown people" and "exposed the economic fragility" of the nation.

    Two Connecticut Mayors joined MGI, including Middletown Mayor Ben Florsheim and Hartford Mayor Arunan Arulampalam.

    In joining MGI, Mayors agree to advocate for a guaranteed income at the local, state, and federal level; to invest in "narrative change efforts to highlight the lived experiences of economic insecurity"; and to invite other cities to join" the efforts.

    MGI, along with a sister group called Counties for a Guaranteed Income ("CGI"), belong to a network of people advocating for guaranteed income for all Americans.

    Both MGI and CGI are taking part in a national tour to preach about the "power" and "benefits" of UBI programs. The Guaranteed Income Works National tour is being sponsored by The Rockefeller Foundation.

    By the way, MGI was founded in June 2020 in partnership with another left leaning group that promotes universal income called the Economic Security Project ("ESP").

    The ESP, part of the left-wing Hopewell Fund, is led by a former Obama campaign and Democratic National Committee staffer, Natalie Foster; she also held leadership positions at the Sierra Club and MoveOn.org.

    Another former Obama guy, and co-founder of Facebook, Chris Hughes is listed as a founder of the ESP. He's been arguing for years that it's time for America to embrace UBI.

    Screenshot, The Guardian

    The ESP has received funding from the likes of George Soros' Open Society Foundations, the Ford Foundation, the Hewlett Foundation, the Omidyar Network Fund, and the Rockefeller Foundation.

    In addition to UBI, the ESP also supports a massive expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), and so it welcomed Connecticut's Baby Bond program with open arms.

    Universal income programs fit nicely into the globalist agenda.

    The United Nations ("UN") has described UBI as "a periodically earned economic social service" that "configures as a guaranteed service based on subjective right." 

    The UN Sustainable Development Group, in particular, has advocated for universal basic income, arguing that it can "restore dignity and create a cushion against future shocks" and even suggested that UBI would have "stemmed the tide of rising poverty and inequality" during the COVID-19 plandemic.

    The globalists at the World Economic Forum ("WEF") similarly back universal income programs.

    "With the rising influence of AI and automation in the jobs market and a widening global wealth gap, guaranteed income schemes have been put forward as one part of the solution to growing inequality," says the WEF.

    Like the UN, the WEF globalists also argued that universal income was "the answer to the inequalities exposed by COVID-19."

    Who knew UBI was the answer to covid 'inequalities'?

    Of course UBI is never the answer, argues The Foundation for Government Accountability ("FGA"), which cautions that such programs "stifle the economy and fundamentally destroy the American ideal of self-determination."  Additionally, UBI programs expand welfare, which has been shown to decrease workforce participation.

    "The bottom line," says the FGA, is that, "universal basic income programs discourage work, are a drag on the economy, and should be banned by states."

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    Verus Super Omnia

    "We're not having enough babies! We need to do something about it!1!1"
    "Okay, here's an incentive for people to have kids."
    "No, not like that! That's too globalist and woke!"


    um, you sound like you got indoctrinated in connecticut public schools.

    this is not an incentive for people to have kids, it's an incentive to create a class of people fully dependent on government handouts, a permanent welfare class.

    Paul A

    Get rid of socialist democrats wish lists and leave our tax money in our pockets. People aren’t able to afford kids, a house etc… because Connecticut is the socialist democrat state of the new not so United States. Dems have been in charge for decades and our state is now a welfare state. Get off your ass and get a job. It’s is a fact that capitalism is the greatest and only way of lifting people out of poverty. Government Welfare keeps you in poverty. We know this. Ignorance is bliss.

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