• The Connecticut Pro-Choice Movement Wants To Allow Babies To Die After Botched Third Trimester Abortions

    They Also Want to Force Health Care Personnel to Participate in this Barbarism

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    You would think the pro-choice movement in Connecticut would be satisfied. After all, they are so powerful that any candidate who is pro-life gets slaughtered at the polls. Public opinion polls strongly support abortion rights, and every major Connecticut politician follows suit.

    Yet, the pro-choice movement is never happy. Thus, they attempted to obtain legislative approval to force health care professionals to participate in abortions and permit abortionists to allow a baby to die when a failed abortion attempt results in a live baby. But even this was too much for Connecticut politicians.

    Thus, the pro-choice movement is trying to bypass the legislative process by having the Department of Public Health (DPH) bureaucrats rewrite the law.

    One change the pro-choice movement proposed was eliminating the following sentence in the abortion statute:

    “No person shall be required to participate in any phase of an abortion that violates the provider's judgment, philosophical, moral or religious beliefs.”

    But why is this necessary? Planned Parenthood (who performs the vast majority of abortions in Connecticut), has clinics all over the state. The logical reason is that the pro-choice movement cannot find enough personnel to participate in this gruesome procedure.

    After the Dobbs decision (overturning Roe vs Wade), the Connecticut legislature responded by affirming abortion rights and allowing midwives, physician assistants and nurse practitioners to perform abortions.

    What was fascinating about this was that the medical establishment voiced no objection. In general, physicians strongly object when non-physicians impinge on their turf, especially in performing a surgical procedure. Non-physician abortionists are not trained to handle a hemorrhaging uterus, a sudden drop in blood pressure, heart arrhythmias along with the dozens of other complications that can occur during an abortion. Physician abortionists are.

    Yet when the Connecticut legislature proposed this, the medical establishment responded: “Be our guest.”

    Why? Because the vast majority of obstetricians – even those who support abortion rights - want nothing to do with abortions.

    This document also has the following language:

    “Abortions performed after the second trimester shall be performed only in a licensed hospital or licensed ambulatory surgery center.”

    The following language is to be removed:

    “If the newborn shows signs of life following an abortion, those appropriate measures used support life in a premature infant shall be employed."

    In other words, the pro-choice movement wants to legalize allowing a live baby to die if the abortion is unsuccessful.

    Third trimester abortions are technically difficult, even for the skilled abortionist. The unborn child must be visualized with ultrasound and chopped apart with a scalpel. The head must be crushed with forceps. As the neurological system is developed at this point, the unborn child feels pain and thrashes around the uterus until death.

    The dismembered parts are then removed through the dilated cervix and a nurse with a strong stomach must rearrange the parts into a macabre jigsaw puzzle.  Finding a nurse willing to do this is one of the reasons the pro-choice movement wants to force health care professionals to participate in abortions.

    Another method is to visualize the unborn child under ultrasound and inject a hypertonic potassium solution into the heart. But this too is technically difficult. The unborn child is going to naturally try to avoid the needle.

    Thus, either technique can occasionally result in a live birth. As killing a baby is still illegal in Connecticut (at least for the time being), the DPH and pro-choice movement want to allow the baby to die by natural causes.

    But how will this happen? If the baby is maimed by the procedure, perhaps the baby will be set aside howling while the hospital personal ignore her as she bleeds to death. But a healthy baby will have to be allowed to starve to death or placed in a plastic waste bag to suffocate.

    Perhaps a more humane approach will be to allow the abortionist to pith the baby – that is severe her cord with trocar (a hollow miniature spear) or use the technique midwives in China used when an unwanted female child was born - drown the baby in a bucket of water.

    After all, primitive cultures threw unwanted babies into volcanos or fires resulting in a painful but at least quick death. The pro-choice movement and the abortionists should have no problem advocating giving these poor unwanted babies the same treatment.

    Connecticut allows voters to comment on any pending legislation or bureaucratic changes. Anyone who wishes to comment on this topic can do so at this link:


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    Dr. Joseph Bentivegna

    Dr. Joseph Bentivegna is an ophthalmologist in private practice who ran for Congress and US Senate in Connecticut. You can subscribe to his Substack here: https://substack.com/@jfbentivegna

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