• The Real “Project 2025”- (aka The Hope Of Americans To Afford Groceries In 2025)

    September 1, 2024
    Public Domain.

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    I do not know many people who can survive without eating food. Over the past four years, we've experienced runaway inflation under the economically bereft and failed Biden-Harris administration. In economic theory, this inflation is supposedly easing, but it has allowed soaring prices to persist, especially for food. Vice President Kamala Harris, the newly appointed presidential candidate, has stated that she wants to eliminate "price gouging" at grocery stores through a magical formula of price controls that will somehow lower food prices and mystically make them more affordable. However, we know little about this program other than the classic liberal rhetoric that anyone and everyone in business is evil, especially if they seek to earn a profit to merely pay their bills.

    Does the esteemed Vice President realize that her party has mandated above-equilibrium minimum wages in many states, eliminating jobs and causing the prices of goods, especially food, to rise? Does she understand that the cost of the grain to feed chickens has doubled over the past few years? Does she know what a "profit margin" is and how unchecked and barbaric retail shoplifting can eliminate profit margins for many retailers, especially grocery stores? Does she have any clue whatsoever that the increased costs of energy are a direct burden on the costs of goods and services and their delivery?

    Profits are impermissible and taboo unless they benefit the Democrat Party's political apparatus, such as King Ned "the Unaccountable" Lamont and his family's myriad investments and hedge fund, millionaire heiress Nancy Pelosi, anti-capitalist multi-millionaire and multi-business owner Gavin Newsom, millionaire President Biden with his corrupt son's pay-to-play phone calls, “Multi-Millionaire Man of The People” Comrade Senator Richard Blumenthal, or Socialist millionaire Rosa DeLauro.

    Price controls are defined as "a government regulation establishing a maximum price to be charged for specified goods and services, especially during periods of war or inflation." Throughout history, it is clearly determined that price controls do not work, as anyone in the Democrat Party would realize if they bothered to research American economic history more closely, particularly during the 1970s. The price controls under both the Nixon and Carter administrations were abysmal failures, leading to even higher prices and shortages of gas and oil. For those old enough to remember, there were long lines at gas stations and great shortages of gas and diesel fuel during the two Arab oil embargoes. These shortages were exacerbated by price controls on gas and oil enacted during this time, rather than allowing the free market to explore and drill for more domestic oil to reduce our dependency on foreign OPEC oil. When President Reagan took office, he eliminated price controls, resulting in increased supply, lower prices, and a major boom in the automotive industry, particularly for the near-bankrupt Chrysler Corporation.

    Gas Crisis (1974), Public Domain.

    Presidential candidate Harris apparently contradicts her role as Vice President in her coronation as President, as she seems to believe that our economy is still struggling with inflation. She is now a declared candidate who is disowning her record as Vice President and creating yet another fabrication of stale and copied ideas as her own, including price controls to curb food inflation. Her Vice Presidency has helped to cripple many parts of our economy with unchecked federal spending that offers scant results, a failing green energy agenda without any cost restriction, abortion at all costs to the American taxpayer, a $35 trillion national debt, and a deep-rooted dislike and disdain for any American taxpayer who disagrees with her party's progressive, socialist, and communist decrees and ideals.

    Price controls always carry unintended consequences, and we are only seeing the beginnings of what another failed Democrat administration might look like. And this scenario is both dire and dour. I highly suggest stocking up on non-perishable goods and paper products because I believe that with the creation of the “President’s Price Gouging Czar” Office, we will make the runaway inflation of the past four years look like a bargain compared to the much higher prices and chronic shortages she will inflict on our economy.

    We are already dealing with billions of dollars being spent on social welfare programs resulting in crime, homelessness and hunger that never seem to go away due to the lack of accountability by the unelected and inept bureaucrats and failed officials who create these programs. More money and more taxes are their only solutions, and now, with socialist-type price controls, we are headed for yet another failed outcome. And as the incipient decline accelerates, we can look forward to the mindless patter of social media posts coming from The Unaccountable, and/or members of the Connecticut State Senate as to “achieving equity” or “the evils of MAGA” or “The Connecticut Comeback” or the clincher of “Trump is/was a Felon”, all of which will of course offer comfort and reassurance for any Connecticut family without enough cash for milk or eggs.

    America can avoid this scenario. The solution is to vote this economic and societal cancer known as the Democrat Party out of office, a party that is now led by a Vice President who has never truly led, and her gang of multi-millionaire bureaucrats who have no understanding of economic reality whatsoever. I personally believe she has been an atrocious failure as the next in command (if anyone is in command) in the White House. She and her party need to go, so our country and economy can become free again in 2025. It would be the last hope for America.

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    Bob Swick

    I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.

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