• The Seven Deadly Sins Of The Biden, Harris And Himes Administration

    Vote Goldstein On August 13 and Stop These Sins From Continuing

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    Here are the Seven Deadly Sins of the Biden, Harris and Himes Administration:

    1. First - They Came For Our Freedom With Unreasonable Lockdowns
    2. Second - They Took Away Our Affordable Energy
    3. Third - They Came After Our Children
    4. Fourth - They Opened the Border to Everyone Including Terrorists, Criminals, Gang Members, Drug Dealers, Child and Sex Traffickers
    5. Fifth - They Have Turned Our Healthcare System Into a Bureaucratic Overpriced System Where Patients, Doctors and Other Healthcare Providers Don’t Matter
    6. Sixth - They Have Legitimized Antisemitic Riots and Physical Assaults Against Jews and Jewish Institutions
    7. Seventh - Crime Pays

    First They Came For Our Freedom With Unreasonable Lockdowns

    During the COVID Pandemic there was panic and fear of massive deaths. In response to that fear we surrendered our liberties and we were abused. Our lives were restricted beyond what was necessary. Businesses were either classified as essential and remained open or non essential and shut down. Houses of Worship were closed and liquor stores remained open. Vaccine mandates were arbitrarily imposed. There was no open scientific discourse regarding the pros and cons of vaccine policy regarding the medical necessity of every age group being vaccinated without any risk analysis. Dissent was censored. There was huge misinformation, including the fact that vaccines gave total immunity, when it did not,  and that vaccinated people could not transmit COVID to others when they could. Vaccine immunity proved to be  short lived, requiring frequent boosters.  Individuals who had natural immunity should not have needed to be vaccinated. Those who resisted lost their jobs, were ostracized  and were mislabeled as radicals. Vaccines did play a beneficial role especially in the elderly, the sick and nursing home populations. More sophisticated risk benefit analysis, including the risk of myocarditis,  should have been done in the younger populations. The lessons to be learned are not to give up our liberty so freely, to take it back as quickly as possible and to make healthcare policy based on scientific facts, where all sides of the issue have a fair chance to be heard.

    Second They Took Away Our Affordable Energy

    Almost immediately after Biden took office his radical changes in our energy policy caused the price of gasoline to almost triple, the price of heating oil tripled and natural gas prices rose significantly. High electric prices soon followed. High grocery prices and consumer prices followed suit. But team Biden including Himes did nothing to stop the economic harm caused by these skyrocketing energy costs. In fact their only solution is for us to buy overpriced solar panels mostly made in China with huge government subsidies paid for by taxpayers and electric utility rate payers. Many people are struggling to make ends meet and many are going into debt thanks to bad policies.  Our nuclear power plants are from the 1970’s and we need new cost effective mini-nuclear power plants. Access to enough cheap natural gas are blocked by federal laws that need to be changed. None of this pain had to happen. Let’s return to affordable energy and increased domestic production rather than import higher priced oil from dictators

    Third They Came After Our Children

    During the pandemic schools were closed for too long. Education became more political the focused on the skills necessary to function in a 21st Century economy.  Schools have become more like indoctrination centers. Parental rights are being taken away and when parents protest they are labeled domestic terrorist. Puberty blocking hormones which cause irreversible harm have been banned in the UK and are being given without parental knowledge or consent. Children in minority districts are given substandard educations not because of the amount spent on education but instead because of poorly run schools. School choice and voucher programs are needed so that education becomes competitive and parents have better options for their children’s future than a failing school system.

    Fourth They Opened the Border to Everyone Including Terrorists, Criminals, Gang Members, Drug Dealers, Child and Sex Traffickers

    It is believed that 20 million illegals have entered the country. We are supporting many of them with free housing, free food, free clothing, free medical care, spending allowances and free education for their children. They are doing better than some of our veterans and many working class citizens. This makes no sense and we the taxpayers are footing the bill. No country in the world besides us is letting this happen. Crime is up, taxes to pay for this are up and we are sending the message that crime pays. The real end game is to make these illegals citizens so that with your tax dollars you are creating a voter block that will ensure that those who do not act in our best interests get elected.

    Fifth They Have Turned Our Healthcare System Into a Bureaucratic Overpriced System Where Patients, Doctors and Other Healthcare Providers Don’t Matter

    Medical care is about a patient seeing their doctor or other healthcare provider for the purpose of curing them through treatment or surgery or managing a chronic illness to improve quality of life and longevity. The doctor is supposed to be the patient advocate fighting for what is best for the patient. In the new world the doctor works for the hospital which is more focused on economics than patient interest. Patients can no longer easily contact their doctor except through a patient portal. Patients who need urgent but not emergency care do not have easy ways to schedule urgent appointments and are forced to go to Urgent Care Centers who do not have access to the patient’s medical center and often do not have a physician, physician’s assistant or nurse practitioner who has the specific expertise to manage specialty based medical problems.  Or the go to an emergency room where they will spend hours, go through many processes that have nothing to do with their urgent issue and waste healthcare dollars on this very expensive process.  Healthcare needs to reverse course and return its focus on the patient and prioritizing  cost effective quality care over  bureaucratic regulations and institutional roadblocks. In the end this will reduce costs and improve quality.

    Sixth They Have Legitimized Antisemitic Riots and Physical Assaults Against Jews and Jewish Institutions

    Never in recent American history have we seen antisemitic riots that turn violent, destroy property and physical violence against Jews. All of this is being tolerated because the protesters are democrat voters who are needed to win elections in swing states. This is morally repulsive and this hate will escalate. Jews will be the first victims but never the last. There are paid agitators and non citizens participating in these riots. The paid agitators should be arrested and the non citizens should be deported. When these protests violate the law there needs to be arrests and prosecutions. That is not happening in the Biden, Harris, Himes world.

    Seventh Crime Pays

    In the upside world of the Biden, Harris and Himes team the criminals are the victims and the victims are not entitled to justice. There have been violent criminals who are released after arrest and commit additional violent crimes. Finally when they are caught committing murder they are finally arrested. How many lives have been lost due these policies. Shoplifting can put stores out of business and at the least cause stores to raise prices. But somehow the shoplifters are victims. To make matters worse they want to defund the police, they have removed qualified immunity which puts a police officer at risk for doing their job.

    All of the Harmful and Destructive Polices of the Biden, Harris  and Himes Team Need to Be Reversed

    Lockdowns must never happen again. The economic survival of many Americans is dependent on restoring affordable energy.  Parental rights and school choice will ensure a brighter future for our children. The borders must be closed, the criminals must be deported and we must defund illegal aliens. Patients must come first and bureaucracy must be cut back to lower costs and improve care. Physician and other healthcare professionals cannot continue to work in an environment that is causing widespread burnout. Antisemitic riots and unpunished violations of our Civil Rights and criminal laws must come to an end. Criminals must be prosecuted the power of the police to enforce the law must return.

    I am running for Congress to join the fight to bring back the America that existed before all of the harmful policies of the Biden, Harris  and Himes team were implemented. We must fight back now before it is too late.

    I need your vote starting today in early voting and on August 13th in the Republican Primary. And early voting is going on through Sunday, August 11.

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    Dr. Michael Goldstein

    Dr. Michael Goldstein is running for U.S. Congress against Jim Himes. You can learn more about his campaign here: https://goldsteinforcongress.com/

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