• “We Can’t Afford 4 More Years of This” – Tim Walz VP Nominee

    September 24, 2024
    Screenshot, Tim Walz at Bethlehem Rally

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    On Saturday, Tim Walz was speaking at a rally in Bethlehem, PA, and uttered the following statement when rambling about his opponents Trump and Vance and guns etc… ”We Can’t Afford 4 More Years of This”… clearly a gaffe, but the first honest statement the man has made.

    Remember, this is the governor that let Minneapolis downtown practically burn to the ground during the Floyd riots, which we are all still paying for in increased insurance premiums everywhere, plus the added inflationary factors brought to us by Biden/Harris and the excess of spending at the federal level. Spending that is largely unaccountable and hasn’t produced any level of betterment for the lives of average men and women citizens of America. A few examples include billions for EV charging stations across America to plan for a “green” carbon free American vision the likes of “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds”, that to date has built 7 stations since its rollout as part of the Inflation Reduction Act, i.e., “The Green New Deal” in 2021. Billions also for Electric School Buses of which I believe around 60 have been made, some of which are woefully unusable in cold weather climates, what a waste!

    We have been sold a bill of goods, and Tim Walz is exactly right, we CANNOT afford another 4 years of it! He and Kamala live in the world of elite Democrat politicians, who get rich off the misery of the American people, and at election time they try to pacify with political promises. Promises that don’t even make sense, policies that someone else wrote, and poorly I might add. These days of the Biden/Harris administration, whatever DEI bureaucrats are in charge don’t seem to have a brain in their respective heads. This administration in power under Biden/Harris are all so out of touch with everyday life in America, and the real struggle the last 4 years of incompetent governance has produced for the average working class American people.

    Their vision is a country with no borders, where the elites live in their safe enclaves and the citizens live as peasants with the “newcomers” in peaceful enjoyment. It is their goal to make you poorer, so that you rely on the crumbs they will throw you, that way you are easier to control. The fact is they do not care how the “other half” lives as long as it doesn’t inconvenience them. They don’t care about how the infrastructure of this country is crumbling in all the cities large, medium and small where they have bussed millions of un-vetted illegals and financed them with debit cards, free housing and green card amnesty to steal our livelihoods, our towns, and reduce the quality of our children’s education and our health care and it’s availability. They don’t care that your groceries are an average of 21% higher, though many items have inflated in price even higher since their rule began in 2021. I call it a rule because that is what it is, a tyrannical and totalitarian dictatorship.

    Let’s be honest and look back at 2020 and the system they rigged beginning with a Pandemic that I believe they may have even conspired to create to unseat President Trump, so they could build the “biggest election fraud on the American people ever perpetrated through the use of “mail in balloting” and an organized “ballot harvesting” scheme to literally “steal” the election. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were “installed like toilets” in a “coup” to flush any semblance of the America we know down the toilet during the panic and fear of a worldwide “pandemic”.

    Circa 2024, Harris was “installed” as the nominee when it was clear Biden, who got through all the state primaries the Democratic Party rigged against any other opponent who deigned to challenge Biden. The party set-up poor old Joe with a June debate. A debate where his performance made it quite obvious he would be unable to continue his re-election campaign. Joe’s campaign ended in the “ugly display” on June 27th, where Biden was unable to “speak coherently” for all to see.

    Post debate disgrace, the Democrats scrambled to do whatever had to be done to ensure their hold on power. They have been relentless in their propaganda and fear-mongering lies about Trump being a “threat to Democracy” when they are the clear and present threat! They have used their powerful media partners to voice an Orwellian dystopian psyop of coercion orated and displayed daily through negative coverage which includes lies about former President Trump to “scare” voters. Insisting he threatens “democracy” without ever citing HOW. Their rhetoric has incited assassination attempts that are also likely being orchestrated by their “soldiers in conspiracy”, with information of the investigations being destroyed and facts largely hidden from Congress, Senate and the American people. Those who can’t see through this façade are “hypnotized” by the “Orwellian Existence” of “fake news” and incessant propaganda pushed down the throats of the American people daily.

    If any of this makes you damn mad, good, you should be! How dare we let this country be taken away from “we the people” by these thieves, lording over us, wielding their tyrannical authoritarianism. The state of this country is worse than I have ever seen in my lifetime, and getting worse daily.

    It is “IMPERATIVE” that the 2024 election be decided with the lawful votes of the citizenry of this country. I do not believe that we have reached the point of NO HOPE of beating the cheat, but I do believe it will be a very hard fight. We must give it all we have, as the strength and courage of Americans have always been able to rise to the occasion in the past. We did it in the “Revolutionary War” also a fight against tyranny. We did it in WW1 and WW2, and we must do it again in November with a “too big to rig” mass vote. This is an election “WE CAN’T AFFORD TO LOSE” because as Tim Walz said “We can’t afford 4 more years of this”!

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    Liz Conti

    Liz is a freelance published journalist and current member of the Norwalk Town Committee. Liz has held public office as a member of the Stamford Board of Representatives in the past. She is a finance professional with deep roots in her community. She is a dedicated mother of 2 and also currently serves as Warden at her local church. She is a passionate conservative who cares deeply about this country and the current state of affairs of which she likes to voice her concerns regularly.

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    Great article, and Tim finally made a correct statement. One has to wonder how buying fossil fuel from our enemy is more green than producing it at home

    Liz Conti

    Thank you for your comment, Nick. I found it "rich" as well of Tim to elude to the idea of 4 more years of the lunacy we have been living through! Exactly spot on about how eliminating fossil fuel production here while buying "tar" from our enemies!

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