• Jim Himes Now Votes To Allow Non-Citizens To Vote In FEDERAL Elections

    July 11, 2024

    This follows his vote 7 weeks ago to allow non-citizens to vote in DC Elections

    US Congressman Jim Himes

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    Just about seven weeks ago we noted that Jim Himes had cast a vote AGAINST HR-192, indicating his approval to allow ILLEGAL immigrants to vote in municipal elections: See Here.

    Now, for a most unsurprising encore, he has again aligned with the American Left seeking to destroy our electoral process, and followed up by voting AGAINST the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility), HR-8281.

    The SAVE Act did pass, as the Republican majority pushed it across 221-198. The bill seeks to expand proof-of-citizenship requirements for voting in Federal Elections. Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson said, “This legislation will prevent illegals from voting in federal elections. And if someone tries to do it, it will now be unlawful within the states.”

    As I noted back in May with Himes’ vote to allow Illegals to vote in municipal elections, the Democrat plan is an insidious strategy of laying out a national footprint from which to expand to federal elections. As has been revealed to all willing to see, the Biden open-border policy is designed to build a massive new Democrat voting-block, spread throughout the states, which will effectively prevent the election of national Republican tickets.

    The SAVE Act is an effort to block that strategy, but is likely to be smothered by Chuck Schumer in the Senate. The Leftist Democrats’ subversive plans continue apace, and Mr. Himes continues to indicate he is all-in with the strategy, as he has revealed his Marxist stripes through ACTS going well beyond his voting record. He continues to brazenly cast votes against the interests of the citizens he is sworn to represent.

    This vote is just the latest in a long line of votes I have cataloged in prior ‘Breaking Commentaries’, that would NOT pass a vote of the citizens of the 4th District.

    I am running for the nomination to oppose Mr. Himes, to defeat him, and return true Representation to the 700,000 citizens of Connecticut’s 4th District. The primary is August 13th and I would be honored with your vote to support that effort.

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    Bob MacGuffie

    Bob MacGuffie is co-author of the book ‘The Seventh Crisis – Why Millennials Must Re-establish Ordered Liberty,’ Seventh Crisis which examines and illuminates the historic crisis we currently endure.  You can learn more here: https://www.seventhcrisis.com/

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    Michael Satagaj


    When you get to debate Mr. Himes, perhaps you shall say to him:

    “How many illegal aliens does it take to corrupt an election, er, change a lightbulb?”


    “What did the Great Josef Stalin say about counting votes?”


    “Alex, I’ll take, ‘Bridgeport’s Impeccable Election History’ for $1000”


    “What do we get when we erase borders, Jim?”

    Sic Semper Evello Mortem Tyrannis

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