• CONTI: Connecticut Among States Not Enforcing Citizenship To Vote

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    By Liz Conti

    Wondering why the Biden/Harris administration has opened the border to anyone and everyone? Wondering why our voter rolls are filled with voters that are un-vetted regarding their rightful and legal right to vote in federal, and possibly state and local elections?

    Welcome to another chapter of the “Orwellian Existence” and the complete disregard for the Constitution of the United States brought to you by the corrupt governing authorities, federal and state with their brazen and corrupt re-interpretation of law and failure to enforce the laws on the books requiring citizenship to have the “privilege” to vote.

    Let’s do a little research, beginning in 1993 there was the passage of the “motor voter” law allowing voter registration through DMV and other agencies to increase ease and access to voter registration, so it was proclaimed. Later in 2002 the HAVA Act eased registration processes further. The idea being when registering to vote, a person is required to merely state their citizenship status. Then this is supposed to be checked at the Secretary of State level (but I doubt Connecticut among other states is actually taking that step).

    The 1993 law specifically required that those asking to be registered through the ease of a line item on a DMV or other agency form also be vetted according to the state voter laws of each state respectively. In my opinion, this law was the beginning of a severe loss of integrity in our elections, especially in states purposely lax in verifying citizenship and residence from the “motor voter”. The Congress has recently taken up new legislation called the SAVE Act to ensure only citizens are voting in our federal elections. If you ask me, it is too little to late. What would be quicker would be to repeal and abolish the “motor voter and HAVA laws” that make it too easy for ineligible voters to get on the rolls, returning voter registration to the town clerks offices where identification and verification can be determined and verified in person or by required documents mailed in with registration before anyone is added to the voter list.

    Getting back to the Connecticut Secretary of the State (SOTS), when confronted by freedom of information requests, CT SOTS is less than transparent and has ignored requests for proof of citizenship vetting documents. Appearing on the CT SOTS page under “register to vote online” there a choice of “English” or “Spanish” because the federal VRA act requires language assistance in municipalities with a more than 2% population not speaking English as a first language (another federal uni-party failure). That is about 10 cities in Connecticut when last published information was compiled, however not the entire state as one would think when looking at the online voter registration page. Is this legal?

    It used to be the case that as a requirement and privilege to vote, you had to read “in English” what the clerk put before you to make sure you could read/understand in English a “ballot” in order to be able to vote. I guess many think that is “Jim Crow” voter suppression. God forbid we suppress votes from those who don’t understand what they are voting for/against.

    On the CT SOTS webpage, requirements for voting include 3 questions. One of the questions being “are you a citizen” does this mean that no one registering on line in Connecticut has to provide proof of citizenship other than their word?

    Screenshot, CT SOTS

    The fact of the matter is voting is a fundamental right reserved and guaranteed by our Constitution for the citizens of the United States only. Not for every person that gets into our country un-apprehended or un-vetted at our open border. The fact is, by including those persons, we are canceling the votes of those who earned them by being born into our country from documented citizens of our country or by becoming a citizen through the legal immigration process. The Biden/Harris administration is in fact “buying the votes of those entering the country illegally” at the un-enforced open border. Immigration should be a legal process and a dignified process; to assimilate, learn the English language and respect our laws to become a citizen and then earn the right to be a voter.

    The time has come to bring the case to the State and US Supreme courts on the un-constitutionality of “motor voter” and “HAVA” laws based on the fact that state agencies are not doing their part to ensure non-citizens aren’t automatically enrolled as voters with no verification of citizenship status. Currently, voter eligibility can be challenged and each state has regulations on doing so, citizen’s rights/political groups have been doing so such as “True the Vote” in an effort to clean up our voter rolls, which have been found to be grossly flawed and to include thousands of ineligible voters. However, a broader case should be brought to supreme courts regarding how citizens’ rights are being infringed due to the excessive non-enforcement of citizenship requirements to vote. Any citizen would have standing to make that argument and to repeal “motor voter” and “HAVA” based on how it cancels their own vote and votes of other citizens. The argument that allowing so many ineligible voters to cast ballots putting the outcome of elections in question and perhaps placing the wrong candidates into elected office as a consequence of these “ease of registration” laws should give merit to their immediate repeal. They have been utilized to break the law, cheat the election system and destroy election integrity. There is a case here, but of course our corrupt judicial system would likely find some excuse not to hear it.

    In addition to the many ineligible voters likely on Connecticut voter rolls, we also have these newly created ways to supposedly make it easier to vote, i.e., early voting and no excuse mail in voting. Actually these are just new ways to make it easier to cheat and circumvent the will of the actual legitimate voters. It is another aspect of the “Orwellian Existence” of the new world order; looks more like an episode of the “Twilight Zone”. It is an insult to the intelligence of American citizens who see through the divisive tactics of those in power who will stop at nothing to “control” the populous like sheep.

    If we continue to allow our sovereignty to be violated by an open border, our fundamental rights guaranteed in our United States Constitution will continue to be infringed in every way, shape and form. Our founding fathers would be ashamed to watch the dereliction of duty of our current regime. I do not believe this is the country we want raise and leave to our children as American citizens. I also believe that I am not alone in my way of thinking.

    I hope and pray that others who see the undeniable truth of my words, and will rise up with me and make all of our voices loudly heard to demand our God-given and constitutionally protected rights, afforded us by birthright, as citizens of this great nation. Our freedoms and rights will continue to be infringed if we fail to change the lax voter registration laws and continue to allow non-enforcement of “citizen-only” voting laws.

    This is not a time for a free-for-all mentality that attacks our way of life and the future for our children by impairing our ability to implement change at the ballot box.

    Liz Conti
    Norwalk Town Committee member
    Norwalk, CT

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