A Critic Asked Why We Rail On WEF Globalists All The Time

December 4, 2023

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We received a question from a critic who asked, "why does Greenwich Patriots always rail against Klaus Schwab, the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the 2030 agenda?  Is globalism really a bad thing?”

The question immediately reminded us of an article that has since been deleted from the WEF’s website, but it can still be found on the Wayback Machine.  It describes the WEF’s spine-chilling vision for the future. 

Welcome to 2030.  I own nothing, have no privacy, and life has never been better.  (11/11/2016)

The article paints a dystopian future where you won’t own a single thing — not a car, not a house, not any appliances, and not even clothes.  Everything you once thought of as a product would now become a service.  All of the services would magically become free in this brave new world, from communication to energy to transportation.  

The vision goes on to detail how you won’t pay any rent for your house because someone else will be using your free space when you aren’t home.  Your living room will literally be "used for business meetings" when you are not there.

You won’t own any kitchen gadgets, since you will just borrow those items from your government when you need them to cook your insects and artificial meat.  Real meat will become a rare treat.  Many won’t bother cooking at all, and instead opt for “ultra-processed” bio-engineered, bio-fortified “healthy” foods.

Forget about shopping since “the algorithm” can just do it for you.  And why not?  It knows your taste better than you do anyway!

AI and robots will take over much of the work so people don’t have to "bother with difficult issues."

The people who don’t want to live in the “smart cities” of the future, those who reject the technology, the robots, the AI, and so forth, will be forced to live on the outsides of the cities, forming their own self-supplying communities and living in "empty and abandoned houses in small 19th century villages.”  

The future for those who do not comply is bleak.

The article actually says, “once in a while I get annoyed about the fact that I have no real privacy.  No where I can go and not be registered.  I know that, somewhere, everything I do, think and dream of is recorded.”  

Go away, Big Brother!

We just had a preview of that future thanks to covid and we’re not ever going down that path.  We have absolutely zero interest in a great reset of capitalism that requires implementing socialism.  No thank you!

We happen to love our freedom, and will fight for it no matter what.  

Hopefully that answers the question.

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here: https://greenwichpatriots.us/.

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Paul A

Wake up people!!! These globalist, socialist ideas are really in Klaus Scwabs head along with only certain elites to control the movement, the thought process and the life of every citizen on earth. All this to fulfill their human experiment fetish and satisfy their need to control. They are power hungry trolls who already have 2 generations halfway there. Stop the Democrat/Republican group think and vote these creeps into oblivion. Vote as an American to keep our freedoms and quality of life.


Our voting choices are between the Constitution and Communism. The ideas "in Schwab's head" are fast becoming reality.

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