Est. 1802 ·

About The latest Covid Fear Porn From Greenwich Health Department

January 21, 2023

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Dr. Stephanie Paulmeno from the Greenwich Health Department is once again asking Greenwich residents to mask up, and get vaccinated and boosted after the Secretary of Health & Human Services renewed the pandemic for the 12th time.This time, though, she complained about, "individuals as well as active, organized groups of COVID-deniers and vaccine-deniers along with distributors of unintentional misinformation and those vociferously and intentionally engaged in disinformation campaigns about the pandemic itself, disputing the proven value of personal and community prevention measures, as well as around the safety and effectiveness of vaccines, treatments and therapeutics.”
That was a mouthful.  Does she mean us?
She further asserts that this alleged misinformation "jeopardizes the health, well-being and very lives of individuals, their children, and the many others in the midst of us who are most susceptible to SARS-CoV-2.”  She even cites the individuals and organized groups who are "embracing scientific misinformation” as the "adverse factors” that have "undoubtedly prolonged" the pandemic.  
Really?  Vaccine misinformation is what prolonged the pandemic?  Does she actually believe that?  Or does she just want you to believe it?Because the truth is that covid vaccines are far from "safe and effective” and have resulted in at least 

33,591 deaths and 1,499,447 injuries according to the CDC’s own 

Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).  The kinds of injuries found in VAERS are completely consistent with 

Pfizer’s own post-marketing document that listed a terrifying nine pages of adverse effects, including death.  Why doesn’t Dr. Paulmeno ever mention this information?
Furthermore, Covid vaccines 

do not stop you from getting covid, nor do they stop you from transmitting covid.  They don’t even stop you from 

getting hospitalized from severe covid, which is ironically the one and only thing that the vaccines claimed to do in the first place…. this is detailed on the 

package insert that so many people unfortunately did not see.
Why doesn’t Dr. Paulmeno ever highlight the very real risks of myocarditis and blood clots that that even the 

CDC has acknowledged are real?  Or mention the frightening incidence of 

sudden deaths we’ve seen in athletes around the world?Why doesn’t ever she tell people about 

other options for protecting against covid?  
Or about the 

other methods of treating covid, since vaccination is not the only option?
What about dealing with 

covid vaccine injuries and 

detoxing from the shots?  Why doesn’t she want to help the many people in our community who have been injured by covid vaccines?  Don’t those people matter to the Greenwich Department of Health?

And why doesn’t Dr. Paulmeno talk about the fact that natural immunity is more durable than covid shots?  Or the fact that the more covid shots you have, the greater your chances of getting covid?  That research was all over the news this week.  Why didn’t she share that important message?Instead, her message was clear.
Don’t question the narrative.  Don’t think for yourself.  Just put on a mask and keep getting vaccinated.
Doesn’t Greenwich deserve better from our Health Department?  

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The Connecticut Centinal is the state’s premier investigative newspaper. Long suffering from an absence of patriotic media, Connecticut is in dire need of an organization which will confront, and highlight, corruption in the jurisdiction. Connecticut is an historic state with a long and honorable reputation of defending freedom. The Connecticut Centinal will follow in CDM’s tradition of providing trustworthy news as we rebuild the American republic from the cradle of liberty.
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I can answer all those questions with two simple answers. One, she’s a communist Traitor, bet she even has a card to prove it, that she proudly flashes at other commie Traitors . Two She’s a rich Leftist piece of trash that has an unwavering need to be in other peoples business.
People like her that live in their safe little rich towns should be dropped off in a low income area of New Haven Ct. wearing a shirt that says Rich White Racist Democrat.

Amy Williams

I totally agree!

Robin F

Can't you sense the fear pouring off of her, and her confederates in covid crime? They're doubling down on the attack method because they were likely promised that this whole scam would be fail-proof and no one would ever find out how bad this is until there wasn't enough people left to do anything about it; Guess what, cupcake? NOTHING is fail-proof, especially the plots of evil psychopaths like the ones trying to destroy our world and most of mankind! And I'd bet good money that her 'bosses' are breathing down her neck, ordering her to get more people into they system NOW, before enough wake up and come after them all. What they say is true: a wounded animal is at it's most dangerous; This is now the time to be most vigilant and not permit even the smallest breach in our refusal to comply.... Boy, do I look forward to the day when they get what they deserve for the atrocities they've been committing against us all! The French Revolution will have nothing on the Covid Revolt! God willing, 'Heads' of state, 'experts' of all eugenic stripes, and the minions who put money and power above the well-being of mankind will all be brought to account for their crimes. More people are recognizing the deceits of our elected and non-elected 'leaders' every day, and the scales of balance are starting to tip towards justice at last. We need to remain strong and we can regain control of our own futures soon.

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