Est. 1802 ·

Assassination Attempt - After Action Assessment

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By James Waurishuk

Let me offer my take from the standpoint of experience. The single biggest question and concern is why was the “building rooftop”(line-of-sight LOS) in question used by the shooter left unsecured / unprotected? Was it intentional?

When I served on the White House NSC Staff, as an Intel officer and on the NSC (5-person) SO/LIC advisory team -- we worked directly with US Secret Service (USSS) providing Intel and participating in pre-advance and advanced team coordination and ops.  The Secret Service Counter Assault Team (CAT) and Counter Sniper Teams locked down every possible position – from angle, access, and avenue of approach (AOA) to buildings and facilities that offered and provided any possible strategic and or tactical advantage to any possible type of threat. 

Where was the oversight this time?

This was and should have been a no-brainer. Additionally, the USSS requires the positioning of obstacles such as temporary towers and cranes to support lights, large American Flags, cameras, etc., to impede and hinder LOS from trees and buildings from a distance.

In Hillsborough County, Florida, from 2016 to 2020, as part of the Hillsborough County FL GOP, serving as State Committeeman and Chairman, we did 11 events (both indoor and outdoor) in Tampa with Donald Trump as both the candidate, and as POTUS. I was involved in every event in some capacity coordinating with the WH and USSS advanced teams for Trump Rallies -- particularly at the Florida Fairgrounds, Raymond James Stadium, and Tampa International Airport (TIA) which were all outdoor events. In each and every situation, the sites/venues, security, and Protection of the President protocols were buttoned up tight – from multiple aspects, and covered every stage, level, and phase of the events.

Understand, the building and roof top and the LOS distance (approx. 130-yards) to the podium raises lots of questions as to why it was not secured and protected.

Again, where was the oversight on this? 

Another question? Why were there no drones up to cover the perimeter and to provide surveillance and warning?  This concern is compounded by the fact that the Secret Service had been receiving an enormous amount of intel, indications and warning – creating an increased threat level in recent months. Even Congress has been telling the USSS ‘you haven’t been doing your job the way it is supposed to be done.’

Let me be extremely clear and to the point -- there is “ZERO chance,” repeat – “ZERO chance” from what I am seeing that this was not a DEEP STATE hit. Again, Trump’s Secret Service detail is either the keystone cops (as witnessed on camera during the exfiltration of Trump from the venue/site), or USSS were in on it.  As Info Wars host Alex Jones said, “they will not stop – now … next they are going to try to poison him or shoot down his plane.” Likewise, War Room host Steve Bannon has for months been saying, based on the warning signs, that many high ranking political and entertainment figures have been calling for hostile and deadly action against President Trump. Joe Biden recently said, “It’s time to put Trump in a bullseye.”

We have entered the “kinetic phase” of this 5th Generation War, and there can only be one winner.

It’s going to get worse before it gets better.

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