Benefits of The Great Outdoors

Mianus River Park, Greenwich & Stamford

It’s easy to get stuck in the same workout routine indoors, whether it be at a local gym or your basement, however there is great benefit to changing up your workout and taking that workout outdoors.

Spring and summer months are short here in New England and if you’re anything like me, you never want to come inside until frost hits the ground. Taking up tennis, hiking and/or biking is a great way to get exercise while enjoying the great outdoors. Sunrise Yoga is one of my favorite ways to start a Sunday morning. It sets my mind, body and heart and helps me appreciate the beauty in my surroundings and what’s coming back to life. It’s not healthy for your body to do the same workout repeatedly. Your body will plateau and strength and cardio will be harder to achieve which is why I am a big supporter of cross training. You’re using the same muscles just in a different capacity.

Getting outdoors boosts your mood which in turn reduces stress. Stress kills and we really do need to be very intentional about reducing it every day in our lives. Getting outdoors can help people engage socially, find a walking or running buddy, and by doing that, help our mental wellness as well. We weren’t created to be alone and with so many suffering with depression and anxiety these days, it’s the perfect way to help each other stay well. Social connectedness in green areas has shown to also help not only mental health conditions but obesity concerns and anxiety as well.

Gardening and yard work count as exercise too so don’t discount them! Weeding is not my favorite thing to do but when I do it, it’s always hard work! Of course, take some time to sit and smell the roses and maybe read a good book by a pond or at the beach. As I said, spring and summer months do go by quickly here in New England so we should take advantage of down time too.

Hydration and non-toxic sunscreens are a must when working out or just enjoying yourselves outdoors.

Though the day light is getting longer, it’s still important to get the proper amount of sleep as well. And with all the Farmer’s Market’s available to us, eating healthy has never been easier. Load up on those fruits and veggies and bon appetite! Remember there is no portion control on vegetables!

I realize this is also a season of graduation parties, picnics, and barbecues. Remember that balance is key. If you’re indulging on weekends, spend the week eating clean and cleansing from your weekend indulgence. Put some lemon and ginger in your water to help with inflammation and cleansing. Eat to live.

As we get older, nutrition should be more of a priority than ever before.

You can do anything you put your mind to do. I promise. Happy Spring/Summer. Here’s to your health!



Michele Tenney

Michele Tenney is a Certified Personal Trainer, Nutritionist & Wellness Coach with over 16 years of experience. She is a member of the Orange Board of Health and is an active member in her community. She is a wife and mother of three spectacular sons and a grandmother of 2 (+ 1 due in September)
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