• Bridgeport… Sigh….

    October 25, 2024

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    It’s Bridgeport again.

    It’s a pretty straightforward news account, written by longtime reporter Chris Keating in the Hartford Courant and carried by the paper on its front page above the fold on Thursday, October 24 – “Senator claims election not secure.”

    “Ariana Hernandez, who is a permanent resident but not a citizen,” the paper disclosed, “said in a sworn affidavit to the state Elections Enforcement Commission that Bridgeport city council member Alfredo Castillo came to her house in 2023 and said that he could help her with voting. ‘He told me to sign the voter’s registration application,’ Hernandez said in the affidavit that is dated October 4, 2024. ‘I did not fill out the form. I do not know when it was filled. I did not indicate on the form that I was a citizen. He told me that I would not have a problem if I voted as a permanent resident.’… He told me to sign the voter’s registration application,’ Hernandez said in the affidavit that is dated October 4, 2024.”

    The form was signed by vice chairwoman of the city’s Democratic town committee Wanda Geter-Pataky who, according to Hernandez, falsely stated she helped Hernandez fill out the form.

    All of this is illegal.

    “In a separate case,” Keating noted, “Castillo and Geter-Pataky have been arrested and charged along with two other campaign workers in a Bridgeport Democratic mayoral primary election controversy. They were among those charged in a high-profile case brought by the chief state’s attorney’s office regarding the misuse of absentee ballots.”

    There will always be a Bridgeport, a Democrat Party urban fiefdom whose last Republican mayor left office in 1991. Connecticut is a deep blue state, and its larger cities are Democrat Party strongholds.

    It is by no means outrageous to conclude that unchallenged dominance in cities invites political corruption. When no one has been looking at political malfeasance for more than 30 years, politicians will be politicians.

    WBur has provided a brief overview of politicians being politicians in Bridgeport.

    Enter State Senator Rob Samson, a student of moral and political corruption, and an annoying gadfly to those Democrats whose consciences have not been worn thin by decades of political control and corruption in Connecticut’s larger cities.

    “And by the way: it’s not just a ‘Bridgeport Problem,” said Samson. “You can bet it’s been happening in other municipalities. We need reform in Connecticut’s absentee voting process. Republicans and I have been shouting from the rooftops about this for a long time prior to the viral Bridgeport ballot stuffing videos which made Connecticut a national embarrassment. Now, we have this news. Are you sick of seeing it?”

    In response, according to Keating, “Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney and Senate Majority Leader Bob Duff called on Sampson to retract his statements.”

    Without visibly blushing, the two issued the following obiter dicta, managing to squeeze into their tortuous statement all the usual themes concerning democracy and leading, according to many polls, Republican candidate for President Donald Trump: “Republican Senator Rob Sampson’s Trump-playbook, dishonest claim that voter fraud is occurring in various Connecticut cities and towns is a direct threat to our democracy. Falsely asserting there is widespread voter fraud in our state is nothing but a desperate attempt to sow doubt regarding the integrity of our elections. This Trumpian falsehood serves as a local version of national rumors and baseless accusations from the Republican Party. It’s the same rhetoric that led to the events of January 6, 2021, and it’s the same rhetoric that’s been circulating nationally for months, well before any voter even cast a ballot, to lay seeds for another attempted overthrow of the American government.”


    Sampson responded: “Retract my statement? Hell, no. Connecticut Democrats should be ashamed of themselves for accusing me of undermining election officials. I could not have been more clear: My issue is with Democrat-backed policies. Connecticut Democrats continue to undermine our American values and culture, making our state less affordable and less safe, and undermining the sanctity of our election process.”

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    Don Pesci

    Don Pesci is a political columnist of long standing, about 40 years, who has written for various state newspapers, among them The Journal Inquirer, the Waterbury Republican American, the New London Day, the Litchfield County Times, the Torrington Register Citizen and other Register Citizen papers. He maintains a blog, among the oldest of its kind in Connecticut, which serves as a repository and archive, for his columns; there are approximately 3,000 entrees in Connecticut Commentary: Red Notes From A Blue State, virtually all of them political columns stretching back to 2004. He also appears once a week Wednesdays on 1080 WTIC Newstalk radio with Will Marotti.

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