• Chris Murphy – Master Of Purposeful Deception

    October 16, 2024
    Senator Chris Murphy

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    This man, who deigns to represent CT in the U.S. Senate, and has never worked a day in the private sector, is currently up for reelection for a third term.  He’s 51, has been holding elective offices since age 24, and undoubtedly expects to live off us taxpayers until incapacitated or he expires in office.  

    Murphy’s Williams College thesis, “The Second Entry: A reevaluation of Congressional Challengers and Arguments for the Stimulation of Competition in U.S. House Elections,” would indicate he favors robust campaign debate.  But with $10 million on hand for this race, he finally grudgingly submitted to debate the Republican nominee, Matt Corey – but not until a week before the election.  That posture indicates either deep concern for the soft ground under his feet, or straight-up arrogance toward those who would challenge his record.  Or - some other of his favorite fork-tongued explanations. 

    In order to keep intact the patina protecting political deception, one must also be a high practitioner of seamless double speak.  In that regard, Mr. Murphy was schooled at the feet of the congressional Jedi Master, Chris Van Hollen.  Murphy learned well and quickly, during his House years, and has been deploying his high-wire act of successive public deceptions ever since he entered the senate in 2013.  It is an ‘art’ that many try, but few can actually pull off seamlessly.  Bill Clinton was a master, doing political calculus right before our eyes without garbling a word.  G.W. Bush tried, but earned the ‘tongue-tied’ moniker.  Barack Obama persisted and delivered his famous ah-uhs throughout his responses.  Even Mr. Murphy’s disciple, Jim Himes regularly talks his way into blind alleys.    

    Whenever Hearst Media gets around to questioning Murphy about his support or justification for the budget-busting deficit spending and accumulated national debt, he deflects with aplomb, responding with the exhausted canard that the Republicans are giving tax breaks to corporations and billionaires.  And of course, there’s rarely a follow-up.  For the record, Mr. Murphy voted for $26T of the $36 trillion current national debt.  He is currently voting for $2T of debt annually and the Treasury is allocating $1.2T to pay interest on that ballooning debt, so Murphy has joined the rest of Connecticut’s seven federal representatives in literally voting our Republic into bankruptcy – while continually sporting his glib face in all media appearances.

    On the healthcare front, he voted for ObamaCare, telling us it was the cure the healthcare industry needed, and would drive down costs some $2,500 on average – known lies the moment he uttered them.  Ever since, he tells us it’s “not perfect” and there’s “work to do,” all as healthcare and insurance costs cripple the middle class, and as he incessantly e-mails us for just $3 more for his campaign coffers. 

    But, perhaps his most audacious and dangerous gambit is that he fancies himself some kind of foreign policy expert or diplomat.  It’s actually not much of a reach – the Democrats have not an ambulatory soul with a foreign policy achievement in their portfolio to put forward. 

    The highest visibility foreign policy issue to which Murphy has lashed himself is the Obama-negotiated Iran nuclear deal, the JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action).  The enactment of this Agreement was itself a master-class in public deception by the Obama Administration.  Because the deal would never pass as a treaty requiring a 2/3 approval vote in the senate, Obama negotiated it as an “agreement” negotiated and signed in the Executive branch.  It was concluded without the “advice and consent” of the Senate, as required by the Constitution. 

    This political ju-jitsu was one of the most consequential deceptions of the Obama era, and Chris Murphy was one of the most prominent mouthpieces espousing and defending this deceit upon the American citizenry.  Subsequently, President Trump ended the Agreement and imposed the sanctions that financially crippled Iran, causing it to stop funding its Hezbollah and Hamas proxies, and providing Israel a few years of breathing space.  Murphy was so incensed at these America First actions that he decided to run a highly controversial interference play, meeting secretly with the Iranian foreign minister in February 2020, just at the start of the presidential campaign.  The question of whose foreign policy was being advanced hangs over that off-the-agenda meeting.  Don Pesci covered the entire affair in a lengthy Article a couple weeks back.

    Then there’s the constant gaslighting of his CT constituents and indeed, the entire nation.  A perfect example is his “explanation” surrounding the Chinese spy balloon which wasn’t shot down until after it transited over sensitive military locations across the U.S.  His comments captured on this video presser in the U.S. Capitol are both cynical and insulting to any American with a thinking brain.  He made the following comments at the microphone: “it posed no threat to the U.S.... we decided not to shoot it down over the Aleutian Islands because we deemed it valuable to collect intelligence on its operation... the data collected will pay dividends... we restored deterrence – we made it clear we’re going to take these balloons down.”  

    Indeed – shoot down the balloon AFTER it collects valuable intelligence on our sensitive military installations!  Connecticut citizens should be incensed being spoken to like this by a man sworn to represent and protect their interests.  Clearly, Chris Murphy does not represent the interests of the average citizens of Connecticut.  Instead, he represents the interests of the class in which he is firmly ensconced – the ruling political elite.  

    Which brings us to the motivation for Murphy’s perpetual game of public deception.  As a bona fide member of our betters in the ruling elite, he believes he carries what’s called the “vision of the anointed” and knows what is best for us all.  Angelo Codevilla spelled out the dynamics of how elite rule is perpetuated in America in his brilliant book, The Ruling Class.  The book plainly exposes how this prestigiously educated group benefit themselves through high taxes, increasing debt, and the ever-expanding reach of government.  And in recent years, their self-serving machinations are no longer hidden, but instead have been on display for us all to observe on a weekly basis. 

    At heart Chris Murphy believes America is a declining power, and he has secured for himself a role in managing that decline – for the good of us all of course, but most assuredly for the good of himself.  What we see in his public (and secret) acts is his genuflecting to the wannabe hegemon of the Middle East, Iran - but ultimately and more importantly to its benefactor, China, the rising global hegemon.

    Joined at the political hip with Murphy is fourth district Congressman Jim Himes, who in a congressional hearing last year labored mightily to draw a distinction between “de-coupling” and “de-risking” with China in a carefully crafted minuet with the witness, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen.  I covered the revealing testimony in an Article at the time.  Mr. Himes’ purpose was to make sure the lucrative outsourcing business arrangements of his donors were not disrupted, as the American people were awakening to the danger China poses to America.

    What’s happened to America’s ruling political class has been perfectly depicted by the Heritage Foundation in its essay, coining the term Elite-Capture.  Stop wondering how our “representatives” could be taking all the seemingly counter-intuitive actions they do.  They clearly believe America is on the arc of decline.  They are more interested in preserving themselves a privileged place in the new order, when China ultimately rises, which they believe is inevitable.  They haven’t the gut for reversing the decline and endeavoring to return America, its citizens, and its exceptional founding principles and traditions, to its leadership position in the modern world which it was instrumental in establishing. 

    Chris Murphy’s senate term expires at the end of this year.  Today, Republican Matt Corey of Manchester, CT is running a campaign making this election a referendum on Mr. Murphy’s reign.  He’s been challenging Murphy on many of these issues and more.  Matt is a patriot, a Navy veteran, small businessman, and he’s vowed to actually represent the interests of the citizens of Connecticut in the U.S. Senate.  I would urge everyone to spread the word on the Corey campaign.  We can end the deceptive and corrosive rule of Chris Murphy on Nov. 5th.

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    Bob MacGuffie

    Bob MacGuffie is co-author of the book ‘The Seventh Crisis – Why Millennials Must Re-establish Ordered Liberty,’ Seventh Crisis which examines and illuminates the historic crisis we currently endure.  You can learn more here: https://www.seventhcrisis.com/

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    But do enough people even know or care who he is?

    Paul A

    Probably not! How do you think we got here. They vote with the feelings they have that are opposite of what makes this country great. They could care less if it was the wizard of oz, masquerading behind a curtain standing on a socially excepting equity box for equal outcomes. DEI- Done Entertaining Ignorance. This is the DEI we need.

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