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Christina Downey Is Right. It Is Our Obligation To Correct The Record, And That Includes The Record On Covid.

December 10, 2024
Public Domain.

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Christina Downey, the Chair of the Greenwich Democratic Town Committee and a former Board of Education member, penned an op ed in the Greenwich Free Press yesterday that we read with great interest.

While we disagree with most of what she wrote, her last sentence was spot on.

Downey wrote, "Particularly when the stakes are the integrity of our schools and the taxpayers’ trust, it is our obligation to correct the record."

Excellent idea, Ms. Downey. Let's correct the record, shall we?

Starting with the BOE record on the covid plandemic.

We joined many brave parents who came to BOE meetings, week in and week out, to protest the use of face masks and to call for an immediate end to the cruel mandates. We cited a long list of evidence to support our claims that masks were not only ineffective but harmful to children. Plus we pointed out that a mandate is not a law. We regularly got mocked and ridiculed as being "anti-maskers" at these meetings.

But you know what?

We were right.

The House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic issued its final report last week which confirmed that masks and mask mandates were ineffective at controlling the spread of covid, were based on flawed studies, and caused more harm than good, especially for young children.

This is exactly what we argued at BOE meetings, but we got laughed out of the room.

How much harm do you think lying to children about masks caused? How bad was the impact on learning? What was the toll on mental health? What did masking do to friendships? Sports? Clubs? Has the school ever corrected the record about masks with students to let them know it was all a bunch of nonsense?

Clearly, plenty of people knew masking was nonsense at the time these outrageous mandates were in effect, yet THEY DID ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to stop children from being harmed. And they had no problem breaking the rules themselves, especially when they thought no one was looking.

Photos show an unmasked BOE candidate, now a BOE member, at a party on the same day students were indoctrinated into the mask cult in school (Sept '21).

You know what else we were right about?

Social distancing.

It was just made up out of thin air without any science whatsoever--another finding in the House Select Subcommittee Report--yet we got called "anti science" for opposing social distancing.

Greenwich schools went to great lengths to indoctrinate students into this made up nonsense, greeting students at the building with covid propaganda doormats, putting stupid duct tape lines and arrows on the floor to direct the flow of traffic, requiring students to sit inside circles on the cold pavement to eat lunch, and forcing children to sit in their own personal jail cells at their desks.

For no reason whatsoever!

Will the BOE and schools correct the record on that?

Might they tell students that social distancing was just propaganda so they can finally learn the truth?

Speaking of knowing the truth...

Remember when we asked if the schools got any money from the Biden-Harris Administration's ARP ESSER funding package to enforce mask mandates and/or to promote dangerous, experimental covid shots?

Remember when Jones held covid vaccination clinics on school grounds, during school hours in plain sight of students in classrooms and at sports practices?

Superintendent Jones assured parents she wasn't getting money for those things.

But when we read the ESSER application Jones filed for Greenwich, we found it included "universal and correct wearing of masks" and "efforts to provide vaccinations to educators, other staff and students" as part of the "Health and safety strategies" she planned to--and did--employ.

So it appears she was taking money to enforce masks and push covid shots, let's correct the record on that.

While we're correcting the record, let's look at covid shots.

We got called "anti-vaxxers" for opposing dangerous and experimental covid vaccines and vaccine mandates. We got mocked for pointing out that adverse reactions to covid shots were real and for arguing that natural immunity was also real. We also got called conspiracy theorists for suggesting ivermectin worked.

Guess what the House Select Subcommittee found out?

We were right once again.

Covid vaccine mandates were not supported by science and caused more harm than good, adverse reactions from covid vaccines were and still are very much REAL, natural immunity is also REAL and durable, and ivermectin is not just for horses.

Screenshot, House Select Subcommittee Report, page 300.

The House Select Subcommittee also learned there was a coordinated effort from public health officials to ignore these facts and suppress dissenting opinions on all things covid.

Greenwich Superintendent Jones, the Board of Education, many officials at Greenwich Town Hall and the local media all ignored the facts about masks, social distancing and vaccines. And they have yet to acknowledge the learnings from the House Select Subcommittee Report.

Considering "it is our obligation to correct the record" especially when "the stakes are the integrity of our schools and the taxpayers’ trust" shouldn't these entities be busy issuing statements to correct the record on covid?

Who's going first?

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:
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