Circa 2024 Abortion, Reproductive Rights, Or Infanticide … You Decide!

September 28, 2024
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Below is a formerly published article I wrote in 2019, when I was appalled at the New York and Rhode Island laws discussed and passed allowing “Abortion on Demand”--something that the left views as a “win” and now calls “Reproductive Rights” to hide the fact that it is “Ratification of Infanticide”. Proponents, when challenged claim, it doesn’t really happen…., if that statement were true, why would we need laws to codify it and condone it?

Circa 2024, we are now enacting laws in various states that make it illegal to intervene with life-saving treatment for babies still alive AFTER these late term abortions that DON’T HAPPEN? These laws criminalize medical treatment for such aborted victims. If a baby somehow survives an abortion procedure (that is now deemed legal), it is common sense that the procedure is being done too late in the pregnancy, when a viable life is attempting to be legally murdered under a law that allows such a grotesquely unethical “medical” procedure to be allowed in the first place.

My point in revisiting this formerly written article is that we are going down a path that constitutes and condones “crimes against humanity” to become commonplace. We are on a path that does not recognize and respect “human life”.

The lack of regard for human life and civilized behavior challenges the continued existence of this nation that used to be regarded as the “leader of the free world”. That designation cannot continue to be recognized when the example is that of a nation that condones “extinguishing” the innocents via infanticide on demand.

My words below are as important today as they were 5 years ago. Especially as the Democrat ticket Harris/Walz would have you be indoctrinated to believe that “reproductive rights” as it is now called accepts and condones Infanticide as good, wholesome and ACCEPTIBLE for this country! Make no mistake, it is the Democrats that are EXTREME on this subject, to the point of MURDER, not the REPUBLICANS, who want this matter returned to the states to adjudicate regulation (which at this point is needed to protect human life slaughtered via late term abortion)!

As written and published January 2019, New York State’s Removal of Late Term Abortion Restrictions – A Woman’s Choice or Infanticide…let’s decide.

Before writing my thoughts down for this op-ed, I revisited the video of the final 2016 debate between now President Trump and candidate Hillary Clinton. Trump was very clear though not eloquent when he said “what Hillary is in favor of would mean you can rip the baby out of a woman’s womb up to the last day before birth.” As I watched Hillary respond to Trump’s scenario, she explained away how she has known women who have had to make this horrible choice and it is not something the Government should be involved with…meaning there should be NO Government restrictions on abortion. It should be up to the mother and doctor.

Fast forward to 2019 and recent legislation passed in New York and taken up in both Virginia and Rhode Island state houses, does just that, ALLOWS virtually no restriction on abortion up to and including the time a woman begins labor, which is late term and/or partial birth abortion. Proponents of this would have you believe that it is rare and only done in extreme cases where there are extraordinary abnormalities with the baby or extenuating circumstances regarding the mother’s life.

But, quite frankly as the debate over this issue televised in Virginia revealed, these circumstances could also be psychological as well as physical, be non-descriptive and only require a medical professional’s approval.

So, in essence a no restriction abortion mandate is a law that does not prosecute but instead allows “abortion” or “infanticide” or more simply “murder” of a potentially viable human infant. An infant so fully formed and alive that medical intervention of some magnitude is required to “destroy” or “kill” it. In many cases it is either birthed in the traditional way, vaginally, or taken by caesarian section after it may also have been cut apart with a scalpel or immersed with an acid solvent to burn it’s skin away. What type of Doctor other than Frankenstein would condone such a grotesque process against a completely helpless fetus whose only crime is trying to survive until it’s birth? Not one who believed in the Hippocratic Oath they took which says “first, do no harm.”

Words do not describe how recent discussions in legislatures and the law passed and celebrated in the state of NY make me feel about what is happening to the morality or lack of in this country. The best way I can describe my feelings about this matter is “disturbing” that lawmakers of any conscience could vote FOR allowing the “murder” of babies in our country for ANY reason or NO reason, without restriction. If they are asking us to believe this is a CHOICE, then let’s talk about why it is NOT a choice but rather it is a MURDER of a baby, known also as INFANTICIDE.

Most medical professionals agree that the age of viability for a fetus outside the womb begins at 24 weeks, the late second trimester of pregnancy. The youngest fetus born that has survived is currently 21 weeks in 2014. Recent advances in sonography show a fully formed infant in its mother’s womb much younger at 12 weeks. Most states will charge a criminal accused of the murder of a pregnant woman with 2 counts of murder acknowledging a fetus of any age as a “person”. Let’s also note that modern medicine tells us a fetus has fully developed pain receptors by 20 weeks. I imagine acid or a scalpel introduced into a pregnant woman’s uterus late in pregnancy as part of the late term abortion procedure could be considered the assault, or murder weapon? Modern science has in the 46 years since Roe v. Wade become the law of the land done nothing but disprove previous belief that an unborn baby is a “blob of cells that isn’t alive and doesn’t feel pain”. How can we dispute what we know to be true? We do only ourselves a great disservice by lying to defy our own conscience.

Whether we believe in a higher power, i.e., God, or we don’t, you cannot disprove the inherent fact that after a baby is conceived in a mother’s womb, the cycle of life begins, and from that time until birth a baby grows and develops and for all intensive purposes is a human being on a schedule toward birth. Any living human being in the world today was once formed in its mother’s womb and did not just “become” poof…. a human being at birth. That argument is absurd on its face. Let’s call recent legislative actions and discussions what they are and not lie to ourselves the way politicians patronize and lie to us. Late term abortion for WHATEVER reason is only a CHOICE allowing a mother and a doctor to commit INFANTICIDE, with a no restriction abortion law in place that protects them from prosecution.

Let this also be a call to action for all people of conscience. If our lawmakers don’t know better and will not protect the unborn from being MURDERED, than we must let them hear our voices louder! Call your representatives today and tell them we need to protect the right to life of the unborn and outlaw late term abortion/infanticide.

If we believe what our forefathers penned so long ago, we must act now and no longer condone but rather expose this monstrous lie and dreadful action against humanity wrongly called a medical procedure. We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.

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Liz Conti

Liz is a freelance published journalist and current member of the Norwalk Town Committee. Liz has held public office as a member of the Stamford Board of Representatives in the past. She is a finance professional with deep roots in her community. She is a dedicated mother of 2 and also currently serves as Warden at her local church. She is a passionate conservative who cares deeply about this country and the current state of affairs of which she likes to voice her concerns regularly.

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Michael Satagaj

Well said Liz.

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