• Connecticut Is More Pro-Life Than CT GOP Chair Ben Proto Suggests

    July 23, 2024

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    Many Connecticut Republicans embraced the Supreme Court to overrule Roe v Wade and return the power to regulate abortion to individual states.

    Including the Connecticut Republican Assembly.

    The CT Republican Assembly is concerned with recent comments of CT GOP Chair Ben Proto on the Republican Party platform as adopted for the RNC Convention. This comment included that the abortion platform "...better reflected long held views of many Republicans including those in Connecticut — and pushed back on socially-conservatives."

    “At the end of the day, the values of Connecticut are different than the values of Arkansas, or Utah or Washington or any other state,” Proto said. “That doesn’t mean their values are wrong and our's are right … Each state will enact laws that reflect those values.”

    Just to be clear, our CT Republican Assembly principles include the SANCTITY OF LIFE:

    We believe that the preborn child, from conception to the end of natural life, is a human being possessing the same unalienable rights as all other people and entitled to the full protection of the law.

    We value Life, and stand in solidarity with Family Institute of CT.

    Why would CT GOP Chair Proto push back on Pro Life?

    Our current state law, which has existed since 1991, includes that an abortion can take place up to viability, and does not specify abortions for youth or consent of a parent other than requires counseling for those under 16 years of age.

    What do Connecticut citizens really think about this abortion law?

    Does Ben remember the abortion bill proposed in 2023 as a Constitutional change, SJ 42, RESOLUTION PROPOSING A STATE CONSTITUTIONAL AMENDMENT CONCERNING A RIGHT OF INDIVIDUAL PRIVACY?

    The bill co-sponsors included Sen. James J. Maroney, 14th Dist, and Rep. Dominique Johnson, 143rd Dist.

    Notice the title. Would you even know that SJ 42 was an abortion bill?

    Meanwhile, Connecticut is an abortion "destination" state.

    Chairman Proto used a very broad brush to paint Connecticut Republicans as being the same. But he's wrong. His comment was way off base.

    Connecticut citizens' values are very much Pro Life, even if that's not what the mainstream media is saying.

    In Faith, Family, and Freedom,
    Anne Manusky, President
    CT Republican Assembly

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    Anne Manusky

    Anne Manusky, M.Ed., a 23-year Easton resident, wife and mother, is also the President of the CT Republican Assembly Chapter of NFRA and also CT Parents Involved in Education (CTPIE is a chapter of USPIE). She ran in Easton for Board of Education in 2015 and for Selectman in 2018. She has written extensively to advocate for children's issues, especially against the current ideological trends of pressuring academics, sex transition and psychological manipulation of children.

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    Bob MacGuffie

    You have THAT right, Anne!

    Michael Satagaj

    Thank you too, MacGuffie. You are are a man of terrific character.

    Michael Satagaj


    In defending the RNC’s retreat in the abortion issue, Ben Proto asserts that ‘… CT law reflects CT values’, implying that the matter is essentially, democratically settled science and we’d be better off just getting along with the opposition - ergo, being peaceful.

    In turn, you assert that ‘CT citizens values are very much Pro-Life’.

    Now, both of these assertions cannot be right.

    Michael Satagaj

    And I don’t claim to know the numbers here, but I suspect that the actual numbers significantly favor Proto’s assertion. Why? Because such perspectives are found on the easier of life’s paths, and most of CT willingly travels that path. Mind you, I am not endorsing Proto’s values, scruples or gamesmanship, or lack of, only objectively looking at the field. 

    Michael Satagaj

    Perhaps the CT Republican Assembly (and the GOP and the State at large and in fact, God) would be better served by us putting our energy into reclaiming the culture from the vile, into re-staking the field with Christian and American virtues.

    This cynic suggests a relentless torrent of shame.

    Michael Satagaj

    This cynic also suggests considering the essence of the following maxims:

    War is merely the continuation of politics by other means. (Carl Von Clausewitz)

    Politics is merely the continuation of war by other means. (Michel Foucault)
    In other words, politics is imposition – it is past time to ruthlessly impose a bit or ruthlessly defy it. 

    Michael Satagaj


    Thank you Anne, for your faith and your initiative.

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