• Connecticut Public Asked If We Supported Trump...

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    Connecticut Public, the NPR affiliate in the state, reached out yesterday wanting a pre-election comment which would probably get turned into a propaganda piece against Trump and against what the NYTimes once called the “Trumplicans” in Greenwich. 

    Here’s our response.

    To paraphrase Ronald Reagan, the problem with my Democrat friends is not what they don’t know, it’s what they know that just ain’t so.  Democrats refuse to see that on social issues, as well as economic issues, the American electorate sees things very differently than Democrat leadership does. 

    One of the problems they have is that many Democrat leaders live insular lives in a bubble, surrounded by friendly media who fawn over them, regurgitate their talking points without any pushback, and tell Democrats exactly what they want to hear. 

    NPR and others have stopped even pretending there’s any other legitimate perspective, and have become an insufferable self-involved Democrat echo chamber. 

    We think they’re in for a rude awakening on November 5th, which would no doubt result, as in 2016, in many sessions with their therapists and several marches on DC by white upper-middle-class women in pink hats.  Maybe we'll even see a "peaceful protest" or two lighting up the nighttime sky.

    Here’s a message for NPR to consider: it is time to move past denial and anger and accept that you are simply wrong about Trump.  Your self-styled towering intellects and Ivy league educations have not served you well.

    In a recent article, Dan Haar, a graduate of a liberal arts college and columnist for the very left leaning Hearst Media group, was shocked when he finally went out to talk to people on the street about who they supported in the election.  The people told him they’ve had enough of Democrat idiocy, they are tired of broken Democrat-run cities, and they prefer Trump's immigration policies.

    Want to know one of Dan Haar’s key takeaways?

    These people are “low information voters.” Talk about smug egotism and hubris.

    Screenshot, CT Insider

    The real problem is that on issue after issue the Democrats are doubling down on policies the public has already seen through.  Baby boomers who are not die-hard Democrats recognize this, but even many people born after 1990 now see through Democrat nonsense, too.

    Here are the issues in a nutshell:

    1. ECONOMY: Globalism is a fail.  We’ve traded good jobs for cheap TVs, and it turns out there aren’t as many service sector jobs as predicted, and retraining and relocating construction and manufacturing workers doesn’t work as promised.
    2. RACE: DEI is going to DIE.  Black men and women know they can compete on the merits and don’t need or want any help from upper-middle-class white liberals from Fairfield County. Meanwhile, whites who are not racists very much object to being told they are, and men likewise object to being told they’re toxic for exhibiting normal male traits.  This is true even if childless cat ladies and knuckleheads feel better about their life choices when they look down on men for being toxic and pretend to be helping women and blacks, when they’re really fomenting hate and perpetuating division.
    3. TRANSGENDER: Men are men, and women are women, and taking some pills and cutting off or adding parts to your body doesn’t change that.  And stop telling children that growing up will be easier if they take puberty blockers.  The truth is that stuff is dangerous and experimental. It can cause sterility, infertility and turn gender-confused youth into lifelong customers of Big Pharma. Stop transing kids!
    4. ILLEGAL IMMIGRATION:  Connecticut residents foot the bill for an estimated 117,000+ illegal immigrants in the state to the tune of ~$1.28 billion. That's outrageous. Plus, many Democrats want to expand the freebies handed out to illegals, give illegals the right to vote in local elections, and stop ICE from deporting people who broke the law to get here. Are they kidding?!
    5. CRIME: Crime is on the rise, and criminals are being coddled by the latest round of Democrat do-gooders who were not around to experience the last time this was tried in the 1970s and 1980s.  The boomers could have told you, soft on crime doesn’t work, and fake FBI statistics don’t convince anyone. But the scariest part is that the Venezuelan street gang Tren de Aragua now freely operates in Connecticut and was connected to a murder in Stamford just last week.
    6. CLIMATE CHANGE:  If demagogues like John Kerry and Mark Cuban really believed their own doomsday nonsense, they wouldn’t be buying houses on Nantucket or flying in private jets.  The average Connecticut taxpayer is tired of paying an extra $150 a month in electricity so John Kerry can lecture people about how he is saving the planet. And by the way, the "science" is fake.
    7. WELFARE: Learned this in the 1990s too.  People want workfare with term limits. No freeloaders.
    8. EDUCATION: Stop indoctrinating children into your radical, progressive ideology, and turning them into social justice warriors. Parents want to depoliticize schools, and focus on academic excellence.

    What hard-core Democrats like to call “populism,” or worse, "right wing nationalism," is really about regular people on the street having had enough nonsense, and seeing through the garbage that Democrats, RINOs and their media allies spew in order to make themselves feel morally superior and give themselves a thin veneer of fake goodness. 

    People have had enough sanctimony, and enough of sanctimonious talking heads in the media. 

    The Democrats, RINOs and their media mouthpieces may not like Trump, but that doesn't change the fact that Trump is still right about nearly everything, and his intentions for our country are sincere.

    So the takeaway for the legacy Connecticut media is that it's time to wake up and realize how far off the mark they’ve been for at least the last 16 years. And those cushy jobs supported by our tax dollars don't make NPR reporters any better or any smarter than the average man on the street. 

    Lastly, since Connecticut Public needed to ask, we will make it crystal clear:

    We will be proudly voting for Donald Trump, just like everyone we know.


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