• CT State Rep. Bob Godfrey Stokes Fear, Suggests Trump Is "A Fascist Dictator"

    October 18, 2024

    Godfrey, who has been endorsed by the radical progressive Working Families Party, is running for re-election, facing off against "Connecticut First" Republican Austin Monteiro

    State Rep Bob Godfrey (left) and State Rep Candidate Austin Monteiro (right)

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    Is anyone at all surprised that yet another Connecticut politician has implied Trump is a "fascist dictator"?

    This time it's 76-year-old State Rep. Bob Godfrey, an 18-term legislator from Danbury who was first elected to office in November 1988.

    While on the campaign trail, Godfrey told voters about how national issues have been “percolating down” into local politics.

    When asked why that was happening, Godfrey said, "my gut feeling is that people don’t like the idea of a fascist dictator,” in an obvious reference to Donald Trump.

    Godfrey seems to be a bit out of touch.

    It turns out that a growing number of people, including democrats in Connecticut per Dan Haar's column yesterday, are looking forward to a second Trump presidency.

    Screenshot, Hearst CT Media

    Meanwhile, Godfrey celebrates his endorsement from the Trump-hating Working Families Party (WFP), a party that has been described by Bernie Sanders as “the closest thing there is to a political party that believes in my vision of democratic socialism.”

    Democratic socialism? Or is it just communism at this point?

    By the way, in order to get an endorsement from the WFP, candidates had to fill out a pretty wild questionnaire that asked if they supported:

    • shifting resources away from policing;
    • reducing the number of arrests by directing police to stop arresting "low level" offenders;
    • limiting cooperation with Immigration & Customs Enforcement;
    • expanding the vision of policing by adding public employees, including social workers and mental health professionals, to work alongside first responders;
    • "protecting" trans and non-binary students (e.g., by letting biological boys play in girls sports and enter girl's locker rooms);
    • calling for an immediate moratorium on adding charter schools in Danbury; and
    • eliminating school resource officers.

    Why would any candidate want to shift resources away from policing at a time when crime is going up?

    The FBI quite literally just revised its 2022 estimated violent crime statistics in the opposite direction, from being down 2.1% to being UP 4.5%!

    Why would any candidate want to stop cooperating with Immigration, especially considering at least 117,000 illegals already live in Connecticut, costing taxpayers an estimated $1.28 billion?

    Does Godfrey believe that taxpayers have that much "extra" in their bank accounts after shelling out for the massive public benefits charge from EverSource that they can keep footing the bill for illegal immigrants?

    And let's just say they are not all law-abiding individuals...

    But Godfrey, whose campaign has taken in contributions from EverSource, doesn't want voters worrying about that.

    The man who once described his district in Danbury as a "dumping grounds for poor people and ethnic minorities" gleefully gaslights his constituents by saying, "Danbury has never been safer."

    Hey Bob, just a heads up.

    People see through the gaslighting, and know that crime is going up.

    Why would any candidate decline to protect girls in sports and in the locker room?

    Oh wait, that's right.

    Godfrey is aligned with the Connecticut Education Association, the state chapter of the National Education Association teachers union, which placed Godfrey on its honor roll.

    The union has made it clear it wants to let boys play in girls sports and enter girls locker rooms; it also prioritizes racial and social justice over academics.

    Not exactly sure what got Godfrey onto the union honor roll, but it's worth mentioning that only 29.9% of 3rd-8th grade students in Danbury met or exceeded grade standards in English and only 26.6% met or exceeded the grade standards in Math.

    Why would any candidate want to stop the expansion of charter schools in light of these abysmal test scores?

    Oh wait... union jobs.

    Screenshot, Danbury NewsTimes.

    Godfrey predictably lines up with the radical progressives in his party on other issues, too.

    But for the first time in a long time, it appears that Godfrey has viable competition.

    State representative candidate Austin Monteiro is clearly gaining momentum in his campaign. He even picked up an endorsement from the Danbury democrat who primaried Godfrey back in August, Melissa Santana. That's a huge statement about the broad appeal Monteiro has among voters.

    When asked about how his campaign is going, Monteiro told the Centinal it was going great.

    "We have knocked on over 1,500 doors with 17 days left to go and I plan to hit many more by Election Day. Our message of leading Danbury into the Next Generation with Common Sense Leadership, ready to represent everyone no matter party affiliation, is resounding with the voters of the 110 who have had enough at this point," said Monteiro.

    "They are tired of the same old same old, they are tired of the decrease in education from failed policy, they are tired of the crime increase, they are tired of the cost of living literally going through the roof," he explained. "Thirty-six years is enough."

    "It’s time for Danbury to move in a new direction, to revive the Danbury Dream and become the best city in Connecticut. Because we can," said Monteiro, full of optimism for the future.

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    Michael Satagaj

    A 76 year-old with the mental and emotional capacity of a 14 year-old, elected.

    Good Lord…

    Elected by…?

    By other children, of course.

    First, reclaim the field, Patriots

    (Hint: the field is not a majority of seats in the government)

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