• CT State Rep. Hector Arzeno Likens Another Trump Administration To "Dictatorship" -- Will Democrats Ever Tone Down The Rhetoric?

    September 21, 2024
    State Rep Hector Arzeno
    Screenshot, CT House Democrats

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    State Rep. Hector Arzeno (D) and Greenwich Democrats are catching flack for comments in the most recent Greenwich Democrats newsletter which featured a lengthy article about Arzeno on September 19th, less than a week after the second assassination attempt on Donald Trump.

    The Greenwich Democrats celebrated Arzeno, saying he "fights for shared democratic values" but pointed out that he is also "mindful of the dictatorships he lived under as a young man in Argentina."

    Mindful of dictatorships?

    Like the brutal dictatorship that operated in Argentina during the Dirty War from 1976 to 1983?

    “I revere our American values, because I’ve seen what happens when they’re absent,” said Arzeno. “The rule of law, the importance of truth, and equal opportunity for all—they are in jeopardy if we elect President Trump,” he said, clearly implying that Trump would operate a dictatorship not unlike the Dirty War he experienced in Argentina as a young man.

    What is really at stake in the 2024 Presidential election

    The Dirty War was waged by Argentina's military dictatorship against alleged left-wing political opponents. The war claimed between 10,000 and 30,000 lives. Many people were simply “disappeared” by authorities, never to be seen or heard from ever again. It must have been a terrifying time.

    Lieut. Gen. Jorge Rafaél Videla was installed as president. The new regime closed the National Congress, imposed censorship, enforced strict curfews, banned trade unions, brought state and municipal government under military control, established a secret police force, and hunted dissidents. Detention camps were set up, and civil rights violations quickly started piling up.

    Obviously, Trump is absolutely nothing like Videla.

    But that didn't stop Arzeno from making the reckless comparison.

    And it hasn't stopped the mainstream media from fabricating a false narrative that Trump is worse than Hitler, the biggest threat to democracy in the history of the world. The mainstream media has blasted this dangerous false narrative practically 24/7 for years on television and online.

    It sure makes you wonder when does the news become propaganda, doesn't it?

    The more the false narrative--propaganda--is repeated by left-wing media outlets, the more powerful it becomes.

    The lies are eventually believed, and the false "Trump is Hitler" narrative becomes the new truth.

    This kind of hateful, divisive rhetoric has undoubtedly contributed to both assassination attempts, Trump told Fox News Digital earlier this week. Trump said the suspected gunman, Ryan Wesley Routh, had "acted" on "highly inflammatory language" of the Democrats, not unlike what we saw in the Greenwich Democrats interview with Arzeno.  

    Coincidentally, also on September 19th, Congressman Matt Gaetz came forward with a shocking story that perhaps "at least FIVE teams" were now operating in the country that are "geared toward assassinating" Trump.

    Why in the world would Rep. Arzeno and the Greenwich Democrats pile onto the dangerous, hateful rhetoric, implying that Trump will be a dictator, especially at this particular time, right after a second assassination attempt and when there are allegedly 5 assassination teams in the country aiming for Trump?

    Are they actually trying to incite more anger against Trump? Do they wish the previous two would-be assassins had been successful?

    What the Hec is going on?

    Perhaps Arzeno and the Greenwich Democrats should have taken the advice of their dear leader Kamala, and gone to the Long Island Trump rally to experience the magic and beauty of the MAGA movement first hand.

    And had they gone, they might have actually awakened to learn that the real threat to this country is the radical left Marxists and communists.

    If the Marxists and communists win, America will fail.

    Trump understands this better than anyone, which is why he must win in order for our country to survive.

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