Est. 1802 ·

Despite Two Connecticut Librarians Arrested For Child Porn, Bill Introduced To Sue Parents

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State Senators Duff and Maher are agitating for a bill this session that would create a cause of action against parents and members of the community. The bill would create a new way to punish parents who object to pornographic material in the library, including the use of sex toys, masturbation techniques, “butt plugs” and “favorite porn stars”. Senator Duff insists that only “crazies” oppose his bill.

Leslie Wolfgang (not crazy), attends SB523 press conference.

The Process is the Punishment . . . and these senators know that.

You and your family, your friends, kids, members of the community would all be threatened with suits each time you disturbed or upset a librarian with your “crazy” complaints about sexually explicit materials. Don’t be fooled, the goal is not to protect librarians, those laws already exist, this bill is to punish members of the community who object to porn and sexually explicit materials in school libraries.

A Trojan horse for “Comprehensive Sex Education” . . . without parental oversight.

This bill is a Trojan horse for “comprehensive sex education” in libraries. Comprehensive Sex education includes detailed instructions for children on how to engage in every kind of sexual activity, preparing girls and boys to have sexual activity with men and each other.

It starts in Pre-k, with non-parental adults teaching the “medically accurate” names for each private part to three year olds. For eight year olds, CSE brings out the “gender unicorn” to teach children they might have been “born in the wrong body”. In sixth grade, 11 year olds are given detailed instructions on how to engage in “vaginal, anal and oral” sex (Page 12, CDSE Healthy and Balanced Living Curriculum Framework 2021) and more. CSE reinforces these lessons in each subsequent grade level. In turn, these library books reinforce CSE and are disguised as “educational materials” in the library and used to titilate and initiate our children into sexual activity when parents and guardians are not present. This bill is an attempt to punish and silence those parents and members of the community for objecting.

Meanwhile, CT librarians have their own house to clean.

Librarians who support this bill are eager to share explicit sex instruction with your children . . . without you there. Meanwhile, the community is expected to ignore the arrest of librarians for porn and sexual assault and obliquely turn our children over to “experts” who only want children to “see themselves in a book on their local library shelves”.

Parents are shamed if they point out that a children’s librarian in North Branford was just arrested in August 2024 for first degree possession of child pornography. We are told it “doesn’t matter” that another librarian from Westport was released from prison in 2021 for viewing child pornography while working in the library. And “who cares” if another long-term employee of the Avon library was convicted in 2018 of having a sexual relationship with a 13-year old victim he met and groomed at a library. These are just the librarians who were caught and prosecuted; we know that porn use is a problem in our society and in every profession. The point is that parents who want to stop other adults, any adult, from exposing children to sexually-explicit material are not “crazies”, Senator Duff. They don’t deserve threats of legal prosecution.

Book challenges are actually a sign of a Healthy and Engaged Community

Legislators who sponsor this bill are trying to scare parents and members of the community from objecting to these books. Wrapping themselves in the First Amendment, they pretend that there is a riot of books being “banned” in CT. This is not true. At best, even by their own statistics, a whopping 113 books were “challenged” in CT in all of 2023. Challenged for what, we are never told. But we are also told there are well over 1,000 libraries in Connecticut. So, what is the big deal? Librarians insist they have a duty to “make trouble”, so why is anyone surprised when their selections are challenged?

We challenge librarians and legislators who support this bill, and others like it, to stop the name-calling and take a look at the facts. Public participation in our democracy is messy by design, parents are not the enemy and librarians aren’t entitled to immunity and weaponization of civil law when they expose minors to sexually explicit content.

What can we do about it?

Contact your legislators and tell them that you oppose the harsh rhetoric and weaponization of the law by legislators against parents who challenge the exposure of children to pornographic material by Connecticut librarians. Use our Action Center to contact them today.

We also want you to also show some love to two legislators of integrity at the CT Capitol, State Representatives Anne Dauphinais and Gale Mastrofrancesco. They have introduced HB5898 to protect parents who object to materials in CT libraries – Bravo. You can show your appreciation on Facebook and X.

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Family Institute of Connecticut

The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations. FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.
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Michael Satagaj

And you all think we can COEXIST…

Wolves and sheep…

Lions and lambs…

Upright and vile.

When the bell tolls, this will not end well.

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