• Following Ground-Breaking SCOTUS Statement, Gender Activists Have Faced String Of Defeats 

    October 17, 2024
    Public Domain.

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    In their August 16 statement, the nine Supreme Court justices unanimously expressed their opposition to three key provisions in the new Title IX regulation.  

    The provisions opposed by the nine justices are to: 

    1. Redefine sex to include “gender identity.”
    2. Allow transgender students to use the bathrooms and locker rooms designated for members of the opposite sex.
    3. Create a new, overly broad definition of “hostile environment harassment”

    Since then, gender activists have experienced a string of legal setbacks. Following is a partial listing: 

    1. August 30: Texas Attor­ney Gen­er­al Ken Pax­ton Wins Nation­wide Stay of Agency Gen­der-Iden­ti­ty Man­date, Block­ing Biden From Forc­ing Tax­pay­er-Fund­ed Hos­pi­tals to Con­duct ​“Gen­der Tran­si­tion” Surgeries
    2. September 10: Virginia School Board to Pay $575,000 to Fired Teacher, Peter Vlaming, Who Refused to Use Transgender Student's Pronouns
    3. September 12: Indiana University’s Sexual Misconduct Policy Discriminatory, Jury Finds
    4. September 27: Accused Student's Lawsuit Versus Rutgers Survives Dismissal
    5. September 27: U.S. District Judge William Campbell Dismisses Challenge to Tennessee Law Barring K-12 Trans Kids from Restrooms of Choice
    6. October 3: Three-Judge Panel of the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals Denies Stay in Florida Case, Restrictions on Trans Care Will Continue

    The SAVE/Title IX Network was founded in June 2022 when the Biden-Harris Administration first announced its proposed Title IX regulation. Since then, the Network has grown to include 236 national, state, and local organizations that are opposed to the new Biden-Harris Title IX rule.

    In August 2024, SAVE launched its Citizen Watchdog Program to protect children, respect parental rights, and block the ideological indoctrination of students. To date, dozens of Title IX Network and Watchdog Program members have volunteered to monitor their local schools.

    In addition, SAVE is inviting candidates for public office (local, county, state and federal) to sign a Candidate Pledge to Protect Schools, Children, and Families from the Federal Title IX Plan. To date, 120 candidates in 32 states have signed the Pledge.

    If you are a candidate and in agreement with the Pledge, please send an email indicating your support to Bob Thompson at [email protected]

    The Title IX Network consists of 236 national and state organizational members that are working to stop the Title IX regulation and end the gender agenda.

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    SAVE Services

    SAVE’s mission is to assure that every student and faculty member across America is afforded their constitutional protections of fairness and due process, especially in the context of sexual harassment and sexual assault. In particular, SAVE — Stop Abusive and Violent Environments — seeks to assure that the federal Title IX law is applied consistently and fairly to all students, both male and female. SAVE carries out this mission through media campaigns, legal advocacy, legislative activities, and monitoring of university compliance. Learn more at: https://www.saveservices.org/

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