It's Take Your Child To The Library Day On February 1st

January 30, 2025

GRAPHIC CONTENT WARNING: The images included in this article are intended for young children in public libraries ONLY, and may not be suitable for adult viewing.

Public Domain.

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On the first Saturday in February, libraries across Connecticut celebrate Take Your Child To The Library Day (TYCLD) with free activities for families.

TYCLD was founded in 2011 at the Waterford Public Library in Connecticut, and has since spread to libraries all across North America.

The program is supported by Connecticut Library Consortium (CLC) and everylibrary.

It's worth noting that the Executive Director of CLC, Ellen Paul, backs the controversial "Don't Ban Books Act" raised by CT State Senators Bob Duff and Ceci Maher.

The bill would allow librarians to sue parents, family, friends and community members for upsetting a librarian with “crazy” complaints about sexually explicit materials.

By the way, everylibrary runs "Save School Librarians" which is a political action website dedicated to supporting bills like the "Don't Ban Books Act."

So in honor of TYCLD, we are sharing some books found in the children's section of public libraries in Greenwich, uncensored. These books can often be found at eye level and feature fun, brightly colored images, sure to catch the attention of young readers!

We did not include images from any of the dozens and dozens of books on gender identity that aim to confuse very young children about whether they are a boy or a girl, books that tell children they were born in the wrong body, books that normalize transgenderism, pronouns, boys wearing dresses, etc.

Plus we added in a few highlights from the "teen" section, since that's where things get really spicy.

We were told by a librarian at Greenwich Public Library that books in the teen section are suitable for children aged 12 and up.


And remember, if the "Don't Ban Library Books Act" proposed by Duff and Maher gets passed, and you complain to a librarian about one of these books, you might end up getting sued for causing a librarian emotional distress!

Books In The Children's Library

We Need To Talk About Vaginas:  An Important Book About Vulvas, Periods, Puberty & Sex;
Perrot CHILDREN's Library, Greenwich
You Know, Sex: Bodies, Gender, Puberty, and Other Things!;
Perrot CHILDREN's Library, Greenwich
Sex Is A Funny Word;
Perrot CHILDREN's Library and Greenwich Library Children's Room
It's Perfectly NormalIt's Perfectly Normal: Changing Bodies, Growing Up, Sex, Gender, and Sexual Health;
Perrot Children's Library and Greenwich Library Children's Room
The Big Bathhouse;
Cos Cob Library, Perrot Children's Library and Greenwich Library
The Bare Naked Book;
Perrot Children's Library, Greenwich

Books In The Teen / Young Adult Section Of The Library

Let’s Talk About It;
Greenwich Library
Juliet Takes A Breath;
Greenwich Library
This Book Is Gay;
Greenwich Library and available for electronic download
Gender Queer;
Byram Schubert, Cos Cob and Greenwich Libraries

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What in the world has happened to adults that makes them think this is acceptable material to provide to children - using taxpayer dollars no less.

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