• It’s Time To Let The RINOs Lose.

    September 23, 2024

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    Connecticut is a shambles.  Our election system is compromised, CT is 48th in terms of employment and GDP growth since 2000, with almost no new jobs in 24 years. CT real estate appreciation is 50th in the US, and CT median income growth is 49th according to Federal Reserve Data, and median income in CT is buoyed by Fairfield county which derives much of its income from New York’s now shrinking banking sector.  You can thank the Democrats in charge of Connecticut, but you can also thank the Connecticut RINOs.

    RINOs, out-of-touch, self-absorbed, obsolete, old-guard, old-hat, passé, whatever you call them, are not Republican in any real sense, yet they have been running the Republican party in Connecticut for thirty years. Their only concern is staying in charge of their ever-shrinking little fiefdoms, and they will do anything and denigrate anyone to keep from getting fired.

    They stay in power by riding the Democrats’ coattails as the Democrats move further and further left. The RINOs claim this “carries the middle.”  In fact, this RINO strategy is only good at one thing: keeping RINOs in office in the few towns with a remaining Republican presence while enabling the destruction of the CT economy and the down-sizing of the Republican party. 

    The results speak for themselves: Democrats control 60% of the legislature and all major offices.  Republican registrations have not grown since 2000 and nearly 100% of net new registrations have been Democrats, increasing Democrat registrations by 25%.  In a nutshell, on the RINOs’ watch, Republicans and Republicanism have become irrelevant in CT.  Excuses abound, but a change is needed.  Continuing down this path is the proverbial definition of insanity.

    In Greenwich RINOs chasing Democrats manifests in leftist committees like the Greenwich Hate Police, the doxxing of anyone who dares to question the RINOs, a Board of Education that somehow always votes with the Democrats, and of course RINO leaders working with Democrats to label even vague threats to their authority as “extremist” and “a clear and present danger.” 

    Rather than fight, the RINOs invariably respond to leftist issues with “yes, but…” legitimizing Democrats’ imaginary crises and diverting from facing the real issues in CT.  Then the RINOs invariably give in to the Democrats. For example: Democrats say, “we have an affordable housing crisis,” the RINO response is “yes, but local control…” and nothing changes.

    Yet the reality is that there is no housing crisis of any kind in Connecticut just as there is no road safety issue, and no mass transit shortage.

    The problem in CT is the stagnant economy and the mass exodus and brain drain due to high taxes and lack of growth and opportunity.  Democrats want to distract from this reality and the RINOs help them.  The fact is that to the extent there is a housing issue in CT, it’s that housing is a primary source of savings for the middle class and that source of savings has been losing ground to inflation since 2008.

    By accepting each fake Democrat crisis and saying “yes, but,” RINOs cede the issue giving the Democrats a win.  As a result of RINOs failing to speak up, failing to register and support Republican issues, and taking Democrat-lite positions on the economy, housing, urbanization, transportation, immigration, energy, and state and local taxes, CT now has a maze of taxes and regulations which serve only to extend and perpetuate CT’s economic malaise.

    After thirty years of this, it’s well past time for a change.

    All conservatives must wake up.  There is no doubt at this point: voting for RINOs will result in ever more Democrat policies which will destroy our state. CT must stop with the virtue-signaling, Democrat-lite policies of the RINOs and fight to grow our economy. This is especially true for people who are not in banking or otherwise working in NYC. 

    The ONLY path to saving the state and the Connecticut Republican party is to get rid of the RINOs.  How?  Stop voting for RINO candidates and let the RINOs lose.

    Can’t identify the RINOs?  They’re the ones on row B on the ballot to the right of Donald Trump. There are a few non-RINOs in some Row B columns, but the RINOs are working against those candidates anyway.  So vote for Trump and no one else. Then come to caucuses and primaries and take back the Republican party.  Without new Republican leadership CT is doomed.

    Do NOT vote for the current slate of wishy-washy candidates who follow the Democrat-lite playbook of ever-increasing urbanization, more government programs, suppression of free speech, needless and excessive spending, needless regulation and misguided safetyism.  Once the RINOs lose in Republican strongholds, Republicans can start over and rebuild our Grand Old Party.

    Send a message: vote AGAINST CT GOP leader Ben Proto and his cadre who are afraid of espousing Republican values and against anyone supported by those RINOs who’ve been around for years. Send the message that we want strong leadership who will articulate and fight for our values, instead of fomenting discord and handing out favors to friends and special interest groups.

    ‘NO AD’ subscription for CDM!  Sign up here and support real investigative journalism and help save the republic!


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    Michael Satagaj

    So, Mr. Staff Writer (channeling Matt Walsh), What is a RINO?“

    Why, a RINO is a poseur, a charlatan – simple enough.

    Now, let’s contrast that with “What is a conservative?“

    A conservative is an individual that trusts and lives by tried and true values and principles.

    Michael Satagaj

    What values and principles, one might ask?
    Why, the sovereignty of the individual, righteous Judeo-Christian faith and instruction, prudent fiscal decisions, personal responsibility, natural order, truth, respectfulness, humility, etc.

    Michael Satagaj

    RINOs, you therefore assert, pretend to champion conservative values, but when the rubber meets the road, they don’t really, and Democrat issues then run rampant… and that the true conservative must identify RINOs and keep them from a political station and then commandeer the ‘Republican’ machine at the precincts and Bammm!! CT is Nirvana again.

    That sounds almost too good to be true.

    In fact, it is indeed… not true.

    Michael Satagaj

    The fact is that there are few conservatives left at all. Should we each look in the mirror, we shall find a poseur staring back at us, a pretender that routinely compromises the values and principles that we purportedly hold dear. And that is why we are in this predicament.

    First principles.

    Get your house in order.

    And teach the next person.

    Robert A. Porrazzo

    RINOS are the same people who put Steven K Bannon in jail in Danbury!

    Liz Conti

    Rinos are the reason the Republicans continue to accept defeat in CT! It is clearly outlined in this wonderful article! When the republicans want to UNITE instead of be a part of a Uniparty, then we have a chance at change not shame!

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