• Kamala Tells Rally Go-er Who Shouts “Jesus is Lord”… “Oh You Guys Are At The Wrong Rally”

    October 21, 2024
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    Kamala did a rally in La Crosse, Wisconsin, this week, and just when she was talking her lies about Roe vs Wade and Trump planning to outlaw abortion nationwide, a voice from the crowd shouts “Jesus is Lord.” She responds after laughing, “oh you guys are at the wrong rally, you need to go the the smaller one down the street.”

    As if it wasn’t a big enough insult to skip the Al Smith Fundraising Dinner this week in a direct mocking of Catholics, she now mocks Jesus in Wisconsin. The devil is clearly among us and runs our government in a tyranny that supports infanticide, demoralizes Christianity, and rampantly feeds lie after lie at the podium and throughout the corrupt media it employs to work against the people, and freedom of speech.

    Directly opposite to Kamala’s inclination, JD Vance was speaking at a rally this weekend in Wisconsin about Kamala’s anti-christian behavior, when a rally go-er shouts “Jesus is King” and JD responds, “That’s right, Jesus is King”.

    Just for reference, this nation was founded by Judea-Christians, but also to respect those of all religions and with a clear separation of “church and state” to acknowledge individual’s rights to follow their faith and not to have government get in the way of that.

    We now see something entirely antithetical to what we have known for two centuries. We see our rulers outwardly “mocking” the religion of the majority of Americans, in favor of a seemingly new “god” of “elitism” and in support of a new “god” that is the “government” led by a corrupt gang of thieves who wish to conquer and control what we their “serfs” are allowed to do and to believe. This is objectionable to the very tenets of our Constitution. This is the rising of the “elitist” religion, which is some kind of “Satanical” cult of demons who wish to overpower “we the people” and have instituted a new form of “slavery” that is far worse than that of this nation’s past, partaking of the owning of individuals of color. This slavery is the enslavement of all those who are not in the “elitist” circle of wealth, power and control. This is sadly what the leaders of the Democratic party of today represent. A vote for the Harris-Walz will deliver this disgraceful continuum of un-godly driven tyrannical power lording over “we the people”.

    That is why any person of faith must think long and hard when making the choice at this ballot box in a few short days. This election truly is the most consequential election of this century and beyond. Please don’t let the ideals of “Jesus is Lord and of “we the people” down when you vote, and vote you must to preserve the freedoms afforded by our constitution and under God regarding the protections of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all citizens of the United States.

    Jesus, please bless this nation on November 5th 2024!

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    Liz Conti

    Liz is a freelance published journalist and current member of the Norwalk Town Committee. Liz has held public office as a member of the Stamford Board of Representatives in the past. She is a finance professional with deep roots in her community. She is a dedicated mother of 2 and also currently serves as Warden at her local church. She is a passionate conservative who cares deeply about this country and the current state of affairs of which she likes to voice her concerns regularly.

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