• LAUDONIA: Representatives Should Be Loyal To Voters, Not Narrow-Minded Special Interest Groups

    September 8, 2024
    CT State Rep Candidate Tod Laudonia

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    By Tod Laudonia

    The endorsement of Hector Arzeno by the Connecticut League of Conservation Voters (CTLCV) sheds a bright light on his misrepresentation of the people of Connecticut. He is a shill for organizations such as CTLCV whose missions have such a narrow focus on an ideological premise that supporters, like Hector, are intentionally ignoring the bigger picture. He does not consider the collateral damage that these organizations' missions may cause to many of his constituents through unsustainable increases in costs to our energy bills. 

    Screenshot, CTLCV

    The endorsement may also explain why my opponent has refused to sign on to request a special session be called to investigate the ever-escalating electric bills. CTLCV claims to be a nonpartisan organization that works to pass equitable and sustainable legislation but fails to understand that it must be equitable, sustainable and affordable for all the residents of the State of Connecticut. 

    It is time to hold our representatives accountable and remind them that they are elected to represent all their constituents (neighbors & friends), not just special interest groups, organizations and corporations looking only to further their narrowly focused agendas.

    Tod Laudonia

    Republican Candidate for CT House 151 st District
    Please visit VoteForTod.com to learn more and to donate.

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