Here is a look at a few cases of fraud involving the giant Merck. Merck is being sued for fraud for Gardasil, that litigation is on going and headed to a trial by jury. Merck was also the maker of VIOXX, a blockbuster drug that killed many people. Advertised as a miracle for pain, it was in fact a killer. Merck knew its drug VIOXX would kill people, but sold it anyway and kept selling it until it was forced to withdraw it from the market. Merck was then forced to pay out hundreds of millions of dollars for VIOXX injuries and deaths.
Merck was also sued for fraud for the mumps portion of the MMR vaccine. After two scientists blew the whistle on Merck for cooking the science with rabbit blood to make the mumps look more efficacious than it actually was/is. In a strange twist, the mumps lawsuit was pursued under the Antitrust Act, instead of fraud. The MMR case was litigated for over a decade. Meanwhile, Merck has a monopoly for their mumps vaccine and our government is quite comfortable with this fact. A judge recently ruled in favor of Merck, saying the pharmaceutical giant is immune from Antitrust. Never mind the whistleblowing scientists and fraud!! Now we have the MMR vaccine that is cooked with fraudulent science, and mumps outbreaks continue all across the country. The media? Crickets.
The question that burns in my mind, is why do people violently hold onto their beliefs so much so that they lose all decency and decorum to protect giants like Merck? This is not the first person to wish death on me, I am sure it will not be the last sadly. People like this do not scare me, they prove to me how pervasive the propaganda machine is. Imagine being a grown adult wishing death on someone because they post about medical products like vaccines that you do not fully understand.
We need transparency and informed consent for all medical products. Merck should not be allowed to do business after VIOXX killed so many people and Merck KNEW their product was dangerous. We should also be questioning why the pharmaceutical industry can be immune from Antitrust? The MMR was designed with three antigens, which has zero to do with the health of our children and everything to do with major profits for Merck and its shareholders. Merck is a convicted felon, not the holy grail of health.
“Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski, who worked as virologists in the Merck lab that performed the efficacy testing, alleged that they witnessed improper testing, data falsification and violation of duties of government disclosure. They also alleged the vaccine is significantly less effective than Merck claimed.”
Over the years there have been mumps outbreaks all across the country -- yet the media never mentions it -- and never mentions that the MMR is marred in controversy, from the mumps fraud to serious injuries reported to VAERS regarding the MMR... not to mention William Thompson the CDC whistleblower on the MMR and autism connection.
"Thompson is a 19-year CDC veteran who worked as former senior vaccine safety scientist at CDC’s Immunology Safety Office. He is also a key author of four studies the CDC used to prove that the measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine and vaccines, which contain the mercury-based preservative thimerosal, do not expose their recipients to autism. However, the United States Department of Health and Human Services admitted that during the proceedings, the agency sealed one of the cases, wherein HHS conceded that the vaccines did indeed cause autism, therefore concealing critical evidence."
Vaccines have become a religion for many. So much so that a company with a checkered history of fraud and malfeasance gets to continue doing business, but this is not an ordinary product. This product is mandated to children every day to attend schools and day care centers throughout the United States. Merck has a captured market that is mandated to take their products EVEN when there are very concerning issues with that product. Not only that, all vaccines that are currently on the childhood schedule cannot be sued if a child is injured by the vaccine. Families of injured children must pursue their claims in a vaccine government tribunal called the vaccine court. As of today the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program, has paid over five billion dollars in vaccine injuries and deaths. Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System, VAERS is the government’s vaccine injury reporting system and per a government evaluation of the system by Harvard Pilgrim, it only captures between 1% and 10% of all vaccine injuries. This program is over 40 years old and the government has not done anything to correct it.
The scared and misinformed continue to hate the messenger instead of reading the message. Vaccines are not as safe and effective as our government leads us to believe. Just look at the giant Merck, and remember they only pull their products off the market when they are forced to do so. The MMR is like a deity, not a product made by a company that has been convicted numerous times for fraud. Our children are the captured audience for Merck’s fraudulent MMR. Health cannot be mandated nor attained through the jab of a needle.
"The FDA inspected Merck’s lab and confirmed evidence of data falsification. Krahling and Wlochowski in August 2010 sued Merck as “relators” on behalf of the U.S. government alleging the company engaged in efforts over more than a decade to hide the fact that its mumps vaccine was less effective than the company claims.”
Links and References:
"Electronic Support for Public Health - Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (ESP:VAERS)
CDC blocks testimony of vaccine whistleblower in medical malpractice lawsuit
Breaking: Appeals Court Dismisses Whistleblower Lawsuit Against Merck Over MMR Vaccine