• New York City Mayor Eric Adams Indicted For Telling The Truth On Illegal Immigration

    September 30, 2024

    White liberals will not tolerate uppity people who threaten their agenda

    Eric Adams' arraignment at the Daniel Patrick Moynihan United States Courthouse on September 28, 2024. (Public Domain.)

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    Anyone who believes our government prosecutors do not weaponize our legal system to enforce the ruling class agenda or harass President Trump should examine the indictment of New York Mayor Eric Adams, a Democrat.

    Throughout the Biden/Harris administration, there has been a concerted effort to allow illegals to flood our country. One reason is that corporations need the cheap labor. Another is that the White Upper Middle Class needs inexpensive landscaping services, childcare, house cleaning and construction.

    The Democratic party also needs voters, and the game plan is that if Kamala Harris wins the Presidency and the Democrats hold the Senate, they plan to pack the Supreme Court who will then declare all the illegals to be citizens with the right to vote. In fact, the Democrats opposed a bill that prohibited illegals from voting in our elections.

    Finally, there is a philosophical belief among liberals that third world poverty is due to the racism, sexism, homophobia, Islamophobia, fossil-fuel induced climate change and colonialism of the western world. Thus, illegals flooding the country is justified pay back, as long as they do not show up on white liberal playgrounds such as Nantucket or Martha’s Vineyard.

    Illegals flooded our cities and towns, complete with debit cards furnished by the Biden/Harris administration, and caused increased crime, housing shortages, non-functioning public schools, higher real estate prices and car accidents – by drivers who were neither licensed or insured.

    But Democrats looked the other way and Republicans who pointed this out were labeled as bigots.

    Then Mayor Eric Adams had the guts to point the damage illegals were doing to New York City stating:

    “This issue will destroy New York City. … All of us are going to be impacted by this. I said it last year when we had 15,000, and I’m telling you now at 110,000. The city we knew, we’re about to lose,”

    The ruling class and their toady media acolytes could have just discredited Adams by branding him a bigot too, but they had a problem. Adams is Black.

    So now they had to put him in his place. President Trump – whose predictions are almost always right – stated:  “You know what? He’ll be indicted within a year.”

    And that is exactly what happened.

    Adams’s is charged with receiving lavish treatment from Turkish government officials. He was flown to Turkey first class and stayed at an expensive suite at the Ritz. He is also charged with receiving donations from Turkish officials through “straw men” meaning the contributions were given to American citizens by Turkish citizens who then contributed to his campaign. President Obama did the exact same thing on a much higher scale but was never charged.

    In return for this generosity, Adams is accused of greasing the wheels for some permits so that the Turkish embassy was ready when the Turkish President visited New York.

    If this is a crime, virtually every politician would be guilty. Cutting through bureaucracy is what politicians do every day. Even for foreign nationals. Adams is the mayor of New York, the most international city on the planet. Off course he is going to make life easier for visiting dignitaries. That’s his job.

    If Adams fights this, odds are he will win. But he has already been tarnished as a crook, and he will have to spend millions in legal fees to fight these prosecutorial fascists.

    This is what our corrupt ruling class does to political opponents. President Obama sicced the IRS on conservative groups threatening to take away their tax-exempt status.  Corrupt judges, bureaucrats and prosecutors have harassed President Trump by trying to keep him off the ballot and filing bogus lawsuits.

    And this will only get worse if Kamala Harris becomes President. The “Justice” Department will be harassing and imprisoning political opponents. Even free speech is under attack. Liberals are now complaining about “misinformation” as if people don’t have the right to be misinformed. Energy Czar John Kerry wants to legally harass people who question the climate change agenda, while he tools around in a fossil fuel guzzling yacht.

    Trump has expressed sympathy for Adams and if he can win this election, perhaps he may be able to force the corrupt Justice Department to drop the case. Our politicians, whether liberal or conservative, should be allowed to represent their constituency as they wish without being attacked by a weaponized Justice Department.

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    Dr. Joseph Bentivegna

    Dr. Joseph Bentivegna is an ophthalmologist in private practice who ran for Congress and US Senate in Connecticut. You can subscribe to his Substack here: https://substack.com/@jfbentivegna

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    who the hell gave this dude a phd

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