Est. 1802 ·

Normalizing Transgenderism

"I am Jazz"

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This graphic is used to teach gender to children and is sanctioned by the CDC’s Whole Child, Whole School, Whole Community

The first time I had ever heard of transgenderism was in a private women’s group in early 2000. One of the women’s husbands became a woman. Needless to say they divorced when he became a better she than his wife! I was so confused, because I assumed her husband, now girlfriend, was gay. He was not. Being a woman for some men is a sexual fetish.

“Autogynephilia exemplifies an unusual paraphilic category called 'erotic target identity inversions', in which men desire to impersonate or turn their bodies into facsimiles of the persons or things to which they are sexually attracted.” (Source:

I want to make it clear, I know that there are people with body dysphoria. I mean no harm or disrespect to anyone struggling with being in their natural bodies. Adults have a right to informed consent about medical choices that will affect their biological sexuality for the rest of their lives. However, a man cannot become a woman; and a woman cannot become a man, it is not biologically possible. He may become feminized, but a woman he will never be. Biological women, and men with gender dysphoria are not the same. A man assuming stereotypical gender characteristics is not a woman and does not belong in women’s spaces or sports. How are we even arguing this very basic fact? How did this become a societal “norm”? How is it now acceptable that children are part of transgenderism?

A decade ago as a homeschooling mother, a child in our co-op went from being a boy to a little girl. The family changed his name and dressed him like the girls. I was stunned honestly. Sure this little boy can wear dresses, but what happens when he hits puberty? The little boy’s mother “explained” her son’s new identity. Put simply, the little boy had a gendered soul and was truly a girl in the wrong body. Wrong body? Huh? I thought about my friend’s husband and realized this little boy is too young to have a sexual fetish, but how on earth does a child develop gender dysphoria?!

Jazz Jennings hit the airways for the first time in an interview with Barbra Walters. The first televised transgender child made the rounds on popular TV and in 2015, “I am Jazz”, a reality show now in its 8th season was aired on TLC. It was my stepdaughter that first told me about Jazz Jennings. I do not have cable television. Curious, I watched the Barbra Walters interview online. Jazz’s mother explained the same theory about being in the wrong body and allowing Jazz to be his true self, a girl. The 60 minutes episode left me feeling sad for that child. How will he make it through puberty when his voice changes and he develops his second sex characteristics? “I am Jazz” made transgenderism seem so normal. Look at this happy child with long hair, looks like a girl, sounds like a girl, but! Everyone embraced Jazz as his transgender self, his family, the school, and the media began normalizing transgenderism in children to the masses.

As the years have progressed, more and more children are being labeled transgender. Out of nowhere it seemed to hit like a bolt of lightening! Trans kids, affirmation, and “Transgender healthcare”, what is that? For kids that entails puberty blockers. How can a child consent to puberty blockers? How strange and sad for our children. Now the term puberty blocker is “normal” in American society. Puberty is another biological reality that cannot be paused, or stopped, without great consequences and very serious side effects. The reality show “I am Jazz” is now a case study as to the harm and the reality of transing children through affirmation, and then experimental medical procedures. I am surprised they are still airing it. As a child, and a young teen, everything seemed fine on the surface, but the reality of Jazz’s biology is not transient, it is fixed, it is finite.

Jazz was put on puberty blockers at 11 years old. He was never able to develop his male sex characteristics. When he was ready for “bottom surgery” the doctor said he had a micro penis and wanted to stretch Jazz’s penis before performing a vaginoplasty. This was on television and no one watching it thought it was child abuse? I sure did, I was shocked and utterly appalled. When I would discuss this publicly, I was the bad guy for saying, YOU CANNOT STOP PUBERTY!

Jazz was a child. He had no idea the reality of his choices as the adults around him affirmed he was a girl, when he is, and always will be, a boy. They affirmed him, shrunk his penis and then mutilated what was left of it into a surgical wound that will never heal and will never be a vagina. Jazz must dilate his inverted penis to keep the surgical wound from closing up. The process of dilation is extremely painful as described by thousands of young people who are de-transitioning back to their biological sex. The de-transitioners are left to grapple with the reality and irreversible harm of affirmation and “transgender healthcare”. All of them say that they wish they knew.

How can a child know? How have we allowed this go so far? Trangenderism is now taught in schools. This lie, that one can change their fixed biological sex, is being presented as fact, and there is nowhere near enough outrage. Why? We are talking about the mutilation of children being paraded as kindness. It is not kind to affirm a lie and tell children they were born wrong. No one is assigned a sex, you are born a boy or a girl. In very rare cases people could be born with both sex characteristic, what that person does should be up to the person in that body.

Vaginoplasty aka "Bottom Surgery"

Not only does Jazz suffer from the numerous surgeries on his penis. Natural puberty hormones matter, they matter a lot for the full development of the body, not just the sex characteristics. You cannot just pause puberty! Jazz never had the natural hormones for his full adult brain to develop, or his full bone structure, or for the development of his sex organs. That was stunted by medical professionals enabled by the adults in Jazz’s life.

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Now Jazz is a medical patient forever, and his biology will always be a boy no matter what the experts say or do. The cross sex hormones Jazz is injected with regularly make him grow abnormally large breasts. As a male he does not have the ligaments to properly carry the weight of his hormone-induced breasts. Do his breasts grow continuously while on the hormones he must take to maintain the female characteristics? What is the long-term data on using hormones on growing children?

There currently is none. There is however a large movement of young people speaking out about transgenderism and it’s reality, they are de-transitioners. They, like Jazz, must live with the truth about transgenderism and the medical experiments that go with it.

When Jazz was a child, the reality was obscured, now as an adult all the world can see how Jazz Jennings was abused by the medical system and the adults in his life who exploited him. What is Jazz’s future, and the future of all the children harmed by transgenderism? Now severely overweight on top of the transgender medical experiments performed on him, he suffers in ways he could not possibly have fathomed as a child. Reading about the “bottom surgery” Jazz had while just 17 years old, you have to ask? HOW?! What adult human being could allow this to be done to a child? Jazz will never have an orgasm, never have children, and will suffer the rest of his life with the side effects of “transgender healthcare.”

Informed consent is a human right. Jazz could not give informed consent as a child, his right was taken away so he could pretend to be something he was not.

"I have no regrets because it allowed me to prevent myself from going through male puberty," Jazz said. "I feel like that's why my dysphoria hasn't been so bad is because I look in the mirror, and I see the girl that I am on the inside. But not every transgender person has the opportunity to do that."

In many ways, her journey has all led up to this moment. For Jazz, her gender confirmation surgery is what she says is "the final step of transitioning."

"This is really the last thing that will validate my identity as a woman. There is nothing else after this. I just get to be myself, be in the body that I've always wanted. And then I can live my life as just Jazz," said Jazz Jennings to ABC News.

By Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry

Independent Journalist 

Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry is an independent journalist, radio host, and producer. On the airways she was known as J.Cherry where she produced a popular local radio show, VOICE of the CITY, airing on WESU 88.1FM. There she conducted in depth and candid interviews with artists, politicians, authors, activists, scientists, and community leaders. In 2020 Jennifer left WESU to pursue an independent podcast where she could freely talk about controversial subjects. A mother and wife before being a journalist, she felt compelled to break free and dig into medical freedom, government policy, parental rights, public health, corruption, and big pharma. 

Over the years Jennifer has been published in local newspapers as a freelance writer. Frustrated with being censored and not being able to publish the stories she felt were important and under reported, she began her own blog. 

Her work can be found at and on Substack

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Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry

Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry is an independent journalist, radio host, and producer. On the airways she was known as J.Cherry where she produced a popular local radio show, VOICE of the CITY, airing on WESU 88.1FM. There she conducted in depth and candid interviews with artists, politicians, authors, activists, scientists, and community leaders. In 2020 Jennifer left WESU to pursue an independent podcast where she could freely talk about controversial subjects. A mother and wife before being a journalist, she felt compelled to break free and dig into medical freedom, government policy, parental rights, public health, corruption, and big pharma. Over the years Jennifer has been published in local newspapers as a freelance writer. Frustrated with being censored and not being able to publish the stories she felt were important and under reported, she began her own blog. Her work can be found at and on Substack
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Amy Williams

Superb article! I did not know the details of the physical “gender” transition for a child -as you explained so well. I am at a loss for words to describe how “immoral” our American Culture has become. When society “hates” its youth, it has sunk to the depths of Hell! I pray for these children daily(and the trafficked ones)😔🙏🏼

Jennifer Sparks

Thank you. I pray for these kids too. Their stories are tragic and they will never get their beautiful God given body back. This is a crime!

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