• Planned Parenthood Votes! Connecticut Just Endorsed 112 State Legislature Candidates... Here's What That Means

    September 26, 2024
    Screenshot, Planned Parenthood Votes! Connecticut

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    Planned Parenthood Votes! Connecticut proudly endorsed 112 candidates for Connecticut General Assembly -- 28 Senate candidates and 84 for the House of Representatives, all of whom are "committed to protecting and expanding access to reproductive health care, including abortion, across the state."

    Ahh, abortion.

    A touchy subject that instantly evokes a strong emotional response from women who fear they are losing a "right" if they cannot kill their own babies. But forget about any rights the father might have, those are completely ignored. Unless the abortion was due to a case of rape or incest--exceptions that most people, even those generally opposed to abortion--usually agree upon. The same when the mother's life is at risk.

    The "right" to have abortions has been brilliantly framed by the left as one of women's bodily autonomy, kind of ironic considering the way the left forced covid shots onto people just so they could go to work or visit their loved ones in the nursing home.

    Nonetheless, the left has liberal women whipped into a frenzy over this dubious "right" especially since the repeal of Roe v. Wade.

    Just to be clear, Planned Parenthood killed 392,715 babies in the womb according to its 2022-2023 yearbook, technically putting it in third place on the CDC's table of the leading causes of death in the U.S.

    If you think that "murder" is a harsh comparison, consider that babies aborted in the second trimester are injected with the same chemical combination - potassium chloride - that is used to execute prisoners on death row.

    Have you ever heard someone from Planned Parenthood talk about what actually happens during an abortion?

    It's heartbreaking to say the least.  

    One Planned Parenthood representative recently described how with "good dilation" you can "get bigger pieces" of the fetus out "before disarticulation [dismemberment] occurs." Worse, she explained how sometimes you have to "pull off a leg or two" in order to avoid a "partial birth abortion." It's an ugly, sick, yet profitable business.

    Go ahead, listen to this undercover video, and know that all 112 Connecticut candidates who received this endorsement are okay with treating human life like this.

    Here's another interesting statistic: abortions take more lives than gun-related injuries.

    In fact, according to the CDC, there were 48,830 people who died from gun-related injuries in 2021, the most recent year for which complete data is available.

    More than half of the gun-related deaths were suicides (26,328), while 43% were murders (20,958). The remaining gun-related deaths were accidental (549), involved law enforcement (537) or had undetermined circumstances (458).

    That means abortions, the service requested 392,715 times by Planned Parenthood patients according to the 2022-2023 yearbook, are much more deadly than guns.

    And gruesome, let's not forget how gruesome these procedures can be.

    Yet in the year after Roe was overturned, Planned Parenthood boasted about helping more than 33,000 women to get transportation and travel support, financial assistance and referrals to seek "abortion care" -- an Orwellian doublespeak term favored by democrats who can't stomach calling abortion what it really is -- murder.

    But that's not all Planned Parenthood is about.

    As of 2022, patients at 45 different Planned Parenthood affiliates and an estimated 600 centers could obtain gender-affirming care, including puberty blockers and hormone therapy, depending on the location.

    Like "abortion care" the term "gender-affirming care" is another Orwellian term.

    "Gender-affirming care" has been exposed as pseudoscientific, medical experimentation by a whistleblower who revealed shocking internal documents from the supposed authority on transgender medicine, the World Professional Association of Transgender Health, or WPATH.

    Worse, puberty blockers administered to children who are suffering from gender dysphoria are actually not reversible, and instead come with serious long-term consequences that may interfere with neurocognitive development, compromise bone density and may negatively affect metabolic health and weight, and block normal pubertal experience and experimentation.

    Furthermore, when puberty blocker use is followed by cross-sex hormones, the consequences include infertility and sterility, at least for children who began puberty blockers in early puberty.

    Just two days ago, a coalition of 22 Attorneys General and Republican leaders sent a letter, demanding answers from the American Academy Of Pediatrics over "deceptive" and "misleading" policies on puberty blockers, policies that deceived gender-confused children like Chloe Cole, now a "detransitioner" with irreversible changes to her mind and body thanks to gender-affirming care.

    Planned Parenthood has cited both the WPATH guidelines and the American Academy of Pediatrics' stance on "gender affirming care," falsely referring to this irreversible care as "essential and life-saving."

    Of course the truth about puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones hasn't stopped Planned Parenthood Centers across Connecticut from providing "gender-affirming" care and offering referrals for pediatric gender services in places like New Haven, Meriden, Bridgeport, and Danbury.

    While Planned Parenthood does offer a number of helpful services for women, including testing and treatment for sexually transmitted diseases, cancer screenings and pregnancy tests, the focus on services that harm human life cannot and should not be overlooked.

    So who are the 112 Connecticut candidates who are proudly endorsed by an organization whose services, either intentionally or unintentionally, have a focus on depopulation--killing babies in the womb, and pushing pseudoscientific transgender medicine that causes infertility and sterility?

    Here they are.

    State Senate

    District 3         Saud Anwar* 
    District 4         MD Rahman* 
    District 5         Derek Slap*  
    District 6         Rick Lopes*   
    District 7         Cynthia Mangini 
    District 8         Paul Honig 
    District 9         Matt Lesser* 
    District 10       Gary Winfield*
    District 11       Martin Looney* 
    District 12       Christine Cohen* 
    District 13       Jan Hochadel* 
    District 14       James Maroney*
    District 17       Jorge Cabrera* 
    District 18       Heather Somers*
    District 19       Cathy Osten*
    District 20       Martha Marx* 
    District 22       Sujata Gadkar-Wilcox
    District 23       Herron Keyon Gaston* 
    District 24       Julie Kushner* 
    District 25       Bob Duff* 
    District 26       Ceci Maher* 
    District 28       Rob Blanchard
    District 29       Mae Flexer* 
    District 30       Justin Potter 
    District 32       Jeffrey Desmarais 
    District 33       Norm Needleman*
    District 34       Brandi Mandato
    District 36       Nick Simmons

    State House of Representatives

    District 1         Matt Ritter*  
    District 2         Raghib Allie-Brennan* 
    District 9         Jason Rojas* 
    District 11       Patrick Biggins
    District 12       Geoffrey Luxenberg* 
    District 13       Jason Doucette* 
    District 16       Melissa Osborne* 
    District 17       Eleni Kavros DeGraw* 
    District 18       Jillian Gilchrest* 
    District 19       Tammy Exum* 
    District 20      Kate Farrar* 
    District 21       Mike Demicco* 
    District 22       Rebecca Martinez 
    District 23       Jane Wisialowski
    District 24       Emmanuel (Manny) Sanchez*
    District 27       Gary Turco* 
    District 28       Amy Morrin Bello*  
    District 33       Brandon Chafee*
    District 35       Cinzia Lettieri
    District 36       Renee LaMark Muir
    District 37       Nick Menapace 
    District 38       Nick Gauthier 
    District 40       Christine Conley*  
    District 41       Aundré Bumgardner* 
    District 42       Savat Constantine
    District 46       Derrell Wilson* 
    District 49       Susan Johnson* 
    District 51       Renee LaPalme Waldron
    District 53       Ann Bonney
    District 54       Gregory Haddad*  
    District 55       Amanda Veneziano
    District 56       Kevin Brown*
    District 60       Jane Garibay*
    District 62       Kim Becker
    District 64       Maria Horn* 
    District 67       Alexandra Thomas 
    District 69       Ed Edelson
    District 70       Jeffrey Litke 
    District 82       Michael Quinn* 
    District 83       Jonathan (Jack) Fazzino* 
    District 85       Mary Mushinsky*  
    District 87       Kieran Ahern
    District 88       Josh Elliott* 
    District 90       Rebecca Hyland 
    District 91       Laurie Sweet
    District 92       Patricia Dillon* 
    District 94       Steve Winter
    District 96       Roland Lemar* 
    District 98       Moira Rader*  
    District 100     Kai Belton* 
    District 101     John-Michael Parker* 
    District 102     Robin Comey* 
    District 103     Liz Linehan*  
    District 104     Kara Rochelle*
    District 106     Michelle Embree Ku
    District 107     Aaron Zimmer
    District 108     Anne Weisberg
    District 109     Farley Santos* 
    District 110     Bob Godfrey* 
    District 111     Aimee Berger-Girvalo* 
    District 112     Beth Cliff
    District 115     William Heffernan*
    District 117     Michael (MJ) Shannon
    District 118     Frank Smith* 
    District 119     Etan Hirsch
    District 120     Kaitlyn Shake
    District 127     Marcus Brown*
    District 132     Jennifer Leeper*
    District 133     Cristin McCarthy Vahey*
    District 134     Sarah Keitt* 
    District 135     Anne Hughes*  
    District 136     Jonathan Steinberg*
    District 137     Kadeem Roberts* 
    District 138     Kenneth Gucker* 
    District 139     Kevin Ryan* 
    District 141     Sheila Quinn
    District 142     Lucy Dathan* 
    District 143     Dominique Johnson* 
    District 145     Corey Paris* 
    District 147     Matthew Blumenthal* 
    District 148     Jonathan Jacobson
    District 149     Rachel Khanna* 
    District 150     Stephen Meskers* 
    District 151     Hector Arzeno*


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