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Snopes Backtracks, Admits Trump Did Not Call Neo-Nazis and White Supremacists 'Very Fine People'

But will the many Connecticut democrats who also pushed the 'very fine people' hoax admit they were wrong?

Charlottesville 'Unite the Right' Rally (8/12/17)

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It took seven years, but Snopes finally admitted it was wrong on what Trump said about the deadly Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally that took place on August 12, 2017.

Screenshot, Snopes

"In an Aug. 15 news conference, then-U.S. President Donald Trump was asked to comment on the event and famously said there were "very fine people on both sides." This response received widespread backlash; many claimed Trump had put neo-Nazis and counterprotesters on the 'same moral plane.', per the correction issued by Snopes on June 21, 2024.

The "'very fine people" hoax spread like wildfire throughout the mainstream media, and lingered on for years despite efforts by Trump and conservatives to correct the false narrative.

In fact, then-presidential candidate Joe Biden even made the Charlottesville hoax a cornerstone of his campaign, and claimed that, “no sitting president has ever said something like that.”

Biden accused Trump of assigning “a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it,” and then Biden concluded, “we are in a battle for the soul of the nation.”

Senator Chuck Schumer called for everyone at the time to "condemn" Trump for the remarks, and condemn him they did.

CT Senator Chris Murphy was among the first in Congress to condemn the statement falsely attributed to Trump.

“Just stopped on roadside to read @POTUS remarks. I nearly threw up. An American President offering a defense of white supremacists. My god,” Murphy tweeted.

He later said, "this isn't a Democrat vs. Republican problem. It's a President who purposely coddles Nazis and racists vs. sanity problem."

Think Murphy will issue a retraction?

Screenshot, X

He's far from the only Connecticut democrat to repeat the "very fine people" hoax over the last seven years. In fact, Connecticut Democrats got a lot of mileage out of that lie.

Like Senator Richard Blumenthal, who also denounced Trump.

He said, “no fine people carry Swastikas, or burn torches, or shout epithets and spew hatred in the way that white supremacists, and Neo-Nazis, and KKK members did in Charlottesville. There is no moral equivalence between the white supremacists and the peaceful protesters who came to express themselves.”

Blumenthal said he thought “racial and religious bigotry,” and the “instincts that gave rise to them,” had been eradicated in the U.S., but then falsely accused Trump of voicing such opinions and siding with white supremacists and Neo-Nazis.

He further called Trump's comments "repugnant" and accused Trump of a "complete abdication of any semblance moral leadership."

Screenshot, X.

Former CT Gov. Dannel P. Malloy said since Trump wasn't going to stand up for American values, that “America’s got to do the work of the president” and called Trump's comments on Charlottesville "unhinged."

Purple-haired Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro said Trump's remarks, "reflect a moral failure, and degrade the office of the Presidency.”

Congressman Jim Himes issued a statement on the "very fine people" hoax.

He said, "It takes surpassing ignorance, total moral bankruptcy and a pathetic sense of entitlement to have marched with the KKK and neo-Nazis in Charlottesville.  Period, full stop, and I am shocked I need to say so, much less to the President of the United States."

Himes said he stood "aghast" at Trump's comments, and accused Trump of betraying "the ideals and legacy of the country he leads - a country which paid with the lives of millions of its people to defeat white supremacy and Nazism."

Do you think any of them will issue a retraction or an apology?

Perhaps even stop using the "very fine people" hoax now that even Snopes admits Trump didn't say that?

Or will Democrats continue to live in a post-truth world?

Screenshot, Office of Jim Himes

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because they are acting in the very hate in which they claim to stand against..

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