• Strangers In A Strange Land

    October 14, 2024
    Photo credit: maruta & machado | depositphotos

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    When Robert Heinlein wrote Stranger in a Strange Land he revealed certain cultural absurdities here in America by introducing Valentine Michael Smith, a human raised by Martians, who brought a fresh alien look at Earth culture. Coming full circle, now we have millions of illegal aliens with multiple languages and cultures pouring across the border into a country controlled by elite globalists. Simultaneously, the gods of woke are pushing every possible bizarre fringe social aberration or deviance onto our children, all designed to explode any social contract we might have among us and destroy the American culture. Chairman Mao, who required a couple of decades to destroy a 4,000-year-old culture in China, would be envious.

    You might think that ten million more illegal immigrants, most who don’t speak English or understand American culture, would feel like strangers in America. Apparently, free cell phones, hotels, cash, and free health care go a long way toward easing their burden.

    On the other hand, anti-White, anti-Western culture, anti-American, anti-Founding Fathers, anti-Christian, anti-family, anti-capitalist, anti-free market, anti-constitution, anti-education, anti-merit, anti-property rights, anti-civil liberties, anti-truth, and anti-logic have made strangers of American citizens.

    If you are seeing a pattern here it is for good reason. A marvelous children’s story and movie from years ago called The Never Ending Story contained several scary protagonists for the young heroes to fight. But the ultimate enemy was the Great Nothing, an all-consuming void into which all that was good and creative disappeared. It was an excellent depiction of the current nihilism that has emptied the hearts and minds of too many lost souls. A destructive not-ism has taken over like a foul fever dream demanding the death of all that is good and the darkening of all light.

    After gazing into the abyss of the current woke culture trends and sensing the anti-Western and American seizure gripping us, it is difficult not to conclude that I am indeed a stranger in a strange land. How have we become strangers in our own country?

    Universities are eliminating D and F grades to avoid hurting students’ feelings. Getting rid of grades and tests altogether is on the table. Where once families sought to raise their children to a higher status through education, now the removal of meritocracy and the promotion of Marxist socialist ideas has begun a race downward toward mediocrity. Social justice, not competence, is the preferred achievement.

    The lower education public schools have become woke indoctrination centers, less interested in reading, writing, and math than in teaching gender fluidity and pushing the transgender mania that destroys lives. The idea that entire school districts could graduate students from high school without a single student up to grade level in reading or math skills was unthinkable a few short decades ago. Now that happens every year.

    Speaking of crazy woke ideas, racism is EVERYWHERE. It is inherent in all Western civilization. Meritocracy, competition, competence, schedules, and goals are clear evidence of white supremacy. All white people, no matter what they think, say, or do, are racist. Whiteness itself is an incurable mental disorder.

    Crime is good. In cities like Chicago and New York gunfights blaze unchallenged by police. Muggings, rapes, and carjackings take place in broad daylight. Immigrant gangs are stealing and occupying residential buildings by force. Other gangs organize looting raids on department stores. Still others traffic children and women for nefarious and degrading purposes.

    Parts of Los Angeles and San Francisco are completely unrecognizable. Trash and human excrement cover whole areas, and homeless drug addicts slump in catatonic stupor, still on their feet. Others lie motionless on sidewalks or in parks, oblivious to the degradation around them. Tent cities are now a thing for those lucky enough to have one. Looting stores now qualifies as a job. Enough taxpayer money has been spent to buy everyone involved a nice home, yet somehow the problem gets worse. The volume of homeless unskilled illegals who don’t speak English pouring into the cities has broken the system.

    This Stranger phenomenon is not unique to America. Visit London, if you dare. Those familiar with its rich cultural past do not recognize London today. Outside the major cities in the UK, small villages whose residents haven’t changed much in centuries have doubled in population overnight with foreigners who speak no English, have no money, and no marketable skills. It is a disruptive cultural bomb.

    After the brutal murder of three young English children, a backlash of protest riots pitted locals against armed gangs of immigrants. Only the citizens got arrested. Germany welcomed migrants with open arms until gang rapes of minor girls became a sport. France is now a divided country, with no-go zones controlled by immigrants, and frequent riots.

    Ireland, with 99 percent white citizens, is being lectured about racism for the lack of sufficient diversity amid massive immigration. Radical climate policies have driven energy costs through the roof, leaving poor families to burn furniture to keep warm. Home Sweet Home has taken on a bitter taste to citizens of many European countries.

    The push to ban fossil fuels and the myriad products they enable, including food, threatens to collapse already unstable economies. Dictatorial health policies like mandatory COVID-19 shots and transgender treatments have severely impacted and restricted freedoms. So has the censorship regime that has now criminalized free speech. Posting on the internet could send the police straight to your door to arrest you. Praying silently in public could put you in jail. Europe is a strange land, indeed.

    The insanity has spread beyond Europe. Canada now offers state-assisted suicide as an option to solve backlogged healthcare and the inevitable anxiety the social upheaval has produced. When truckers protested COVID-19 lockdowns the government seized their bank accounts and charged them with crimes.

    The totalitarians in America are talking openly about the need for censorship. The DHS already actively censors media. The DOJ says criticizing the government is a threat to democracy that will be investigated. Questioning elections, opposing the war in Ukraine, or vaccine skepticism are enough to get you on a list. Media influencers opposing the regime’s narratives will be prosecuted as Russian spies. Major media voices have been spied on, debanked, and even raided by the FBI. In the worst states, parents who refuse disfiguring transgender surgeries for their child will lose their child to the government. The once-free press has become part of the government apparatus dedicated to drown out dissent and to maintain propaganda lies.

    As George Orwell so presciently pointed out, “In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.” In describing the totalitarian government, he said, “Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy. The heresy of heresies was common sense… The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.” -1984

    Apparently suppressing individual citizens is how you preserve freedom. Apparently men in dresses are actually women. Apparently prosecuting political rivals and opponent voices is necessary to safeguard democracy. Apparently censorship is the only way to protect free speech. Apparently killing the unborn and sterilizing children with puberty blockers is a right of life. Apparently war is peace.

    Are we not strangers in a strange land?

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    Diogenes of Tampa is an author and podcaster at The Truth Window where he addresses tough topics on any subject in any arena. No holds barred. No sacred cows. Just the truth. Learn more at: https://thetruthwindow.substack.com

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