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Take Action Before Monday, July 15, To Protect Your Child's School

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The Biden Administration recently promulgated new Title IX regulations with sweeping implications for parental rights in public schools.  A court ruling in the Midwest has given parents the means to defend their child's school or college from being forced to follow the new regulations--even in Connecticut! But you must act by Monday, July 15th!

This image from the group "Moms for Liberty" explains what is at stake:

You can block enforcement of new Title IX regulations against your child's school by joining Moms for Liberty as soon as possible. A Kansas Circuit Court Judge has issued a national injunction against enforcement of new Title IX regulations against schools attended by a minor child of a Moms for Liberty member. The entire school will be protected by your action! Learn more about it here and join today.

Protect individual colleges, even in deep blue Connecticut.

Not only are individual schools protected, but Connecticut colleges can be protected as well. The Kansas judge enjoined enforcement of the new Title IX regulations for colleges attended by student members of Young Americans for Freedom.  This includes University of Connecticut, Wesleyan, Central Connecticut State University, and even Yale University and others.  Forward this message to every college student you know and ask them to learn more by visiting Young Americans for Freedom.

These new regulations are due to be implemented on August 1.  We, along with our allies, have had an entire website dedicated to sharing information about these Draconian regulations. Our own governor and attorney general probably will not be stepping up to block these regulations and protect girls from injury or fair athletic play.  We need you and you can do this.  This is a huge opportunity for your voice to be heard and recognized, for you to make a difference on a national level and in your hometown by taking action this weekend.

That is right.  We need you to act before Monday, July 15th.

The judge has asked for a list of schools before Monday.  Please share this e-mail, our blog posts and social media to help spread the word this Sunday at church and your neighborhoods.

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Family Institute of Connecticut

The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations. FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.
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