The Anti-American

November 1, 2024
Photo credit: John Webb | depositphotos

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The political rhetoric in America has been burning white hot. Never before have we heard reference to Hitler or Fascists on a daily basis. According to all sides, there is evil out there and evil among us, people who are dedicated to destroying America. If so, it would behoove us to identify the people and groups and the views that are anti-American.

The left and the running dog press have been doggedly denouncing Donald Trump and his supporters. Determined to minimize and marginalize this group as small, fringe, and radical, they call MAGA racist extremists and violent domestic terrorists. Easy observation belies such desperate and constant screeds. You don’t fill Madison Square Garden with fringe freaks. The evidence of Hitlerian white supremacy has been greatly exaggerated.

Far from a mind-hive racist cult, MAGA has people of all races, cultures, and economic strata. Even Democrats. Tens of millions of Americans hold a variety of policy and political ideas, with many differences as to position and importance on the issues. Yet one common thread runs through the MAGA movement. These are people who believe in truth and decency, who value family and community, who like their culture and their country, and most of all appreciate the freedoms America represents.

Most true liberals believe in those freedoms, too. Men like Jefferson and Adams differed in their approaches to government and culture, but together they took the ideas of Europe’s Enlightenment thinkers like Lock, Rousseau, Adam Smith, and Voltaire and fashioned a country that revolutionized civilization and government. Today we have Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and RFK Jr joining to revive the American dream. Although tarnished in its current state, America still represents a pinnacle for a free society in theory, if not always in practice. America is where people the world over look for hope and a taste of freedom.

America does not exist in a vacuum. There are those few who fear the freedom America promises and stand in opposition to the very tenets of freedom and self-determinism she represents. This is an enemy one could call the anti-American. The enemy may manifest as a whole country, or as an idea and philosophy that knows no boundary. Recognizing the anti-American is the first step in any defense.

On the anti-American side are men like Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci, an influential Marxist theorist at the beginning of the 20th century. Gramsci recognized the West was a strong and stable design. Despite seeing that, Gramsci wanted to destroy the West. The Marxist ideas and plans he proposed were used by Mao in China to conquer the oldest civilization in the world.

Rather than a war of movement, a frontal attack, Gramsci considered what he called a war of position, a long game of infiltration, to be the only approach to the West. Organizations like churches, charities, the media, schools, universities, and corporations needed to be invaded by socialist thinkers. The stated goal, and what was later called the long march through the institutions, was to shape a new collective will in the people in order to weaken the defenses that civil society provides to the current capitalist states.

Understanding Gramsci’s plan sheds light on what is being done to America. Since his time, in true Marxist fashion, similar programs have successfully weakened and destabilized American society. Education, media, business, and government have been infected with DEI, anti-racism, critical race theory, welfare systems, and other Socialist/Marxist programs.

The sudden lurch of society toward the woke left is not the organic progressive march forward of society the left would have you believe. Rather, it is the deliberate manipulation and disruption of culture deemed necessary to the ultimate takeover of the West. Make no mistake, it is an all-out war with conquest as its goal and no less real than Germany’s invasion of Poland and France at the beginning of World War II.

There are external enemies who overtly call for America’s destruction. Those should be obvious to anyone looking. But the enemies within America must be defined. Who is the anti-American? He is not some brown-shirt marching through the streets terrorizing disfavored citizens, although one could argue that Antifa, BLM, and Hamas protesters do bear a striking resemblance. He is not some card-carrying communist shouting, “Workers of the World Unite.” In today’s America he is the leftist politician pushing government expansion and excessive spending, and weaponizing government against all dissent. He is the teacher’s union advocating transgenderism and the DEI programs that disturb and corrupt our youth. He is the doctor in medical institutions pretending that radical transgender surgery and all that goes with it is healthy medical treatment. He is the government agent forcing DEI and leftism into institutions and driving out the ideas of patriotism, religion, and American exceptionalism. He is the anti-racist academic claiming that standard American English is simultaneously pro-white, cisgender, male, heteronormative, patriarchal, ableist, racist, and capitalist, which are, of course, all bad things. He is the HR exec promoting the less competent because logic, hard work, rational thinking, discipline, and goal orientation are really just white supremacy in disguise.

He is the district attorney giving criminals a free pass wherever possible, but waging a culture war through abusive prosecution, the prosecutor going after citizens not for actual crime, but for opposing the regime, He is the demagogue masquerading as a leader who demonizes and dehumanizes his opponents, and calls for their destruction.

He is the government agent spying on Americans, intimidating Americans through lawfare, heavy-handed policing, and prosecution. He is the FBI, the IRS, the DHS, and the DOJ targeting opposition voices in politics and media, and tilting justice against Americans who resist the regime. He is the globalist eating out the substance of America in an attempt to destroy the nation for ill-gained profits. He is the leader opening the border and aiding the biggest invasion America has ever seen, a culturally destructive force majeure. He is the warmonger financing forever wars for today’s profits while bankrupting America’s future generations.

In the face of the anti-Americans one may ask, is there hope? Of course, there is. Alexis de Tocqueville after a long tour of America wrote, “The greatness of America lies not in being more enlightened than any other nation, but rather in her ability to repair her faults.” Any ship can be turned from a disastrous course. Identifying the enemy who has one hand on the tiller and the other in the till is always the first step.

Will the task be easy? Not even close. As Thomas Paine said, “Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”

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Diogenes of Tampa is an author and podcaster at The Truth Window where he addresses tough topics on any subject in any arena. No holds barred. No sacred cows. Just the truth. Learn more at:

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Michael Satagaj

There are those few who fear the freedom America promises and stand in opposition to the very tenets of freedom and self-determinism she represents. This is an enemy one could call the anti-American. The enemy may manifest as a whole country, or as an idea and philosophy that knows no boundary. Recognizing the anti-American is the first step in any defense.

Then you proceed to identify half the nation as supporting an anti-American paradigm.
(Which I believe accurate)

Michael Satagaj

You might argue that their culpability is indirect, minor and redeemable.
I contend the opposite.
The masses are so indoctrinated into anti-American theory and policy which is so incompatible with the true American essence that all of the greatness de Tocqueville observed that America had for ‘repairing her faults’ is now a mere specter.



I must hope you are overly pessimistic. The flame of freedom sometimes dims, but the spark remains in all but a few. We must fan it into a roaring fire and bring those masses toward the light.

Michael Satagaj

I am an optimist, Friend.
And a cynic, to which you also claim.
The two work hand in hand, born in faith apart from man.
Cynicism is not mere doubt in human convention, but in the products of expedience.

I would argue that the flame of true freedom lies in only a few. It is too terrifying for most and it won’t exist apart from wholesale personal responsibility, apart from pure independence, apart from risk, apart from accepting suffering or mortality.

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