The Compounded Felony Of Joe Biden And His Myriad Democrat Enablers

July 14, 2024
Screenshot, President Biden

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Kindly ask yourself the following question: Who is running the United States of America? Is it elected officials such as the President, Vice President, and Congress? Is it non-elected political party staffers who are career bureaucrats? Is it a paid for state-run media that presents only positive information and news when a Democrat is President? Is it several of the highly paid consulting groups who dictate policies and laws for the American Taxpayers to abide by and pay for through their tax dollars? Is it the foreign spies and enemies of our country? Is it paid political protestors who are not subjected to the laws of our country? Is it illegal immigrants? Is it Jill Biden, the First Lady? Who, frankly, is really running the United States of America?

One can argue that our President is only a figurehead in our government. However, one should not confuse a figurehead with a fossil. That said, it has become evident over the past four years that Joe Biden is only a vacuous symbol of the free world who has lost most of his capabilities to speak, make decisions, communicate with officials and leaders without a teleprompter, and make decisions on his own. His doddering mannerisms give him the appearance of one who is acting like a Monarch overlooking his own personal monarchy.

The 24/7/365 incoherent gibberish spouting from pro Democrat mainstream media had covered very well for Biden up to his confused, muddled, and unclear debate performance which was blamed upon several factors that should be an insult to the intelligence of the American Voter.

The American Voter, no matter what their party affiliation, has experienced and watched the gaffes, memory lapses, stumbles, and massive mental decline of Biden for years firsthand, capped off by a “Big Boy” press conference on July 11 providing the American voter with an encore performance of the same. This American Voter also has been wondering why they do not see their President communicating much if at all, except for an elite few in the media that have been carefully guarding his decline. And why is that? Because we are told constantly that a second Trump Administration is a threat to democracy and the free world as we know it. One could clearly argue that the current leftist Biden Administration has been a much graver threat to democracy over the past four years with an apparent surrogate and non-elected group of unknown individuals making decisions for our country. We are now on the verge of World War III, we insist on recognizing terrorists are legitimate leaders of countries, we have runaway inflation, we have a runaway National Debt, we have United States citizens being held hostage throughout the world and we have a grave sense of hopelessness as a country that has not been felt in many years with the America-be-damned Biden Monarchy debacle now ruling us.

It is also evident that the failed Biden administration has done an outstanding job in enabling the Democrat sycophants of the state of Connecticut on its road to ruin. The serially incompetent Miguel Cardona of Connecticut serves in a manner of sorts as the United States Secretary of Education. One might ask themselves what kind of a President appoints someone in education who thinks it is perfectly fine for your daughter to play sports with men wishing to be women and having these poor girls nervously undressing before these men without a right to complain. Obviously, only a shell of a man without any thinking sensitivities whatsoever could make such an evil appointment. And the Biden lie has been further enabled by the entire Connecticut Congressional Delegation (with the exception of a scared of not being re-elected Jim Himes) who does all it can to dance and distance itself from this issue. Not to be undone, King Governor Ned Lamont the Unaccountable continues his non-answers to all questions about Biden, while he gleefully holds his hands out for whatever largesse dear old senile Uncle Joe can fork over for the Unaccountable to somehow waste. (After all, a payday is a payday).

But of course, neither Connecticut nor the national news media strives for correct answers, as they act like publicists than journalists. At one time the media presented two sides of all news events and issues and allowed the intelligent consumer to draw his or her own conclusions. Today, we have news that is meant to indoctrinate ourselves to the failed values and demands of a socialistic state whereby a differing opinion must be silenced at all costs. This is the manner that state run media, a media that has covered for Joe Biden and his operatives, and Connecticut politicians for years, operates. And this self-serving media still believes that it is omnipotent in our society. The media acts as a self-appointed ruling part of our government in conjunction with the failed Democrat Party with all telling us what they want us to hear. This type of conduct would be deemed as fraud, larceny, or felonious conduct in the private sector, but in Democrat government, it is their equivalent of God’s work.

But ostensibly, even liars have limits. Now, we are told that some in the media are turning away from Biden. They are lecturing him as to withdraw and allow an even worse leftist/socialist/unserious/incompetent to run in our do-nothing Vice President Kamala Harris. She now must be ascended to the Monarchy and its crown to continue wreak havoc on our country with her mumbled socialist thoughts. and speech as she incoherently rambles about “reproductive rights” with said reproductive rights now available to all women. However, in seeing that, I ask how low will the Democrat Party go to preserve its power?

Time is running short for America. It can't accept four more years of disgrace and elitism that the Democrat Party at all levels of government offer. It has failed miserably since the Biden coronation. It has failed along with a nonexistent unbalanced media that is the second arm of the Democrat Party. The charade of the media in protecting one like Biden for over two years now shows the complete distaste and distrust both the media and the Democrat Party has for all of our country especially for those who question their ideologies. There is no path to victory for lying Joe Biden and his cronies. This November we will rid ourselves top to bottom of this dross, dreck and garbage that is the Democrat Party of America in 2024.

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Bob Swick

I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.
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