The Cult Of Vaccination

A path of compliance without question

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Vaccines are a pharmaceutical product. Yet they are treated like mana from God. To question a vaccine is blasphemy. There is so much faith in vaccines that pregnant women are now offered the flu, Tdap, COVID, and RSV, vaccines as a routine part of their prenatal care. Curiously the CDC started to call pregnant women, pregnant people and boldly claim that vaccines are safe for “pregnant people”. If you read the vaccine package insert you will see this in section 8.1:

Screenshot, Fluzone Vaccine Package Insert, FDA
Screenshot, CDC

Every vaccine has this in section 8.1 of the manufacturer’s insert. Most pregnant women do not know about the pregnancy registry. What do we actually know about vaccines in pregnancy? Studies of pregnant woman given vaccines are done by the manufacturer, and those studies are heavily biased and insufficient. You can find all the vaccines on the market today on the FDA website. Also see testimony in New Hampshire by Attorney Aaron Siri about vaccine safety. Aaron Siri is a managing partner with Siri and Glimstad, they specialize in vaccine safety and injury. All licensed vaccines list their clinical trials. Aaron Siri goes into great detail on this. The vaccines on the market today lack proper safety clinical trials with true inert placebos. The Hepatitis B vaccine given to all newborn babies was studied for FIVE DAYS! See that for yourself HERE

Screenshot, Hep B Vaccine Package Insert

When you attempt to talk about this information online your are censored by big tech and the government. The fact checkers come out with no facts, and it’s off to digital time out for you. No questions shall be raised in the public forum about vaccination. Just obey. It was disturbing to see so many people line up for COVID vaccines while simultaneously screaming for mandates and censorship. People I personally knew became rabid about the government mandates and vaccines. All the while information on safety and efficacy was right there in black and white on the government’s own website. There is no other product on the medical market today that has complete immunity to lawsuits and is mandated by governments.

COVID vaccination mandates and the record injuries from them is making the topic of vaccinations hard to censor. More and more families are doing their research and gaining informed consent. Heavy handed mandates, and numerous vaccine injuries, have burned into the minds of many. Pfizer’s best seller is the COVID 19 vaccine and has ranked in a whopping $38 billion dollars in sales. The largest purchaser of those jabs? Government, nationally, locally, and globally. Governments purchase billions of dollars worth of vaccines and then mandates those vaccines on the public. The manufacturer of the mandated vaccines enjoy total indemnity from injury or death because of the vaccine. This is what the government and industry becomes when united in public, private, partnerships, a totalitarian state. Do you think Pfizer and their lobbyists had a hand in vaccine mandates and their indemnity? Scott Gottlieb former head of the FDA under the Trump Administration, is now on the board of Pfizer. Gottlieb sat on Governor Lamont’s COVID re-opening committee. Pfizer is located in both NY and CT. Pfizer’s research and development is in Groton, CT.

Before COVID, parents in Connecticut, California, and Maine, fought hard to protect their children from mandatory vaccinations for school entry as those states removed religious and philosophical exemptions. When citizens brought up the product package insert for vaccines to most government representatives pre COVID they ignored it. The Vaccine Adverse Reporting System, VAERS, is the government’s vaccine injury reporting system. I have taken reports from VARES to elected officials and was stymied. The religious mantra, vaccines are safe and effective, was repeated over the information signaling harm. Connecticut no longer allows for a religious exemption to vaccinations to attend school. Medical exemptions are very rarely granted in Connecticut. Thousands of people testified about the harm of vaccines, that the state had to recognize autoimmunity as contraindication for vaccination allowing for a medical exemption if there is a history of autoimmunity. This is a clip of the amendment being voted on in February of 2020. You can read the language of the immunization law that passed in 2021 and it’s reference to autoimmunity as a contraindication to vaccinations AN ACT CONCERNING IMMUNIZATIONS.

Parents that do not want to follow the CDC schedule of vaccinations are thrown out of pediatric practices. It doesn’t matter if the parent has medical concerns and prior experience with vaccine injury. Most pediatricians will still push to vaccinate. Babies are given numerous shots in one visit with no actual science that proves the safety or efficacy of multiple vaccines at a time. The list of childhood vaccines grows larger and larger. You can see the CDC recommendations for babies hereThe 1986 Vaccine Injury Act indemnified vaccine manufacturers from liability for all childhood vaccines.

After the mandates of COIVD it is very clear that forced medical treatments are something governments are comfortable with even as many doctors like Peter A. McCullough, have called for the immediate stop of all COVID vaccines due to serious injury and harm. Pregnant women and babies are being harmed with pharmaceutical products and our government is enabling this harm. What will be our future if we cannot change course and demand an end to mandatory vaccination and the perks of legal indemnity? The science is on our side, the government is suppose to represent the people not industry. Government has been captured by industry as the propaganda machine sells the mantra of vaccine safety. The reality is quite the contrary! This is testimony from the 2020 hearings in Hartford, CT. I provide a link to the transcripts and all the testimony from the hearing in the links. There are thousands of testimonies.

Rep. Ditra asks Dr Larry Palevsky, a respected pediatrician, about aluminum in vaccines.

199 February 19, 2020 ac PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE 10:30 a.m. PUBLIC HEARING


Thank you for your testimony. I just have one question. Excuse me. Some of the vaccines and the ingredients in the vaccines we heard about could be aluminum, could be mercury. Is there some concern that when these ingredients are given to such young children that as we have heard, their immune systems are not completely developed yet? If it stays in their system, and or stays in their brain and does not come out of their system as what we have heard is, it's supposedly supposed to leave their systems, what are your thoughts on that? 


Well, you heard earlier that there is no real concern about aluminum because it’s such a small amount. And so it really shouldn’t matter. But the kind of aluminum that we put into vaccines is a different kind of aluminum that we see environmentally. This is called a nanoparticle. And nanoparticles bind really tightly to the bacteria antigens, the virus antigens, the food protein antigens, and any other contaminants that are in the vaccines that we may not know about. And we know that the biochemical properties of nanoparticles is that they are capable of entering the brain. And so we have not evaluated the safety of the aluminum nanoparticle and its injection and where it goes when it gets into the body and whether it gets into the brain.

Do vaccine ingredients belong in the brain? No. Do they get in the brain? No one has ever studied it but animal studies using the same chemicals that are in vaccines that we give to children, directly demonstrate that the vaccine ingredients do enter the brain. We are ignoring this information. There are scientists in Europe who have actually done studies on the aluminum nanoparticle and have shown that it can persist in the brain for years and decades. And so what we are seeing is a large outbreak of neurodevelopment disabilities in adults including Alzheimer’s. And one of the main factors that they’re finding in the brains of people without Alzheimer’s is the aluminum nanoparticle that’s directly related to the vaccines that we’re giving. So we have never studied whether the aluminum that we’re giving in vaccines gets into the brain and we have never measured whether it stays in the brain and what it does if it does stay in the brain. But we do know that vaccines are supposed to cause inflammation in the body but we have more than half of our children with chronic inflamed conditions and we have never allowed ourselves to ask the question if the vaccines cause inflammation acutely, do they continue to create inflammation chronically?

We have 1 in 5 with neuro developmental disabilities, 1 in 10 with ADD and ADHD. 1 in 35 with autism, 1 in 11 with asthma, and 1 in 20 under the age of 5 with seizures. And the autoimmune disease are exponentially rising and we are finding that the viruses and the bacteria that we are injecting into the body along with the 200 adjuvants, create something called molecular mimicry which means the body sees those viruses, thinking that its foreign but actually finds pieces of those viruses that match pieces of the cell and the immune system doesn’t differentiate between what it’s been told to reject and itself. So it will turn the immune system on itself leading to an autoimmune condition. We know this about Hepatitis B, we know it about the Gardasil vaccine and we know it about the flu vaccine and we continue to say unequivocally that the vaccines have been studied effectively and that they’re safe and that’s just not true.

REP. KLARIDES-DITRIA (105TH): Thank you for your testimony. Thank you for your answer.

Transcripts of HB5044


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Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry

Jennifer Sparks aka J.Cherry is an independent journalist, radio host, and producer. On the airways she was known as J.Cherry where she produced a popular local radio show, VOICE of the CITY, airing on WESU 88.1FM. There she conducted in depth and candid interviews with artists, politicians, authors, activists, scientists, and community leaders. In 2020 Jennifer left WESU to pursue an independent podcast where she could freely talk about controversial subjects. A mother and wife before being a journalist, she felt compelled to break free and dig into medical freedom, government policy, parental rights, public health, corruption, and big pharma. Over the years Jennifer has been published in local newspapers as a freelance writer. Frustrated with being censored and not being able to publish the stories she felt were important and under reported, she began her own blog. Her work can be found at and on Substack
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B Seidem

Read "Virus Mania",2020, to get the truth on vaccinations. Pharmaceutical crimes.
Murder for profit for a hundred years. The AIDS fix that works every time tested in the mid 1990s. Hard data.

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