• The Disconnection And Disunion Of The Enigma Known As Kamala Harris

    July 28, 2024

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    Let us begin by recapping the following statements with respect to President Joe Biden, all of which were represented to be true at the time they were stated.

    President Joe Biden is running for re-election, he may have had a few minor ailments or slip ups, but he is more up for the task.

    President Joe Biden is in for the long haul, there is nothing wrong with him physically or mentally.

    President Joe Biden is the choice for the Democrat Party during the primary season, and forget about Minnesota Representative Dean Phillips and his actual questioning of Biden's health in his attempt to provide Democrat voters a choice during the primaries (Who, or what, is a Dean Phillips, anyway?)
    The American Voter does not understand what a threat to democracy a second Trump Administration would be for the country, that is why President Joe Biden is running again.

    The American Voter does not understand how much better off they are under Democrat Party rule, with runaway inflation, unchecked crime, a soaring National Debt, an unsecured border, and the brink of another World War brewing.

    President Joe Biden is incapable of running for a second term to continue his hard work and efforts in leading our country.

    President Joe Biden will not run for a second term and endorses his Vice President Kamala Harris.

    Welcome to the "people's" election of 2024. If you are a registered Democrat, the choice has been brokered and negotiated for you for several years, regardless of what your feelings are in the matter. Deals are made in secret. Deals are made for policies and laws via executive orders. Communications with President Biden have been limited with controlled questions and answers with Democrat sanctioned media, while the White House Press Secretary has lied with her incoherent blather and gibberish insulting Americans intelligence and the world on a daily basis. But all that is now forgotten and forgiven, as Joe Biden has been forced out of the election by his party. Thus, we will assume that the President is still capable of listening to the secret group of non-elected advisors that apparently control him and our country with their incoherent decisions, policies, and actions until he leaves office. No matter what the cost is to our country, our freedoms and our world security will continue to be put at risk as the sad patterns of what is now the Executive branch of the U.S. government, continue unabated.

    As discussed, a large part of the deals that have occurred include the resignation of President Joe Biden from the race to be succeeded by the enigmatic and nebulous Vice-President Kamala Harris. Known by some as “Kakala,” her frequent laugh and unserious demeanor have been perceived as undermining her credibility and making it difficult for some to believe she can be a strong, authoritative leader.

    Additionally, her shifting positions on key issues, such as healthcare and criminal justice reform, have led some to view her as politically expedient rather than principled. Her views on taxation and foreign policy are disturbing to many. Accusations of being overly ambitious and seeking the spotlight are also cited, contributing to a perception that her decisions are driven more by personal gain than by genuine commitment to public service. These factors combine to create skepticism about her readiness and suitability for the presidency. But nonetheless, she was coronated as the successor to the Democrat Presidential nomination, voter be damned.

    Vice President's Harris West Allis, WI, speech on 7/23/24 did little to allay those concerns as she stated: “Do we want to live in a country of freedom, compassion and rule of law, or a country of chaos, fear and hate?” “In this campaign, I promise you, I will proudly put my record against (President Trump’s) any day of the week.”

    But what in fact is the record of our Vice President? Is the record of her Vice Presidency an open and unsecured border since she was appointed as the effective “Border Czar” by President Biden on March 24, 2021? Since the time of her appointment, how many people have illegally come into our country? Is it her record of the ruining of America's working middle class and retirees on a fixed income with Democrat runaway inflation caused by her illogical and nonsensical energy and economic policies? Is it her record of hiding President Biden's cognitive state of decline for two years? Is her record speaking before young college women as she tells them to fear “Climate Change Anxiety?” and driving them to a state of fear? Many voters are confused as they continue in struggling to understand the supposed accomplishments of the Vice President.

    But have no concerns! We realize that the Democrat state run media will again do the dirty work of creating a new and improved California type Liberal/Democrat/Socialist Kamala Harris who will promise everything and achieve nothing. She has no appeal to conservative and moderate voters who now have no place in the Democrat Party. Please rest assured that daily until election day, President Trump will be tarred and feathered, crucified, and belittled beyond recognition. For this is the norm for the all-inclusive, caring, big-tent and unifying Democrat Party of 2024. Maybe just maybe instead of all the name calling we could really focus on issues, policies, and results between the two candidates. But we know that will never happen.

    Only a poor, delusional, and brainwashed soul would believe things are better now as opposed to when President Trump left office. The facts are that we are not better off than we were four years ago. We are currently in one of the most precarious times of our nation's history. Our government is corrupt in many cases. The Vice President is a mirror of the President she served with. There are no new policies except for more federal government authority, more federal government rules and regulations, more federal government deficit spending, more “public health” lockdowns, less personal freedoms, less national security and more National Debt.

    If elected, Kamala Harris is in way over her head. President Trump is not.

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    Bob Swick

    I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.

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