Est. 1802 ·

The Energy Of Incompetence, Confusion, And Failure

January 25, 2025
Public Domain.

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I am totally confused by energy policies. However, this confusion does not exist on a national level. President Donald Trump made a campaign promise to unleash the fossil fuel “Liquid Gold” present under the feet of every American with his program of “Frack, Burn, and Drill Baby, Drill.” The late Dr. Henry Kissinger told us all half a century ago that those that control energy control the world. Cheap and plentiful energy is critically necessary for a strong America and for developments in business and artificial intelligence and in industry. A more plentiful energy supply suppresses wars because countries like Russia fuel destruction by selling oil at absurdly soaring prices. Any object in our home, office, workspace, or driveway is somehow composed of fuel or by using fuel. It is a no-brainer. It is simple beans. But these dirt simple concepts are far too weighty for the astute souls in the Connecticut legislature who primarily through idiocy (and sometimes aided and abetted by weak and deferential pushback) continually figure out ways for Connecticut residents to starve, freeze and go broke in trying to concoct fictional energy policies that will do nothing other than throw precious taxpayer capital into the sea, ground and air.  

In my estimation, the biggest problem in Connecticut is the State Legislature attempts to think and craft policy where solutions are pre-made, time tested, and easily executed. Nowhere is this sad fact more critical in the Connecticut Legislature’s attempts to deal with energy. Like parrots, legislators repeat the terms “Climate Change” and “Green Energy” not knowing (or even understanding) the consequences of their inane statements and postings. Wind Turbines kill sea mammals. Disposed electric car batteries are huge environmental disasters. The mining of e-car minerals kills and maims children of color in Africa. The wildfires in California were made much worse by combusting e-cars where the fires could not be extinguished. Did you know that? You never heard any of that from the state-run media. But you heard plenty of that from me and from my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo on The Lee Elci Show on WJJF 94.9 and on THIRTY WITH TONY for over a year. But why didn’t the state-run media tell you? Because it is their job to window-dress for the powers that be as knowing the truth on a global scale would render said powers inoperative, once, and for all.

However, what actually represents “green energy” and why have we spent the massive amount of taxpayers’ monies in Connecticut to achieve either absolutely nothing (or negative) in Connecticut is horrifically unclear. Disgustingly, Connecticut residents and businesses pay some of the highest electric rates in the country. In Connecticut, the Omnipotent (and grossly incompetent) Connecticut Democrat Party, has continually raised electric rates through insane green energy policies, green energy taxes and the rationing of electricity shamefacedly feel that they need to give everyone “a break” since consumers are starting to understand their insane electric bills. Democrats are now pushing the Utopian "Ratepayers First Act,” a desperation effort to undue the massive damage their party created over the past twenty years with their economically incoherent forced increases in electric rates and green energy at all costs.

Apparent/Anointed electric rate expert, Democrat State Senator Norm Needleman, from Essex, made this ridiculous statement: "Certainly the aspects of accountability and making sure that the performance that the utilities provide in exchange for an exclusive monopoly to provide us not only distribution but transmission of electricity — that is something that is very complicated. But other than adding condescending and inane commentary, he further added these nonsensical statements: “This bill is an open book. There are no specific things that we’re going to talk about at this moment. We’re going to listen to all the bills that are coming in, and they’re coming in at a rate much higher and faster than the energy committee has ever seen. We’re going to listen to ideas from across the spectrum, —that’s Republicans and Democrats, that’s cities and rural areas, that’s everybody that we can hear from.” 

Since when have these astute and esteemed souls ever listened to either the people who actually pay for the electricity and/or the Republican Party and/or the fine Conservative minds of all ages present in the state? Needleman, in my opinion reinforces Democrat incompetence and obfuscation with the typical late night dump of this Democrat bill with his statement of "This bill is an open book,” meaning that there will be a great deal of pork and political payments and cutting and amending for the sake of all of “them” and not “you” (In case you missed this, the categories of “them” and “you” are the two real races in the racial divide that is present in Connecticut).

But wait! There is more!

Connecticut Senate Bill SB1105 is another gibberish-type feel-good bill that will  "(1) prohibit certain mergers of utility companies, (2) prohibit a utility company from owning both gas and electric utilities, (3) incentivize the adoption of grid-enhancing and energy-efficient technologies and prohibit a public utility company from imposing any fees that would disincentivize the adoption of such technologies, (4) repeal any provision providing a right of first refusal to acquire property by a utility company, and (5) prohibit deceptive fees to utility end use customers."

Is this a bill apparently to somehow undo the economic damages of the feel-good Public Benefits aspect of your bill which is the cost of supporting state-authorized energy programs that do little for either increasing the supply of energy or lowering costs? And pray tell, why do we never see a bill prohibiting and penalizing legislators and those connected with the legislators from receiving compensation from the utilities their body regulates? That would be way too simple to just enact and enforce a common-sense law that has been flouted for years by both parties? As we all know, Connecticut has one of the most complex electric bills to read and understand in the country mirroring the disjointed, incompetent, hard-to-follow and unclear Connecticut Democrat Party Green Energy policies that have failed the state dramatically.

I also wonder where all the electricity in Connecticut will come from with the new cash tax cash cow of data/AI centers that are being coveted by the political elite? Will the state tell households to reduce their energy consumption so that these centers can be built and have enough power for them? How about rotating blackouts for single family homes? Or maybe more destruction and sea mammal murders at Connecticut's shorelines and seas as has been exhibited in the horrific, $300 million dollar and growing New London State Pier project that will provide apparently "free" electricity by the hideous wind farms that still have not produced one kilowatt of "Green" energy after $300 dollars of Connecticut taxpayers spent? 

But who cares if we rape the environment? What are the actual safeguards to the ocean ecosystem? Perhaps these questions are obviated as no one in his or her right mind would make an investment in a Connecticut Data Center, anyway. But no matter, "Green" energy is essential, no matter what the cost and or destruction to the environment that is supposedly "saving". And almost one year after Tony De Angelo cried on the Lee Elci show for a “Natural Gas First” energy policy for Connecticut the CT State Senate has finally agreed to campaign for its use rather than to timidly “studying” such use as a year of destruction and waste intervened? What more incoherent gibberish, politicking and incompetence will be force fed to the Connecticut Taxpayer in 2025?

It will be interesting to see how the 2025 Connecticut Legislative session progresses and how little change electric consumers will see.  It should be obvious to all that the Connecticut Democrat Party has created the electricity crisis in the state and now it is entirely incapable of solving the failure it has created.

But so what? It is just another day in the race to the economic bottom for Connecticut and its economic slaves who support this disarray, turmoil, and incompetence.

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Bob Swick

I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.
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We have a layered problem to reach solutions.Vote into office conservative legislators in numbers and solve the problem of convoluted, ignominious legislation. But have to address the ballot problem first.

Voting problem in this state needs to be dealt with. How are we going to stop trunk loads full of “newly discovered” ballots overnight? Will the problem be solved on the state level lol?


President Trump told CA to adopt voter i d first,then the infusion of federal resources to help rebuild will follow. In a similar way, can the federal government can help us in CT?Leverage voter integrity by withholding federal funds until voter i d is implemented.It’s a start.Vote in legislators in numbers who will introduce legislation to give relief to our citizens.With the layered problem solved then implement common sense, Connecticut first energy policy and drop the Public Benefits.

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