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The Great Failed Reset And Pandemic Puppet Show

June 9, 2024
Screenshot, Fox News

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On June 3, 2024, the U.S. Senate Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic heard the testimony of Dr. Anthony Fauci (“Fauci”), the retired head of the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases with respect to his management (or more properly, mismanagement) of the Covid-19 pandemic. Even though some of the Congressional questioning and criticism was incisive and targeted, Fauci, being a skilled bureaucratic swamp creature, darted and dodged through many questions and statements that were either weak or rather were glowing statements by many Democrats. In the final analysis, only time will tell if this hearing was a springboard leading to a more effective prosecution of the fraud and of the mismanagement of Covid-19.

Unfortunately, many critical observers were left wanting after the Fauci testimony with respect to the critical questions left unanswered after the hearing concluded. Due to a myriad of reasons unknown, Congressional representatives did not sufficiently press Fauci as to where the convoluted nonsensical policies and reasoning as to the “coronavirus response” in the United States originated.

For example, how was “social distancing” developed? Why were the schools closed? Who developed “phased reopenings”? How about “positivity counts"? Why was there masking and limited capacity in venues? Who killed the restaurant business? Why were there continuing coercions to forced vaccination? What was the logic? What were the reasons? Why was there gross mismanagement and errors in judgment? As my friend and colleague Tony De Angelo said on his June 4, 2024, “Lee Elci Show” segment, the vast majority of political operatives and politicians do not have the mental capability nor vision in order to devise these masterplans, so something else must be afoot. However, is it unquestioned that Fauci held himself out as the living final authority on all things regarding Covid-19 as he arrogantly held the entire country under his authoritarian thumb.

If one watched and/or read the Fauci testimony, one may have become sickened that their tax monies supported these insane, unlawful, and draconian policies which led to many needless heartbreaking deaths and a massive economic loss that America has still yet to recover from.

At least some of the legislative comments directed at Fauci from this hearing that are worthwhile: “A million Americans died from Covid-19, marking one of the darkest chapters in our nation’s history. Four years later, more than 10 million Americans are still suffering from long Covid. We continue to fight for accountability.” “(Fauci), in his role as chief medical adviser to the president, insisted upon mask and vaccine mandates, lockdowns, and overstated vaccine efficacy, often disregarding the public and private medical professional’s ability to assess the facts.” “Blocking FOIA requests: It’s also curious that after Dr. Fauci was questioned by our Senate HELP committee in May 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services shut down all Freedom of Information Act requests. Was (Fauci) involved in any discussions for this decision? Why was that decision made?” Many people also don’t know that (Fauci) received two government salaries simultaneously, making him the highest-paid federal employee ever. He was both the director of the NIAID and the director of civilian biodefense, which was operating with a $6 billion budget.

This Senator was well justified in his comments that still are being ignored by the media and the incoherent and unserious Biden Administration. Did masks, plexiglass around dining room tables and bars, constant disinfecting of anything and everything, standing six feet away from people while checking out in grocery stores, lockdowns, walking in only one direction in store aisles and many other illogical and unproven medical theories forced us save lives? It is highly doubtful at best. For example, if you are reading this column now, you did not die of Covid-19. Amazing, isn't it? Also, did Fauci have a brain trust in working his twisted magic?

Needless to say, Connecticut had its profit driven motives during the Covid-19 crisis. I have written about them numerous times since the pandemic resulted in deafening silence from all sides as a result. My good friend Tony De Angelo who initially started to unwind the corruption of these state Covid-19 policies several years ago, re-introduced many of the same unanswered questions in his segment this past week on the Lee Elci Show on 94.9 FM. Tony submitted to the listeners that the same dastardly Covid-19 masterplan was hatched in the minds of Ivy-League consultants and indoctrinated into the weaker political minds of elected officials largely serving as enablers to the festivities along with Fauci and his colleagues.

Trendy buzzwords such as "The Great Reset", "The New Normal", "Mask Mandates" and more key word phrases such as “The Greater Good,” are now part of our permanent vocabulary through the efforts of the non-elected but politically tied McKinsey group. A group who mysteriously was drafting the Covid-19 protocols and manuals for the State of New Jersey in 2019 and released the same in 2020 while forgetting to change the header date. A group whose "Covid-19 Updates" were issued to many elected lemmings such as King Gov. Ned Lamont The Unaccountable and his legislative enablers that did incredible damage to our economy and country as a whole that were accepted as the gospel truth while making these same officials appear cool, calm, collected and in charge where all they were doing was acting by a script. A group that in the case of Connecticut was buried in a nonprofit organization so the public never even knew they were involved, up until the time of Tony’s radio segments.

It is unquestionable that something on a much greater scale was involved in pulling the Covid-19 puppet strings, and McKinsey proudly served the governments, colleges, schools, and military in this failed fashioning of The Great Reset.

Of course, the Covid-19 pandemic was a fantastic opportunity for the Lamonts and several of their close cronies and investors to exploit the State of Connecticut for their own personal gain and profit. The Lamont-owned Oak/HC Limited Partnership was a fund that made great strides and profits thanks to the no-bid contracts it was able to secure from Connecticut Taxpayers during the Covid-19 crisis marched its way to a bonanza IPO in a huge "pump and dump" litigated stock scheme, with such “economic activity” hidden in and blessed by nonprofit AdvanceCT.

This organization, AdvanceCT, was concurrently housing and paying the McKinsey Corporation for its services. Let us never forget that in the beginning of the crisis during June 2020, Lamont-owned equity in Sema-4 which entered into a no-bid State of Connecticut contract for Covid-19 testing at the opportune moment. And Oak HC/FT invested in Sema-4 which was a DBA (doing business as) of Mount Sinai Genomics. Never forget as well that the Lamont limited partnership through a complex maze of companies, (many of which received Connecticut Taxpayers monies through forgiven loans and state grants), made an enormous profit during this crisis. A profit that goes undisclosed with no reactions whatsoever from ostensibly dimwitted and unconcerned (if not corrupt) body of elected officials from either party. And somehow, the state-run media remains silent with regards to questioning these "deals".

As Tony said on June 2, 2024, this situation is highly worth revisiting since the lies of the Covid-19 are being proven for real four years later. Many did not realize that they were being governed by the McKinsey Consulting Corporation secretly by proxy, with their directives passed down through the Faucis, Cuomos, and Lamonts of the world. And after many businesses and individuals lost everything they had economically and socially to an elite power that was financed by you and me, the American Taxpayer, they scored, and you, lost. With that all said and known, justice needs to be exacted upon them all, once, and for all.

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Bob Swick

I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.
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this was a test run for even further attacks on our freedoms. Fraudski even admitted recently (and someone before him) that the social distancing was a made up nonsense meant to confuse the cheap seats into thinking the pols and puppets were 'doing something'. Ditto for the slave masks and shutdowns.


The Great Reset has NOT failed. It has simply been slightly delayed. These demonic Globalists will stop at absolutely nothing!

Richard Cook

Should be trials for Crimes against Humanity, but nothing will be done to those responsible for the Plandemic. At least we know to prepare for the next globalist fraud.

Paul A

It was obvious this was all ELITE- Bureaucratic BS!! It was all about paydays for compliant and complicit corporations. Fauci went against his country for fame and fortune and no one was expendable. This should not be taken as politics or a mistake it was done knowing the repercussions of their actions. If you were educated and listened to real Doctors give you the facts to counter the dangerous narrative you didn’t fall for this crap. They facts are out and some people just refuse to eat crow.

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