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The Heated Rhetoric Of Our Politics

September 17, 2024
Screenshot, The New Republic

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The Democratic-owned media thinks Trump is responsible for making himself a target with the latest assassination attempt in West Palm Beach, FL, on Sunday, September 15, 2024. Just shy of 2 months since the Butler, PA, assassination attempt which killed innocent rally goers and injured Trump in his ear on July 13, 2024.

As I listen to the media outlets discuss this latest attempt on candidate Trump, I find that the discussion can be easily parsed into what side of the political spectrum the commentator resides. If, as most cite, the reason we are here includes the level of vitriol that our political rhetoric has reached is a factor of blame, one might conclude that each side would own some of that blame. However, on the mainstream, most populous media outlets, we hear that Trump and the MAGA movement seem to own most of the responsibility. There are published articles claiming Trump is responsible for his own assassination attempt. It is rich to conclude that, when it is the Democratic party and the media outlets that are owned by their “democracy” that are the ones pushing this narrative full speed. They pump 24/7 their rhetoric that Donald Trump is a “threat to democracy” without one word regarding “how”, they cite that Donald Trump is some form of the new “Hitler Reincarnated” without citing one fact as to how that is so, they claim that Donald Trump is “dangerous” and so would be his election as president to our country with no explanation as to “why”. This type of media propaganda is pure insightful rhetoric, and yes would be absolutely a motivating factor for a deranged demagogue who is mentally ill and hearing this endlessly to attempt to assassinate the “Hitler incarnate” as the media refers to the Republican candidate for president in 2024, Donald Trump.

Rhetoric in our politics indeed has the power to incite violence. We are indeed on the edge of our seats as we await the 2024 election results. Are we about to lose our Democracy as MSM claims? We may be, but not for the reasons they claim. The fact is, we are not a democracy as a country, and rather we were formed by our framers as a “Republic” that practices democracy. Everything about the rhetoric of the Democratic party is geared to people whom they view as “unintelligent”, while they push propaganda about those who support “MAGA” being “uneducated”; interesting in an of itself that they choose other words, and utilize “semantics” to prove their point. Most of their points are geared at a 6th grade level. They actually despise the electorate that continues to put them in power, and then suffer under their leadership.

The definition of “rhetoric” is more suited to the democrats than the republicans or the MAGA following. It states:

language designed to have a persuasive or impressive effect on its audience, but often regarded as lacking in sincerity or meaningful content.

It is clearly the Democrats that superimpose a phony and non-transparent agenda of policies that are not explained or outlined, but expected to be understood and accepted and requiring your vote if you fall into the “threatened” categories they claim to protect, yet abandon right after election day!

Let’s be crystal clear, the Democrats are just as phony regarding the latest assassination attempt on Trump as they are about what they will do in power, if you are foolish enough to believe their lies. Truth be told, they would love to have the Republican candidate for president be assassinated in order to secure their power. They are all about the power and rule over you. The only time they show up or pretend to care about you is election time. Even lately, in this election time, the candidate only is able to stumble through her lies about how she can help you, the average American who is clearly struggling through the last 3 1⁄2 years under her watch.

Don’t be fooled, be attentive. This is a historic election for this country. We are about to be on the precipice of whether we will welcome and celebrate our 250th year as a free nation, that is to occur in 2026. Or, will we have recognized that we already saw our freedom die under the outcome of the 2020 election? The fact is freedom and truth are on the ballot this November. Some of us wonder if our vote will even count, or if it will be overruled and disenfranchised by fraud. That is a valid concern. The powers that be governing us make us wonder if we are indeed completely under the throes of tyranny, as our founding fathers warned.

The Federalist papers discussed “Tyranny” which seems to be apparent these days.

Federalist paper #28 by Alexander Hamilton quotes the rights of the populous of a “tyrannical” reign:

If the representatives of the people betray their constituents, there is then no resource left but in the exertion of that original right of self-defense, which is paramount to all positive forms of government; and which, against the usurpations of the national rulers, may be exerted with infinitely better prospect of success, than against those of the rulers of an individual State.

Madison in Federalist papers #47 regarding “tyrannical” rule quotes:

The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self-appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny. Were the federal Constitution, therefore, really chargeable with the accumulation of power, or with a mixture of powers, having a dangerous tendency to such an accumulation, no further arguments would be necessary to inspire a universal reprobation of the system.

Is this really about “Rhetoric” or “Tyranny” is really the question at hand as we await the election, and hope and pray for the outcome that may save us and set us up to celebrate the 250th year of Independence in 2026!

I hope and pray that we are allowed our choice at the ballot box, as our founding fathers intended in their framing of the “Constitution” of this United States. It was not their intention to let power be commanded by some over the many as was the pure reason for the fight that founded this nation of “freedom”.

Those currently in power who claim to define freedom by any other means that invokes ideas that the many do not share and usurps powers to lord over the many that do not subscribe to their desires, should be rejected by the people at the ballot box. That is if the ballot box is still the viable means? I hope and pray that this election season of 2024 it is the means.

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Liz Conti

Liz is a freelance published journalist and current member of the Norwalk Town Committee. Liz has held public office as a member of the Stamford Board of Representatives in the past. She is a finance professional with deep roots in her community. She is a dedicated mother of 2 and also currently serves as Warden at her local church. She is a passionate conservative who cares deeply about this country and the current state of affairs of which she likes to voice her concerns regularly.
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