The Mythological Connecticut Republican Party

November 17, 2024
Public Domain.

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If you were an ardent consumer of Connecticut State-run news sources this past year, you may not be aware that there was another election in Connecticut this November. Despite the microscopic and unenthusiastic endorsement from the Mythological Connecticut Republican Party, President Donald J. Trump gained a substantially higher vote count in the state than in previous elections, receiving almost 42% in 2024. However, despite the dogged efforts of the Mythological Connecticut Republican Party to deny the existence of anything relating to the obscene word “Trump,” no group of state Republican candidates came close to beating the ultra-liberal Democrat machine in 2024.

On a state level, Republicans lost even more ground in being a small minority in the Connecticut House, now holding only 49 seats to the Democrat Super Majority of 102 seats while in the Senate Republicans are down to 11 seats to the Democrat Super Majority of 25 seats (excluding the results of the 8th District State Senate race).  Sadly, things look poorly for the Mythical Connecticut Republican Party. 

As much are failures are continually attempted to be explained and excused away, it was more of the same in state Republican losses as have been seen year-in and year-out. It is argued that “all politics is local.” However, it has become obvious that the state Republican message is ignored, lost, misspoken and or non-existent.

What exactly is the message the Mythical Connecticut Republican Party wants to express to the Connecticut voting public? Is it less state governmental spending and the lowering of taxes? Is it a smaller, more efficient state government? Is it full transparency in state government along with a real check and balance mechanism? Is it more school choice and letting parents actually parent their children?  Is it liberty and personal freedoms? Is it a crackdown on crime and criminals with meaningful enforcement of laws to prosecute criminals? Is it the state taxpayer defunding of self-appointed sanctuary cities in the state? Is it enforcement of actual voting laws that would have prevented the ongoing crime in the city of Bridgeport's election and removed questions from other races? Is it the abolishment of dodgy “quasi-public” entities and opaque state-connected nonprofits that were most useful in the crooked Covid-19 machinations of King Governor Ned Lamont the Unaccountable? Is it enforcement of real ethics laws that govern state elected officials and state employees especially when state taxpayer funded contracts are involved? Is it criminal sanctions for law-breaking elected officials? Is it a “DOGE” type-effort in slashing the bloated and self-aggrandizing state workforce? Is it that state taxpayers have a real Bill Of Rights when dealing with state officials in Connecticut? Is it civil and criminal penalties when someone in that bloated workforce harms an innocent person?

What is it that the Mythical Connecticut State Republican Party bases itself on considering there is no doubt what is happening on the left. To this fact, it is quite clear that the Connecticut State Democrat Party stands for socialism, operative communism, government intervention at any and all costs, full term state taxpayer paid-for abortions along with a state endorsed abortion "hotline", minimal personal freedoms, election fraud, more and higher taxes, “creative ways” for finding employment for illegal students in state colleges, unobtainable clean/green energy conquests at any cost, more crime, less enforcement of laws that are actually legally binding, state run local planning and zoning law enforcement, and a crumbling bridge and highway system to just to name a few items.  In true Pravda style, the Connecticut State Democrat Party is able to achieve this with an obedient state run and state-supported media that echoes the Connecticut State Democrat Party rhetoric daily in its continual effort to help brainwash the public.

However, due to the efforts of a handful of independent reporters  and dogged ordinary citizens there are encouraging signs of political life in Connecticut with strong independent Libertarian and Conservative journalists and common citizens like my good friend Tony De Angelo and others who fight a daily battle in the state against this omnipotent one party machine's incoherent gibberish, effectively doing the work of what an opposing party should do.  Connecticut is in dire need of a vibrant, coherent Republican Party that no longer embraces the "coolness" of condemning all things Trump and all things Conservative while playing the continual patsy to the Connecticut State Democrat Party's hold.

The Mythical Connecticut Republican Party must end. It needs a functional and common-sense platform that embraces those who work and pay taxes in the state. It needs a functional and common-sense platform that embraces and relates to minorities especially the working Hispanic population that is found in many cities in the state. It needs new people from top to bottom in the party organization and not the perennially failed Republicans that embrace the Party's race to oblivion and stupefaction to nothingness and continual defeat. The Mythical Connecticut State Republican Party needs to emerge from myth to reality and generate a real candidate to run for Governor in 2026 and not another self-destructing unknown or benign party poster child running to be acceptable to all things wrong.

To emerge from obscurity, The Connecticut State Republican Party has time to prepare if it wants to. It must embrace the heart of the country that is rooted in strong American principles. It must be able to say the word MAGA and not run behind a tree in shame. It must show its dedication in fighting first for the non-state connected working person. It must champion a DOGE-based effort to shrink the monolith of state government and the administrative state. Or the Connecticut State Republican Party can continue in perpetual uselessness and defeat in becoming the new Whig Party of 2024.

To conclude, I will borrow one of Tony's favorite phrases. Change is simple as that, and just as difficult.

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Bob Swick

I am an Adjunct Professor of Business and Economics and have taught for 41 years for several different colleges and universities. I have a Bachelors of Science in Journalism and a Masters of Science in Economics. I have written about economics and political issues in my blog "Swick Speak" since 2006.

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Michael Satagaj

As succinctly and courageously as you present the argument (along with your associates, Mr. DeAngelo, Mr. Pesci,, the dreadful numbers that you cite indicate that the wisdom is only reaching the choir.
If the GOP brain-trust cannot handle their assignment to drive the righteous bus, the responsibility must be seized from them. This is much deeper than winning elections.

“Win the crowd - and you'll win your freedom“

Antonio Proximo (Gladiator, 2000)

Liz Conti

Spot on! CT GOP is woefully inept at the simple task of winning, which we could do if we were led by heros not cowards!

Joe Bentivegna

As someone involved in Connecticut Republican Party politics for thirty years, I can tell you that the reason we lose is that our viewpoint is in the minority. There is a constant battle between conservatives and moderate Republicans, but no matter who we nominate in state wide and Congressional races (and we have nominated each type), they lose.

This doesn't mean we should not fight. But the same thing happens to Democrats in Idaho and Utah.

Peter Haddad

Hmm... as much as I agree with Swick, he still appeals to MAGA.
As much as I agree with MAGA principles, have we not our own priniciples?
Have we not enough "stuff" in CT that will appeal to the decent?
Wait I have an idea... instead of a MAGA appeal, how about a WANDA appeal?!

Peter Sherr

CT GOP and many of its local committees are led by people who's prevailing views are emblematic of Lowell Weicker and Christopher Shays. Today, they would even repudiate Nancy Johnson. Being Democrat-Lite is a path CT GOP has been treading for 20 years and it's leading us to political oblivion. We might not need to be 110% America First MAGA, but getting into the ballpark with mainstream Republcan Party would be a start. Only fools continue to argue against success and the future.

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