Est. 1802 ·

The Only Ones Pushing 'Hate' In Westport Are The 'Progressives'

April 11, 2023

And, they're pushing child porn on our kids too...

Westport Public School Library Promotes Sexually Explicit Books

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A few weeks after a trans terrorist murdered Christian children, the 'hate' and 'race' baiters are back in full swing in Westport.

After the Westport school system apparently decided to allow the continued placement of books with graphic images of child porn in school libraries, a well-placed and well-timed propaganda oped appeared recently in The Westport Journal.

The article was full of classic race-baiting 'hate' language, accusing anyone who disagrees with their promoting of societal decay a 'hater'. This is the classic definition of Marxist tyranny.

Hate, in word and deed, has been at the center of controversy in town lately, prompting some to wonder why this is happening in a community like Westport, which by reputation, is considered to be open-minded and accepting, wrote the author.

“I didn’t hear one person in this community say, ‘I’m sorry you were called a pedophile and a groomer.’ I was disappointed,” Supt. of Schools Thomas Scarice told the meeting in the Westport Library. “It’s happening and it’s ugly," reported The Westport Journal.

He was referring to Board of Education meetings where some parents called for removing books with LGBTQ themes from the Staples High School library. “It was ugly, very ugly,” he said of comments directed at him in person and on social media over the books issue.

Scarice complimented the Superintendent’s Review Committee, which has been studying a request from Westport parent Tara McLaughlin to remove three books with LGBTQ themes from the Staples High School library. The committee, which is still deliberating on McLaughlin’s request, voted unanimously this week to recommend that all three books be kept in the library.  

Here are some inconvenient truths for the hate-hustling Marxists looking to destroy our society.

It is not 'hate' to want to shield minor children from images of child porn and smut.

It is not 'hate' to strive for meritocracy in education.

It is not 'hate' to want to protect your own child from perverted degeneracy.

It IS 'hate' to lie about people (call them haters) who have different opinions in order to force your view of the world on others.

I don't care what people do in the privacy of their own lives, just don't force it on my children.

Don't trust the people who believe there are 59 genders and who with a straight face say -- 'trust the science.'

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L Todd Wood

L Todd Wood, a graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy, flew special operations helicopters supporting SEAL Team 6, Delta Force and others. After leaving the military, he pursued his other passion, finance, spending 18 years on Wall Street trading emerging market debt, and later, writing. The first of his many thrillers is "Currency." Todd has been a national security columnist for The Washington Times and contributed to One American News, Fox Business, Newsmax TV, Moscow Times, Novaya Vremya (Ukraine) the New York Post, National Review, the Jerusalem Post, Zero Hedge and others. He is also founder/publisher of CDMedia and editor-in-chief of For more information about L. Todd Wood, visit
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