The Spiritual/Philosophical War and How We Can Win

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“Any compromise on mere fundamentals is a surrender.” – Mahatma Gandhi

We are in a spiritual war. We must have a comprehensive strategy to help us win. It must include action for individuals and a systemic long-lasting change.

Mindset is Key

When you ask a friend, “What caused the Titanic to sink in 1912?” you will likely hear, “It hit an iceberg.” This of course is true and yet it is not really the root cause. In any major event there are always multiple root causes that contribute. The Titanic hitting the iceberg was caused by the captain’s mindset.

Captain Edward John Smith was known for his exceptional experience and distinguished career. His vast experience and his belief in the Titanic being unsinkable, worked against him that fateful evening. His over confidence in the Titanic created two blind spots that put the ship in peril.

First, he was experienced with much smaller ships that could maneuver much more quickly than Titanic. Secondly, he failed to insist on breaking open the locked cabinet containing the binoculars used by the lookouts in the crow’s nest. David Blair, a merchant seaman responsible for the cabinet accidentally kept a key to a storage cabinet believed to contain the binoculars. The captain failed to act.

Just as Captain Smith’s mindset set Titanic up for disaster, our mindsets can set us up for either success or failure. The spiritual war is a conflict of mindsets. One mindset is consistent with sound universal principles. The other is not. Our mindsets influence our behaviors. It’s our duty to adopt the most useful mindset and to influence others to adopt the same. The difference in mindsets is the root cause of the spiritual war.

Two Mindsets

During the final 5 days of his 2008 presidential campaign, Barack Obama famously said, “We are five days away from fundamentally transforming the United States of America.” Obama was talking about a shift in values. This was signally an escalation of the spiritual war.

Charlie Kirk (Turning Point USA) clearly articulates the two mindsets of the opponents in the spiritual war. He says, the left sees the world through a lens of the oppressed and the oppressor. The conservatives view the world through a lens of right and wrong or good and evil. (Kirk, 2025)

Oppressed vs. oppressor is the Marxist philosophy (Karl Marx). Marxism promotes division and conflict by separating us into opposing groups. An example of Marxism was experienced during the Covid-19 “plandemic”. The unvaccinated were demonized, masks were required, churches were forced to close. (Wally Hauck, Gender Ideology Has Not Been Stopped, Here’s Why, 2025)

The conservative embraces Judeo-Christian values (the foundation for our Declaration and Constitution). Conservatism preserves behaviors and policies consistent with universal principles. It seeks peace not conflict. For example, the Ten Commandments leads to a just society. As Gandhi said, we must not compromise on principles and fundamentals.

Spiritual War Examples

Which of these statements is true? Individual wealth…

1. … is most often achieved at the expense of others.

2. … is an outcome of innovation, integrity, and hard work.

The left believes statement #1. The conservative #2. Feelings of jealousy stem from insecurity. (M, P, 2021) Parents must teach children behaviors that help them manage these negative feelings. This strategy leads to maturity. Children often compare themselves with their peers. They feel jealous and may behave immaturely.

“As parents, it’s crucial to recognize that jealousy is a natural and common emotion among children.” (M, 2021)

The left sees the economy as a limited pie. This fosters jealousy. We constantly hear the refrain, “tax breaks are for the billionaires.” The left claims billionaires get a larger slice because they “steal” from others. This is a myth. For example, tax breaks have been shown to benefit all levels in the economy. (Ways and Means Committee, 2022)

The left encourages dependence on government. This is consistent with Marxist philosophy. The “oppressed” (victims) behave like children and seek help from the government instead of taking personal responsibility to overcome challenges. The left believes government must help because the pie is limited, and the system is rigged.

Conservatives believe wealth can be achieved by hard work, innovation, and integrity. Conservatives behave like the “good parents” helping the jealous to self-manage to become dependency. Encouraging self-management and the embrace of Judeo-Christian values leads to long-term health and is the message we must communicate to win the spiritual war.

How We Can We Win

The two-pronged strategy to win includes each of us managing our individual behaviors and adopting a permanent change approach like Convention of States.

The Individual

When we identify someone with the left’s mindset (they believe in a “limited pie” economy and encourage government dependency) to influence them we can do three things: 1) Speak up (not be silent), 2) communicate respect in words, tone and body language, 3) Use the Socratic method.

We must be courageous and speak up. We are often silenced because the conversations can evolve into uncomfortable emotional interactions and social media might also silence us. Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Meta admitted he and his staff (Facebook) were pressured by the Biden Administration to silence those who communicated ideas opposed to the Administration. (New York Post Editorial Board, 2025)

To avoid defensive emotional responses, we must be disciplined. We must be respectful and civil. Any sense of disrespect destroys our ability to influence.

Socrates described himself as an “ignorant inquirer”. (Kraut, 2025) So we must be asking challenging questions with the right intent (inquire with love). This approach increases the probability for positive change.

“The greatest victory is that which requires no battle.” Sun Tzu

Permanent Change

Our founders were wise enough to realize the Constitution may need to be amended from time to time. As Mark Levin explains in his book The Liberty Amendments, the country has moved away from its original directives and it needs to be restored. (Levin, The Liberty Amendments, 2013) Amending the Constitution on critical issues is one way to instill long-term change.

Article V of our beloved Constitution provides an amendment method that involves state legislatures. They can vote to call a convention. Amendments can be proposed and the specific amendment(s) can only be adopted when three fourths of the state legislatures (both houses) vote for adoption. (Wally Hauck, How to Stop Presidential Executive Order Ping-Pong, 2025)


The left thrives when their constituents are ignorant (embrace a poor mindset). The conservative thrives when constituents are aligned on Judeo-Christian values and the most useful mindset.

To win the spiritual war, we must love our neighbor and communicate the truth respectfully using the Socratic method.

If we can call a Convention of States we can memorialize positive changes including implementing term limits, reducing government overreach, and adopting fiscal responsibility.

We must act. Please start practicing the Socratic method. It’s simple yet not easy. The example of the “limited pie” is only one example of the different mindsets between the left and conservatives. To see more examples please send me a comment and I am happy to send you a list that will help you prepare for the Socratic dialogues with family and friends. You can be a soldier in the spiritual war. You make a positive difference. Let’s start together today.

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Wally Hauck, PhD

Wally Hauck is a PhD, a follower of Christ, husband, father, brother, lover of the USA and the Constitution, and conservative/libertarian. He writes a blog at:
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