Three Reasons The Left Wants An Open Border

January 31, 2025
Public Domain.

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When I first became a business consultant and trainer, I had a partner who behaved like a controlling tyrant. He purposely set me up to fail so he could swoop in a save the day. He made me look bad, created anger and frustration, while building himself up to be in control and to look like a rescuer. This is a character flaw that is inconsistent with servant leadership.

Many of us have experience with a partner or boss like this. We all have this experience now with the political left and their strategy on immigration. It appears the leftists are addicted to power and control. This character flaw begins to explain the reasons for the left’s open border policy.

There are three reasons for the open-border policies the left supports. The left:

  1. Wants and needs power and uses control to wield it.
  2. Encourages dependency on government to build control.
  3. Creates and/or uses a crisis which causes emotions (fear, frustration, anger etc.) to implement the change they want and appear like heroes.

The Left Accuses Others Of Tyranny As They Use It Themselves

Tyranny is the arbitrary and unrestrained exercise of authority. Tyranny oppresses and controls others. Those oppressed feel a loss of control, a loss of freedom, a sense of dependency, anger, frustration and becoming a victim.

The tyrant can control minds by appealing to emotions, not evidence. (The Conversation Staff) The fear, pain, anger and frustration experienced by the oppressed creates an opportunity to seize power. The truly talented tyrant creates a crisis that causes emotion and then promises to relieve the discomfort by implementing a desired policy. This is how my partner operated.

The Left’s Philosophy Is The Culprit

Systems thinking is an approach to uncover root causes of problems for the purpose of creating solutions. We can use the iceberg as a metaphor to understand the left’s philosophy. Only about 10% of an iceberg is visible above the surface. The top 10% of the iceberg model represents the observable results. The rest of the iceberg model includes three parts. These are described by asking questions:

1. “Are there patterns of behaviors where we see the problem(s) occur and if so, what are the similarities in these repeated events?”

2. “What structure is influencing the patterns?”

3. “What are the beliefs and assumptions which support the structure, patterns, and lead to the results?” (Mosaffa, 2023)

The mental model (assumptions) influences the structure, patterns and the results. Mental models are belief systems, attitudes, values and assumptions that lead us to form the structure which leads to patterns of behaviors which leads to the results. (Mosaffa, 2023)

Some of the negative results of an open border include:

  • Injuries and death of the immigrants
  • Missing and trafficking of children
  • Drug trafficking and deaths from their use
  • Overwhelming communities (financial and services)
  • Violent crimes by immigrants
  • National security threats

The patterns are clear. Over the past four years, the open border has caused frequent repetition of the above results.

The structure includes the policies and procedures which allow and even encourage the open border crossings including giveaways of phones, lodging, other services, and benefits.

The left’s mindset is the major root cause (culprit) of the poor results. It justifies the patterns of behavior, the structure (policies) which directly cause the results.

1. Desire for Power and Control

"Accuse the other side of that which you are guilty.”

-- Saul Alinsky; Karl Marx; Joseph Goebbels; Vladimir Lennin

The left calls Trump a tyrant while they behave as tyrants. This manipulation distracts constituents so they can seize power. Power is important for the left to seize control because they most often fail in their ability to influence voters with effective arguments. The left wants to protect the number of congressional seats to protect its Congressional power.

“Article 1, Section 2 of the U.S. Constitution requires that a census be taken every 10 years for the purpose of apportioning seats in the House of Representatives.” (Zeigler, 2019)

Non-citizens included in the census increases the probability leftist Congressional seats will be protected. Thus an open border is needed.

Here are four recent examples of tyrannical manipulation protecting the left’s power:

  • Accusing Trump of colluding with Russia and the FBI investigation of Crossfire Hurricane. (McCarthy, 2018)
  • Mandating the Covid-19 jab while claiming (lying) it was safe and effective is another example. (John Leake & Peter A. McCullough, 2022)
  • The electric vehicle mandates by the Biden administration to address climate change is another. (Guthrie, 2024)
  • The Biden Administration pressured Facebook (Meta) to censor certain Covid-19 information that contradicted their messaging. (PBS, 2024)

2. Need for Government Dependency

People who are dependent are more easily manipulated and controlled. The left’s policies create dependency. Just this week the left overreacted when President Trump issued a temporary freeze on federal funds. The purpose of the freeze was to evaluate last minute spending by the Biden administration just days before Trump’s inauguration. The overreaction by the left confirms their voters need to be dependent. Federal grants and payments are bribes that create dependency. The threat of their removal creates fear, and the left took advantage of that emotion to reinforce dependency.

  • Senator Schumer warned the freeze would jeopardize support for families, prevent parents from raising their children and weaken communities. (Senate Democrats Newsroom Press, 2025)
  • Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez accused Trump of “destroying” the healthcare of millions of citizens. (Blaze News, 2025)
  • CT State Senator Majority leader Martin Looney claimed the temporary freeze puts the most vulnerable at risk even though any payments to individuals were not included in the executive order.

Dependency on government is a key strategy for the left. To encourage this, the illegals who entered during the Biden Administration received an array of benefits including food, shelter, clothing, acute medical care, transportation and even welfare. (HHS, 2024) Even smartphones with a pre-loaded app were given to some illegals. (Frank, 2022)

3. Creating a Crisis to Cause Emotion and Facilitate Change

“Never Let a Serious Crisis Go to Waste”

-- Rahm Emanuel

The left uses crises to create policies which create dependency. Examples include:

  • The fake pandemic of Covid-19. Just this week the CIA announced evidence Covid-19 came from the Wuhan Lab in China. (CBS/AP, 2025) After years of denials the National Institutes of health (NIH) admits that Dr. Anthony Fauci gave grants to the very lab for Gain-of-Function research. (Christianson, 2025) The crisis led to the jab mandates.
  • The climate change hoax creates fear. This led to the electric vehicle mandates and the Green New Deal policies. (Wally Hauck,, 2024)
  • The Diversity-Equity-Inclusion policies were motivated by the crisis of systemic racism. The manufactured crisis of systemic racism led to the George Floyd lies and the conviction of Derek Chauvin. (Wally Hauck, DEI is Based on LIES and is Destined to DIE, 2024)

The left’s voters and the illegals predictably and obediently react with the emotions and therefore support the new policies that are created to address the manufactured crises.


The left wants power. The left needs government dependency to get that power and the left often uses a crisis to create policies that encourage dependency.

Conservatives believe in freedom and personal responsibility. They also believe in limited government and allowing people to make as many decisions as possible for themselves and their families. They also believe in an economy of abundance.

The left believes it’s possible to achieve a utopian world where there is equity and harmony and an end to pain and frustration. They believe only when they control the key levers of power will utopia be realized. They also believe in scarcity (not abundance). According to the left, if someone is a wealthy billionaire, they must have taken advantage of others. This is why redistribution policies are necessary. Just listen to Senator Bernie Sanders:

“What being a socialist means is... that you hold out... a vision of society where poverty is absolutely unnecessary, where international relations are not based on greed... but on cooperation... where human beings can own the means of production and work together rather than having to work as semi-slaves to other people who can hire and fire.” (Brainy Quote)

It seems our founders are conservatives who believe in abundance. In the Declaration of Independence, the founders clearly state that our rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness stem from our Creator not government.

These different beliefs lead to different patterns of behaviors, different structures and vastly different results. If results are important, we must adopt mindsets that can lead to the results we want.

The left’s desire for an open border stems from their tyrannical mindset. The mindset leads to a crisis. Did they do this to increase their control? Is why leaders in sanctuary cities are threatening to resist deportations? Are they compassionate towards illegals or protecting their power?

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Works Cited

Blaze News. (2025, January 28). The White House press secretary says there was a Medicare portal outage. Retrieved from

Brainy Quote. (n.d.). Bernie Sanders Quotes. Retrieved from

CBS/AP. (2025, January 27). CIA now says COVID most likely originated from a lab leak but has "low confidence" in its assessment. Retrieved from

Christianson, J. (2025). NIH official finally admits taxpayers funded gain-of-function research in Wuhan — after years of denials. Retrieved from

Frank, B. J. (2022, April 27). Fact check: ICE program gives limited phones to immigrants for tracking, communication. Retrieved from

Guthrie, B. (2024, February 2). Stopping Biden’s Radical Forced EV Transition. Retrieved from

HHS. (2024, August 28). Department of Homeland Security Announces $380 Million in Additional Funding to Communities Receiving Migrants. Retrieved from

John Leake & Peter A. McCullough, M. (2022). The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death While Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex. Dallas, TX: Counter Play Books.

McCarthy, A. C. (2018, May 17). Spinning a Crossfire Hurricane: The Times on the FBI’s Trump Investigation. Retrieved from

Mosaffa, S. (2023, July 25). The Power of Systems Thinking: The Iceberg Model. Retrieved from

PBS. (2024, August 27). Zuckerberg says the White House pressured Facebook to ‘censor’ some COVID-19 content during the pandemic. Retrieved from

Senate Democrats Newsroom Press. (2025, January 27). Retrieved from

The Conversation Staff. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Wally Hauck, P. (2024, November 19). DEI is Based on LIES and is Destined to DIE. Retrieved from

Wally Hauck, P. (2024, November 6).

The Assertive Conservative - Truth is like a lion

"The truth is like a lion. You do not need to defend it. Let it loose; it will defend itself." -Saint Augustine Communicate the truth with confidence, positivity and respect to influence others to act with virtue and wisdom.

By Wally Hauck, PhD

Retrieved from The Climate Crisis Hoax:

Zeigler, S. A. (2019, December 19). The Impact of Legal and Illegal Immigration on the Apportionment of Seats in the U.S. House of Representatives in 2020. Retrieved from



Wally Hauck, PhD

Wally Hauck is a PhD, a follower of Christ, husband, father, brother, lover of the USA and the Constitution, and conservative/libertarian. He writes a blog at:

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