Photo of Jeff Cleghorn, a 2011 recipient of the Human Rights Campaign’s Atlanta Dan Bradley Humanitarian Award. He now calls for the director and board of HRC to resign due to genderqueer madness. Cleghorn supports the call for an independent state investigation into transqueer matters in the state of Connecticut.
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In a sometimes tense hearing in the Connecticut legislature, four national figures called for an independent investigation into transqueer matters in the state. This was during last Friday’s hearing in the Connecticut legislature regarding proposed bill SB 1380 (description and link below). The bill is described by R. J. Preece as “a legal puzzle piece to prop up transqueer”. Preece made the initial call for an independent investigation, reported by the Connecticut Centinal last year.
In written testimony, Jeff Cleghorn, a former Board Member of Lambda Legal, considered like an earlier gay ACLU, wrote, “I also support R. J. Preece’s call for an independent state investigation into the entire apparatus of the (national and international) transqueer lobby as it impacts the State of Connecticut, including its impact on elected officials, to include organizations advocating gender / queer ideology and the parallel, profitable trans medical market. This also includes the marketing support services in schools, libraries, government, businesses, and affecting its citizens.”
Cleghorn added, “Please stop this madness right in its tracks. I am a former Democrat of several decades. I can’t do it anymore with madness like this.” Cleghorn is also a former Board Member of an Equality organization in another state, and a former MSNBC, CNN, and FoxNews commentator on gay-related legal issues.
Others joining the call in addition to Preece and Cleghorn include transsexual rights advocate Christine Rebstock, and detransitioner Simon Amaya Price. The two have been reported on and interviewed in national and international media for their opposition to trans gender / queer ideology and implementation.
Shocking testimony by 20-year-old detransitioner
Simon Amaya Price’s direct testimony.
Simon Amaya Price, 20 years old and from the Boston area, spoke at Friday’s hearing. He writes in his written testimony, “At the age of 14, I was diagnosed with gender dysphoria and referred to a local gender clinic. In my pediatrician’s office, I witnessed the doctor asking my father, ‘Would you like a dead son, or a trans daughter?’ Looking back, I am thankful my father refused.”
He continues, “My girlfriend, however, wasn’t as lucky: she transitioned, took cross-sex hormones for four years, and had her breasts amputated as a minor. Then she detransitioned back to being a young woman. It’s uncertain what her medical future is. In retrospect, both of us clearly should not have been advised to medically transition. What’s worse is there really isn’t medical support to detransition, a key concern of mine today.”
Classic liberal “deeply apologizes” to Republicans
In Preece’s spoken testimony, he minced no words. “I have been a classic liberal for 40 years… We are on the sixth attempted rollout, to push trans gender / queer madness, into Connecticut law, in this session alone.”
This includes Connecticut Democrats voting to not support an amendment banning boys from playing in girls sports, and a shocking “emergency cash” giveaway to a number of the state’s parallel trans gender medical organizations, or supporting profitable trans medical indirectly. In an enlightening exchange, State Senator Rob Sampson showed the taxpayer money was for a “political emergency” in a Senate discussion, with funds being largely unrestricted on how the money would be spent.
Preece slammed in his spoken testimony, “Today’s Democrats have no problem with kiddie cartoon porn for kids, enabling new pathways for predators, and boys playing in girls sports.”
He added, “So, who supported the eugenics-style, mass transing of proto-gay and vulnerable kids for medical profit?”
“The battle of Genderqueer will define the legacy of every politician here today,” Preece continued, “In closing, Republicans here— I’m with you. I deeply apologize for previously supporting, now morally bankrupt Democrats.”
In response, State Senator Gary Winfield, Democrat and co-chair of the Judiciary Committee, appeared stunned. “The reason for this bill has nothing to do with the testimony today“, he insisted. He then offered an explanation referring to abstract “oppressed groups”, with the example of himself as a black man. He did not put forth any knowledge or recognition of the key issues of marketed gender identity and its uniqueness. This includes its discredited research and medical profit-oriented, lobbying organizations. In his response, Winfield also ignored marketed gender identity’s impact on proto-gay, autistic and vulnerable kids, LGB people, and women.
In spoken testimony, Cynthia Breheny at the Paradox Institute, later called Winfield out on several points. See more written testimony here.
Trans gender lobby game plan
Per the translobby’s international legal advisory, gender / queer legal lobbyists have been advised to advise anything “gender queer” to be embedded in other legislation, and under the radar, to push it through, as seen in the case of SB1380: “It shall be a discriminatory practice in violation of this section for any health care provider to discriminate in the provision of health care services on account of person's race, color, religious creed, sex, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, marital status, age, national origin, ancestry, intellectual disability, mental disability, learning disability, physical disability, including, but not limited to, blindness, status as a veteran or status as a victim of domestic violence.” [Our usage of bold.]
More speak out
Others that opposed SB 1380 in relation to “gender identity and expression” and gave spoken testimony include Zachary Elliott at the Paradox Institute; Dr. Steve Ward; Leslie Wolfgang of the Family Institute of Connecticut; Nicole Hayes, Director of State Public Policy, American Academy of Medical Ethics; Jared Ross, Senior Fellow at the Do No Harm organization; and Dr. Amy Chai, Medical Director of Connecticut Counseling Centers.
Chris Barrett, former National Chapter Director at the Gays Against Groomers organization, also submitted written testimony in opposition. He wrote, “Please make Connecticut a safe place again for kids that were like me and R. J. Preece.“
Whistleblower Jamie Reed kicked off the CT legislative session with damning testimony
Gender clinic whistleblower Jamie Reed, a lesbian and mother of five boys, kicked off the gender madness debate last month in the CT legislature, with her shocking testimony.
The public YouTube record of Reed’s testimony was cut for over 20 minutes; the cause unknown. R. J. Preece’s testimony on February 26, 2025 was also cut from the YouTube record entirely, and his testimony a week earlier outlining what he calls “CT Dem Dildogate” was cut short by CT Democrat State Senator Mae Flexer.
CT Dem Dildogate and censorship
In the recent round of Connecticut government cash giveaways to trans medical-promoting organizations, $62,500 was slated to go to the organization with the presumably prized and oversized dildos presented in Preece’s testimony.
“This censorship to the Connecticut public should be part of the independent state investigation,” says Preece. “It’s not like anyone has any reason to trust CT Democrats or the administration at this point.”
The Connecticut Centinal previously reported on the initial hearing pushing transqueer, “A Day and night in Hartford hell”: “About an hour after [Jamie Reed's] testimony, out in the hallway, Representative Matt Blumenthal [son of US Democratic senator Richard Blumenthal] was heard complaining to a Planned Parenthood lobbyist. He stated that the representative from Planned Parenthood, the organization that stands to benefit the most financially from SJ 35, had done terrible when she testified. He also stated that he was mad that he had granted a favor and let the whistleblower testify earlier than scheduled so she could catch her flight. He said that he would never do any favors (for the opposition) again.”
Complicit Dems need to speak out—or own this
“Complicit Democrats have been misled,” Preece explains. “When they wake up, grow a pair, pull their support, and start thinking of kids and CT citizens, it’s over. They need to state their positions on the record right now. Genderqueer ideology is like the opioids scandal with an ideology deep into Connecticut far left society.”
“Also, the climate of fear promoted by far left power-holders in the state means that complicit Democrats are not hearing of deep concerns moreso,” continues Preece. “Hopefully polls reported on CNN with about 20% approval of what they are doing regarding gender madness will empower complicit Democrats, although they are reportedly fearful to speak out as well. Or it really is all about money and their politics.”
“As always, complicit CT legacy media is partly causing these serious problems,” concludes Preece. "An independent state investigation should include the relevant, so-called 'journalists' and their news editors as well."