Est. 1802 ·

We Repealed Roe. We Can Repeal CT's Abortion Law Too

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A Day to Celebrate. And to Steel Ourselves for What Lies Ahead.

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Today marks the first anniversary of the Dobbs ruling, which overturned Roe v. Wade. For nearly 50 years, pro-lifers marched, worked, prayed, and voted for this very outcome. It is a day that should be celebrated every year for the rest of our lives.

As it happens, Leslie and Peter Wolfgang are at the National Right to Life Convention in Pittsburgh this weekend. It is one reason why public comments on the first anniversary from FIC have been few.

The other reason is that our work to restore legal protection to unborn children in Connecticut is very far from over. In fact, it is just beginning.

While Roe v. Wade is gone, the Connecticut statute that permits the killing of unborn children in our state is still law. It may take us as long to repeal "the 1990 law" as it took us to repeal Roe v. Wade.

The good news is that it is possible. In fact, if the repeal of Roe v. Wade was possible, anything is possible. Even in Connecticut.

2023 is proof of that. For the first time since before the pandemic, Connecticut's pro-abortion lobby suffered multiple defeats at the hands of pro-life groups like FIC.

The Abortion Tourism Bill would have fleeced Connecticut taxpayers out of $2 million annually to pay to fly women from pro-life states to Connecticut for abortions. The bill went down in flames. So did a resolution to put a radically permissive abortion right into our state constitution.

The recent victories of Connecticut's pro-lifers were, of course, downplayed by abortion activists and local media. But the truth has a way of making itself heard.

Check out the mural behind this pro-abortion Democrat press conference. Notice anything unusual about it?

The only Connecticut woman on the mural is former Gov. Ella Grasso. She was a pro-life Democrat.

Perhaps (for those who believe in such things) Grasso's intercession helped us defeat the expansion of Medicaid funding for out-of-state women’s abortions this year. Her image is so off-message for the pro-abortion press conference, it feels almost like a sign.

We will need all sorts of signs and wonders in the years ahead, if we here in Connecticut are to build on the opportunities created by the overturning of Roe v. Wade. Pray for them. Continue the hard work that you are already doing.

And take inspiration from the heroes who brought about the overturning of Roe. "Legacy of Life," an anthology of essays about those heroes, will be published in a few days. FIC's own Peter Wolfgang is one of the authors. You can purchase the book here.

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The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations.  FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.



Family Institute of Connecticut

The Family Institute of Connecticut (FIC) is composed of three distinct organizations. FIC Action is an 501(c)(4) social welfare organization which undertakes lobbying in defense of marriage and the family. FIC Action Committee is a registered state political action committee that was created in 2004 to help support pro-family candidates to CT state government. Family Institute of Connecticut is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit educational organization founded in 1989 to focus on marriage strengthening projects, educational efforts, and research.
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Amy Williams

Love the FIC- very effective group- they are a good model to follow.
Thank you, FIC!

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