Est. 1802 ·

Why Does Greenwich Still Have A "Social Distancing" Sign In A Public Park In 2024?

Binney Park, Greenwich, February 8, 2024.

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What an embarrassment!

It's 2024, and the Town of Greenwich STILL has a social distancing sign posted in Binney Park.

The sign is not just an eyesore in this otherwise beautiful, well-maintained and picturesque park, it's a constant reminder of years of miserable covid tyranny that was never rooted in science, but was all about control [and stealing an election with mail-in voting].

"Stand six feet apart with your mask on," they said.

"Follow the tape arrows on the floor," they said.

"It's for your safety," they said.

But it turns out the social distancing guidelines were just made up—quite literally out of thin air—and mask science was nonsense too!

In fact, Congressman Brad Wenstrup, Chairman of the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic Chairman, said that Fauci revealed "the social distancing recommendations forced on Americans ‘sort of just appeared’ and were likely not based on scientific data" during his two days of testimony before the Subcommittee in January.

We shared Wenstrup's press release about Fauci's testimony with Greenwich First Selectman Fred Camillo on January 10, 2024, and asked him to remove the ugly propaganda from Greenwich parks.

"With that knowledge, I wonder if you could finally remove all of the social distancing signs from our town, including Binney Park.  

It’s really quite an eyesore to be constantly reminded that our own government waged a propaganda war on us, and that far too many people blindly followed along with guidance that never made any sense."

Want to know what Camillo said?


In fact, he didn't even bother responding to the email.

It's hardly the first time we've complained to Camillo about covid propaganda.

We sat down with him over two years ago to explain how the science behind covid was getting censored, the dangers of masks (especially for young children), the known and unknown risks of covid shots, why vaccine mandates were absolutely unethical and immoral, and more.

But he wasn't exactly fond of us, or our tactics.

Word on the street is that he is apparently still holding a grudge because we made memes of him breaking his very own social distancing and mask rules at the same time when children were forced to wear masks all day long at school while surrounded by useless plexiglass jail cells and spread six feet apart from their peers for no scientific reason whatsoever. How many of our children were chastised and lectured for breaking the social distancing and mask rules when our elected officials, including Camillo, frequently flaunted the rules? The hypocrisy was absolutely maddening!

Source: Greenwich Public Schools

One of the memes we shared involved a photo taken at a private event where Camillo, Board of Education member Laura Kostin and others were seen engaged in lively conversation, mask free and not at all socially distanced. This event happened at a time when masks and social distancing were in effect and enforced for the rest of town, including children in school. Rules for thee...

Another meme featured a photo of Camillo at a fundraiser, standing arm-in-arm with Selectwoman Lauren Rabin, Town Clerk Jackie Budkins and other friends from town, with a quote from Camillo. Everyone was unmasked and smiling in the photo, but days later when students were back in school, masks and social distancing were in full effect. The Patriots, of course, were on a mission at that time to unmask our kids. The Greenwich Patch asked Camillo, after the uproar we had been making, what he thought about masks. He said:

"The American Journal of Medicine, the New England Journal of Medicine, the Annals of Internal Medicine, the CDC, the local health department, state health department, Greenwich Hospital... Everybody can't be wrong on this."

Except they were wrong.

All of them!

How much physical and psychological damage did that cause? How many parents are still dealing with the fallout, and have children in therapy with speech issues, depression and more?

Don't even get us started on the learning loss!

Why was it so hard to get elected officials at the time to care about the damage being inflicted on our children in the name of "science"? Do they even feel bad about blindly mandating draconian lockdown procedures based on bad science, or in the case of social distancing, a total lack of science?

What about those who mocked Greenwich Patriots as conspiracy theorists for pointing out the correct, factual information on these topics, for exposing how elementary school children were being forced to eat lunch while socially-distanced on the cold ground in the middle of winter, and more?

We begged and pleaded to end the social distancing and mask insanity because of the obvious harms to children, but we didn't exactly get support from Camillo. Or the Board of Education. Or the PTAs. Or the PTA Council. Or the Greenwich Board of Health. Or the RTM, the town's legislative body. And we definitely didn't get support from RTM Member James Waters, whose Facebook group doxxed all of the members of our community who cared enough to sign a petition asking the RTM to unmask our children. Kind of a lousy thing to do to his own neighbors, wasn't it?

Screenshot from Facebook, with names, addresses and signatures of petition signers cropped for privacy. (November 12, 2021)

No one who had power at the time seemed willing to challenge the obviously flawed narrative on covid, even once they realized it was nonsense, much to the disappointment of those who took the time to do their own research and actually knew better.

So, yeah, the stupid social distancing sign is still planted in Binney Park today, February 8, 2024, and serves as an ever present reminder that the Town of Greenwich, like so many others, completely caved to covid medical tyranny under Camillo's leadership.

It's frustrating that Camillo doesn't seem to be in a rush to remove the propaganda, either, despite being notified a month ago about how Fauci admitted they just made up social distancing without scientific data.

And despite the fact that the pandemic declaration in Connecticut expired on May 11, 2023, a full 272 days ago. That's 8 months to get the job done.

Pretty please, Fred, can we take down the covid propaganda already?

Screenshot, GigaCalculator

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Greenwich Patriots

Greenwich Patriots organized in 2021 to help protect medical freedom, to preserve parental rights, and especially to stand up for children in schools in Greenwich, Connecticut. Learn more and join the newsletter here:
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