• World Economic Forum Globalists Call For "Governments And Business To Double Down On Climate Action"

    October 11, 2024

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    Insufferable climate activist Greta Thunberg must be one of the few people delighted to hear the news that the World Economic Forum wants to start doubling their efforts to combat the elusive and unproven bogeyman, climate change.

    Ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference known as "COP29" a group of 112 CEOs and executives from the Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders shared an open letter urging other world leaders to join them on this latest climate action.

    The Alliance represents a combined $4 trillion in revenue, 12 million employees and 12 industries that have already committed to "accelerating" corporate climate action.

    The letter starts off by reaffirming the globalists' stance that all global leaders must submit to the Paris Agreement goals which include limiting global warming to 1.5°C, focusing on 'renewable' energy and eliminating the use of fossil fuels altogether.

    The Alliance is making four specific policy asks to regulators and policy-makers ahead of COP29 to "improve the business case for climate action and spur investment" including:

    1. Upgrade Nationally Determined Contributions, which are the plans that countries created under the Paris Agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to "climate change";
    2. Scale up climate financing "from billions to trillions" by (e.g., expand carbon pricing, phase out fossil fuel subsidies);
    3. Remove transition obstacles to deliver on COP28 pledges (e.g., eliminate permits for renewable energy so it can grow, stop energy growth from fossil fuel investments); and
    4. Support "breakthrough" renewable technologies.

    "Governments cannot act alone: we call on fellow business leaders to commit strategically and financially to net zero," urges the globalist Alliance. "The climate crisis is just one of many challenges facing us – from biodiversity and poverty to food systems and global health."

    "What unites these issues is the need for urgent collaborative action to ensure a just and equitable transition and avert systemic shocks," asserts the Alliance.

    An "equitable transition" eh?

    By the way, when Trump was in office, he stood up to the globalist climate cult and announced his intentions to withdraw from the Paris Agreement on June 1, 2017.

    But shortly after Biden took office, on February 19, 2021, he rejoined the globalist climate cult. The Trump announcement on the Paris Agreement was even removed the White House website.

    Trump has promised to once again exit the Paris Agreement should he win in November.

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