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Connecticut Attorney General Tong has been a busy man as of late, touring the capitol and coastal sanctuary cities to reassure Connecticut’s foreign born population that they will be protected from the coming storm that is the Trump administration’s enforcement of federal immigration law.
This issue may seem like flagrant scofflaw behavior to many, but while the particulars of it ooze with classic 20th century pathological egalitarianism, the fundamentals are rooted in the 200-year-old practice of nullification. The nation's enemies have studied our history, and they now use it against us. Thousands of words could be devoted to unpacking this matter, but what is important to answer right now about the grand tour of our illustrious public servant is why he is actually doing it.
Is this tour of immigration strongholds a duty of the AG? What exactly is his job? Is this office he currently heads (funded by the taxes of the state citizenry) intended to function as a crisis counselor for immigrants? Can any legal justification whatsoever be found for the Attorney General to be operating in this manner? The exact duties of the office are clearly spelled out in state law, as has been previously noted in the CT Centinal by Mr. Bob Swick, but Mr. Tong has blatantly undertaken an agenda far outside those enumerated assignments. What recourse does the Citizenry have in this situation where their elected official has established his own additional duties? Essentially none, since Mr. Tong is a member in good standing of the state power structure. Are you enjoying our democracy yet, Citizen?
With no perceivable legal obligation to explain his actions, I must conclude that Mr. Tong has some manner of personal or ideological interest he is pursuing by agitating foreign residents against federal governance.
Unshackled from traditional conservative thought constrains, I was able to ascertain that it is indeed the former for Mr Tong.
He repeatedly proclaims his own immigrant background in his official biography on the state website, and clearly Mr. Tong is very proud of his roots; “Tong is the oldest of five children and grew up working side-by-side with his immigrant parents in their family’s Chinese restaurant.” Then we see the following paragraph celebrate the landmark of “the first Asian American elected to any state office in Connecticut history, and the first Chinese American to be elected Attorney General nationwide.”
While devotion to one’s heritage and origin is a commendable characteristic, one cannot help but wonder if we are seeing Mr. Tong struggle with a significant conflict of interest here. Can Mr. Tong properly represent the interests of the state and its native born citizens when he identifies so strongly with the immigrant population from which he sprang?
Clearly he is unable to determine the difference between legal immigrants (like his parents?) and illegal immigrants that he now seeks to protect, so this is another indicator that Mr. Tong’s emotions are clouding his judgment on this matter.
China? Has not our national leadership been warning of conflict with China for some time now?
No nothing to see here, and if you see anything that warrants further discussion then you're a bigot, and as we all know discussion is un-American, and bigots are not allowed in our beloved democracy.
I would venture a guess that Mr. Tong has never in his life been questioned on his sound and impartial judgment being effected by his origin. Why would he be, when the woke mind virus has long commanded us all to accept “diversity” as our one true god? In this world of pregnant men and woman war fighters, it would have been unthinkable for the question of such conflicts of interest to even arise during the AG campaign. Lets hope they do before actual conflicts arise with foreign nations half the world over.