• Greenwich High School Library "Election Season" Book Display Features Plenty Of Left-Leaning Titles

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    The Greenwich High School Media Center has a special display for election season, full of more than 60 thought provoking titles to entice high schoolers to develop an interest in politics, and vote if they're old enough.

    There are biographies, speeches, and narratives about and/or authored by former presidents, including Dwight D. Eisenhower, John F. Kennedy, Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, George H.W. Bush, George W. Bush, and Barack Obama, as well as other political figures like Sam Adams, John Lewis, and Martin Luther King, Jr.

    Books about the campaign trail, like one about Obama's 2008 election, and Hillary's delusional take on "what happened" in 2016. Also included is Hillary's book with daughter Chelsea about women who inspired them.

    And books by political theorists like Benjamin Barber, left-wing talking heads like Lawrence O'Donnell and Bill Moyers, and fake news outlets like the New York Times.

    A number of books talk about women's suffragists, the fight for women to vote and the on-going "struggle" to expand voting rights. There's even an older book on a subject many people do not believe happens -- voter fraud.

    There are multiple books about how so-called voter suppression works, including One Person, No Vote, which suggests that requiring photo ID to vote, for instance, amounts to voter suppression. And here we thought photo ID could be used to ensure the integrity of our elections!

    The author, Carol Anderson, has also written about how our country allegedly still suffers from "structural racism" in her book, White Rage... which reminds us about another book in the GHS display, Unequal: A Story of America, in which the author claims structural racism still runs rampant in the US.

    Then there's a "Nonpartisan Guide" on what you should know about politics and "misinformation" in politics. Books that explain the history of American democracy, how congress and presidential elections work, the system of checks and balances in government, and the importance of third parties... like socialists.

    A couple books argue that the US Constitution is flawed and needs to be changed.

    There are books on "current controversies" surrounding "Nativism, Nationalism, and Patriotism" and "Political Extremism in the United States" that are, of course, tied to the election of Donald Trump in 2016.

    In fact, nearly all of the books about Donald Trump are negative, biased and full of misinformation.

    Like the hit piece titled, Unpresidented: A Biography of Donald Trump, by Martha Brockenbrough.

    Here are some excerpts from the School Library Journal review: "Reality star-turned-controversial President Donald Trump was born into privilege... Trump supporters may call this book biased, as scandal is never far from Trump's business dealings or political career... The author handles sensitive issues (Trump's misogynistic language and sexual assault accusations, for example) in a manner that's appropriate for teens." The 2018 book even includes "a list of Russia connections" presumably meant to keep the phony Russia collusion hoax alive.

    Kirkus Reviews described Unpresidented as a "tale of both moral and literal bankruptcy" and "a thorough, timely guide to a wretched hive of scum and villainy" of Donald Trump.  

    The book, Together We Rise: Behind the Scenes at the Protest Heard Around the World, details the "remarkable uprising" of women who marched to oppose Trump the day after he took office in 2017. This is the march where Madonna said she'd thought an "awful lot" about blowing up the White House.

    Another book, See Jane Win, covers how liberal women responded to Trump's first presidency: "First came the sadness; then came the rage, the activism, and the protests; and, finally, for thousands of women, the next step was to run for office," says the description.

    The Steal: The Attempt to Overturn the 2020 Election and the People Who Stopped It pushes the farcical notion that Biden legitimately won 2020, despite mountains of evidence to the contrary.

    There is a single book that covers Trump from an unbiased perspective, The United States of Trump, but otherwise, there's an apparent progressive bias among the chosen titles on the shelves.

    Considering that Greenwich Public Schools is a member of the left-wing American Library Association (ALA), the progressive bias in the political book display should not at all be a surprise.

    The ALA, which has been run by Marxists for years, offers plenty of advice to member libraries on how to create enticing book displays and how to get readers "voter ready" on its website. As a reminder, this is the same organization says that children have a "right to read" pornographic books and views the library as a recruiting ground for budding progressive activists.

    Screenshot, ALA

    P.S. In order to "rock the vote" this year, the ALA partnered with the progressive League of Women Voters, the same organization that conducted voter registration drives, in an apparent violation of BOE policy, outside of every school in the district on Open House nights.

    Coincidentally, the League also calls for eliminating photo ID, so it probably very much appreciates seeing all those books on the shelf that suggest requiring a photo ID is tantamount to voter suppression. Instead of a protection against illegal immigrants from voting in elections.

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