Est. 1802 ·

BOE In Westport CT Playing Politics With Children’s Education

October 28, 2022
Chairman Goldstein at the BoE Meeting on 10/25 (screenshot from video recording)

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The Board of Education (BOE) meetings in Westport CT are becoming a battle field in the war to defend American values.

During the past two years, the seven members of the BOE have presented mostly an image of internal agreement and civility when facing concerned parents that frequently comment on and complain about the indoctrination practices of the Public Schools Administration.

The unanimity that seemed to accompany every proposal brought to the Board for a vote, ended three weeks ago, when parents’ complaints about the promotion of pornographic material in the Staples High School Library brought the Board proceedings to a halt.

The four Democrats and the three Republicans met behind closed doors in executive session with lawyers, presumably to discuss the legal implications of a response to the parents concerns. When they came out and started the public session, the tension between the two parties was evident.

The point of friction was the decision by a Democrat, Chairman Lee Goldstein, not to include in the agenda the topic of sexually explicit materials in the schools’ libraries. By doing so, she denied the Republican members the opportunity to discuss in public an issue of clear importance for the community.

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On Tuesday, Ms. Goldstein used the same political tactics to freeze the discussion that two Republican members wanted to have on the introduction of a special mission statement on Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as part of the implementation plan of an Equity Study which has been very controversial since its inception.

It is obvious that the Chairman of the Board is trying to prevent any discussion on how schools should regulate sexually explicit materials. She knows that parents, independently of political affiliation, are outraged when there are attempts to sexualize their children.

Furthermore, Ms. Goldstein does not want to discuss the radical-left ideology which is behind the plans to implement the Equity Study that she has been promoting for years, and is now using raw political power to pressure her opponents on the Board to keep silent while she allows for the indoctrination of our children at the expense of their safety and well-being.

Camilo Riano is a technology and management consultant who has worked for several management consulting firms, the state of Georgia, the city of New York, and the United Nations. He lives in Westport, CT with his wife and four children, and is strongly committed to the fight against indoctrination and the relentless attacks on their American values.

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Diana Barahona

Parents should file FOIA requests looking for secret grants to the school district. One woman who did this discovered the reason many districts kept schools closed and tortured returning children with masks and pushed injections was because they had gotten millions of dollars from the federal government to do so.

Carmen Miranda

The first 15 minutes of commentary at every BOE meeting are the funniest fascist freak show on TV. We always tune in to watch you failed nuns lose their shit. Keep it up. You’re hilarious.

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